MINECRAFT: The Story of Steve the Hermit: How It All Began (The Book 1) by Steve Ranger Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter 2: Steve's Life


It was a warm, windless morning. Sun rays were slipping on a sprawling tree, illuminating everything around with the warm, soft and beautiful light of dawn. When Steve finally opened his eyes and tried to get up, he saw that the sun had already come out of the clouds. He managed to get up quickly and without any issues, and started to look around. A large lake was next to him, inhabited by some kind of animals with long tentacles.  

In the far distance there was a stretched-out valley, covered in thick grass and various flowers. The forest surrounded the valley from all sides: front, back, left and right. “I have to get to the valley; it looks far more appealing than all this endless and bleak forest,” thought Steve. But to get to the valley, he had to cross the lake. It was of considerable size, and circumventing it would be very time-consuming and quite unwise. Steve started thinking, trying to come up with a plan to get to the cherished valley. It was impossible to swim across the lake – first of all, it would be way too tiring, and second of all, the monsters, with their long tentacles, were pretty unnerving. What if they attacked him while he was swimming? The solution dawned on Steve once his gaze fell upon the trees. He went over to a tree and struck it, again and again. Soon, cracks started spreading across the whole tree block, and after a few more hits the block was broken. The block immediately turned into a tiny log cube that Steve could carry with him. After gathering six blocks this way, he tried stripping bark from them; he got something resembling planks from this primitive treatment process. By fastening four tiny plank cubes together, he built something like a workbench, which could be used for woodwork. A few blocks of wood were used to make the necessary resource-gathering tools.

Now he had a wooden pick, an axe and a shovel. After cutting down a few more trees, he started making a boat, which he was going to use to cross the lake. It was obvious to him what he had to do – after fastening the cubes in a shape resembling a washtub and testing the durability of his new product, Steve took his workbench with him, went to the lake, lowered his boat into the water and carefully took a seat. He had to use his hands to row. Steve s looking at the creatures in the water the whole time, but they had no intention of attacking him. They were just swimming at the lake’s bottom peacefully, lazily moving their tentacles about. After reaching the shore, Steve docked carefully and got out of the boat. He was right to choose this place – it was beautiful and fit for living; well-worth the trouble.