MINECRAFT: The Story of Steve the Hermit: How It All Began (The Book 1) by Steve Ranger Jr. - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: Steve Decides to Start His Own Farm


As Steve was cutting down the trees and foliage, little sprouts were falling out; he gathered them and brought them home, too. Now that he had all kinds of different sprouts in his chest, Steve could start planting trees near his house – and so he did exactly that. Now he started thinking about how he could get that little pig out from the pit and start a farm. He came up with a cunning plan; if, as the pig was running away from him all the time, he could dig a trench in the pit and bring the animal home. After which he could put a fence around the place, suitable for a farm. And so he did just that: he made a whole network of trenches and pits, being the resourceful person that he was. He could see other pigs wandering about his house, so he dug trenches and pits across the whole perimeter and then linked them to the main tunnel. “There will be many pigs wandering into the tunnel during the night, and in the morning I’ll drive them all to the farm.” He made a porch and the remaining steps so that it would be more comfortable to enter the house.

Dusk was coming… He needed torches for attracting animals and for in-house lighting. He managed to make torches by attaching some charcoal to sticks. Steve knew how to create fire the natural way: he needed flint, and flint, obviously, could be found in gravel.   Luckily, he had noticed some gravel next to an ore deposit of some kind while coal mining in the cave. He took his shovel, his pickaxe and some torches and went to the cave. “I could find what kind of ore that was, too,” he thought. After harvesting some flint and gravel, he started striking the walls of the cave with flint while holding the torch in his other hand. After a few failed attempts, a spark flew out, falling on the torch, which immediately lit up and illuminated a part of the cave. The cave’s hidden depths did not tempt Steve, at least for now. He attached the torch to the wall and started mining the yellow ore. He found four cubes behind just one. There were two deposits at once there.  Taking only two samples with him, he hurried home, but without forgetting to take his burning torch with him. After he came home, Steve immediately placed the torches in the corners of the first floor and lit them up with the burning one, stored the harvested resources in the chest,  then went upstairs to the second floor and quietly went to sleep, turning his back to the wall. Pigs slowly approached the house, gazing at the light produced by the torches. It meant that the next morning a small present would be waiting for Steve: his own pig farm.