Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 22


The following morning...

Maeya and I have taken a long walk from the village to the lake where we first met. It's such a beautiful day! There's a gentle cool breeze coming off the lake, it feels so refreshing. The small clouds are so white and billowy, casting shadows that move across the surface of the lake as they drift overhead. We're slowly walking along the shore of the lake and I'm showing her where I first went fishing, and telling her how I fell in trying to grab the fish with my hands. Following that story with the one about the raccoon, I'm thinking that she will laugh to tears! She tells me, I sure wish I could have arrived earlier in the day to watch you!

I find a raised grassy mound to sit on near the shore. She sits directly in front of me and removes the tie that keeps her hair pulled back. She leans backward, resting her head and body against my chest and places her hands on my knees. Wrapping my arms around her shoulders, I place my chin lightly on the top of her head and pull her close. We don't speak at all for a few minutes; we just take in every precious moment of time that we have together, watching the panorama of life around us. I'm feeling so many emotions stirring in me as I hold her so close!

She speaks and directs my attention to a particular life form and points out something about it that no one would ever casually notice. I think to myself that she probably knows enough about the life around us to fill an entire biological encyclopedia!

... I can't hold back my feelings for her any longer!

... The words just seem to flow effortlessly from my inner being... I whisper in her ear...

"Maeya, I love you with all of my heart and I wish to spend every day of the rest of my life with you in your world".

She's sitting so very still for a moment now, and I sense that tears are welling up in her eyes and are now running down her cheeks. I feel her body trembling slightly while I hold her close. She takes her hands from my knees and gently removes my arms from her shoulders. She stands up facing the lake, then turns around toward me. Standing up also, I wrap my arms around her above her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck, pulling herself towards me so that her entire body is pressing against mine. Our lips meet ever so softly. At this moment, it seems more than just a coincidence that every form of wildlife around us is suddenly stirring about, and is making so much noise!

After a few minutes our lips part and she tells me, while looking deep into my eyes... Zhimm, I do love you so very much... I’ve been waiting to hear those words from you. Placing my palms on her face, with my thumbs, I wipe the tears away from her eyes. I gently kiss her again. I smile, and say, Maeya, I'm so happy that you love me! Your love means more to me than you'll ever know. Standing on the shore, we embrace.

She quietly says, Let's head back to the village now. She takes the tie she had removed, pulls her hair back, and places it in her hair again. I smile to her and hold out my hand. Taking my hand, she rests her head against mine while we walk back along the shore. I am so overwhelmed by what has come to pass in my life. The most beautiful and fascinating woman I have ever known just said she loves me!