Maeya by Kent R. Burke - HTML preview

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Chapter 4


Slowly waking from a deep unconsciousness... feeling totally drained of energy, I struggle to get my bearings. I'm lying flat on my belly... my first thought… where am I? I'm spitting something that tastes terrible out of my mouth. Feeling totally soaked from head to foot, I nearly jump out of my skin as I hear a sharp crack and see a blinding flash of light through closed eyelids. This sure jolts me out of the fog my brain was in! Pushing up from the prone position, I attempt to look around to get my bearings. It's so dark that I can't make out anything visually. I feel like raindrops are pelting me. From all appearances, I seem to be in a rainstorm somewhere. I find myself in mud and what feels like tall grass, and realize it’s not a cold rain. The rain is rather warm; the temperature seems to feel around mid 70's... another flash of light and rumbling from a distance. This time I can see my immediate surroundings. Yes, I'm definitely in a rainstorm at night... tall grass and trees all around me are being blown about by the storm. Feeling my way around, I'm looking for shelter from the rain that seems to be pouring down in buckets. There's another flash of light, allowing me to see a thick grove of trees with a heavy canopy of foliage off in the distance. Turning toward the direction of the grove, I'm making my way as best I can through the tall grass. My shoes are totally soaked and the suction of the mud pulls them off my feet several times. I have to keep stopping along the way, groping behind me in the mud to retrieve my shoes. Slowly, I make my way towards the grove... my eyes being of no help to me. Every step takes great effort to proceed forward. Even if the flashes of light in the distance could help, the rain is coming down so hard it's getting in my eyes, blurring my vision. I trudge up a small rise where the groves of trees stand. The leafy canopy is keeping the majority of the force of the rain off of me. The ground is somewhat more stable here... at least it isn't a mud so thick that my shoes would pull off if I walked on it. I'm really not concerned about walking any further though.

The flashes of light are becoming more infrequent; the rumblings from the storm seem to be moving further away. The leafy canopy of the trees are blocking out what little light is to be had from the flashes. I'm totally alone... in nearly pitch darkness. I feel around for anything that could be used as a place to rest for a while. Between the strange unconsciousness I experienced before being jolted awake, and the physical effort it has taken to make my way to this grove, I'm feeling quite fatigued. I need a place to rest... anywhere that will provide shelter. Stumbling and feeling my way around, I find what appears to be a raised mound of some sort that is covered with short grass (from what can be felt with my hands). I lay down on the mound on my back. The warm rain that has found its way through the thick canopy is more of a mist now than a downpour. So tired... exhausted… can't help but drift off to sleep...