Mark of the Beast: Puzzle Master Saga Book Four by T.J. McKenna - HTML preview

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The year is 2020. Between the pandemic and politics it seems like we’d all like this year to be in the rearview mirror. I would urge all who have enjoyed the first three books in the Puzzle Master Saga to look at it differently. This was a year in which many people decided to make changes in their lives. Some found their way to the Lord, some found their way back, and others just smiled - knowing all along that He was in control. I dedicate this book in general to them all.

I also dedicate it more specifically to our three children. Some of the characters in this book might bear a physical resemblance to our kids, but virtually all of the characters are inspired by them in one way or another. If you find that the characters make you laugh, fill you with pride, or just plain frustrate the heck out of you … that’s our kids!