Martian Short Stories Three by Cliff Rhodes - HTML preview

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8. The War, the Dream, and the Reality of Multiplicity, Being in Two Places at One Time


The dreams came like a torrent, cascading out of the memories of Cynthia’s mind that would not let her sleep anymore. She turned over and over, then finally just got up and went to the kitchen for some coffee. The same thing  happened to Roberto. So, he decided to telephone Cynthia to see if she was having any of the same dreams. They finally made contact after dialing each others’ houses and getting busy signals. Roberto finally answered the phone and it was Cynthia. “Roberto, I’ve been trying to call you, but the line was always busy. I’ve got to talk to you, about some repeated and obsessive dreams that I’ve recently been having.”

“Cynthia, I’ve been doing the same thing, and it was me calling, trying to get through to you on the phone. I’ve been having this war dream, about some people in a far away place on another planet. It is almost like I was there in the midst of them, experiencing exactly what they have been experiencing, seeing the scenario unfold through their eyes. I think I have contacted mentally people from another planet.”

“Me too, I’ve been mentally fighting off the aliens, waves of them in their spaceships that were storming around the whole planet, making attacks on settlements of humans that are in these alien cities that have spires reaching up into the sky. Their buildings are like twisting architecture that pipes in sunlight to the underground dwellings. Strange shapes are everywhere in my mind, almost like I was actually there on another planet, experiencing some kind of warfare. Do you think it could be an ominous prediction of what will happen here on Earth?”

“Cynthia, I’ve been having the exact same dream, and I was using the artifact constantly, like it was almost a part of me. It seems like it was the only weapon that would work against the alien  invasion. What does this mean? Is it some kind of vision of the future, maybe something that could or is now happening to the Earth?”

“I don’t know Roberto, it’s like somebody has been visiting me, inside my body and my mind. I feel as if I already know this person, another abducted female that I’m inhabiting and seeing the same things that she sees. Do you have the same dream?”

“Yes, I’m fighting inside some other persons field of vision, but then I wake up, having killed thousands of some kind of alien beings.”

“It’s the same scenario, Roberto, only I’m just using my mind to locate and target the aliens, while you are using the artifact to zero in on their points of attack. It’s almost like we are  both  working together to locate and annihilate the alien beings that are attacking the planet, only it is not Earth in my dreams, but some other planet far away.”

In reality, there was a war going on around the Earth as well, but it was not being played out in the waking daylight hours of Roberto Clemson and Cynthia Urte, since all was quiet and there were no more attacks from the aliens and no more abductions, since Roberto had used the weapon against the two coordinated attacks against Cynthia from the overlooking hills. The two had gone back to their houses,  and the CIA cleaners had disposed of the evidence.  There  was nothing for the newspapers to find, and no bodies anywhere to be discovered by people visiting the park.

The same bizarre scenario was being played out on the far distant planet ‘e’ in the Trappist-1 system. Annaleah Arlington and Marco Madison had been having very strange dreams about being back on Earth and fighting a raging battle against the Andropod aliens who had been abducting humans from there too.

“Marco, I’ve been having the strangest dreams that I’m in two places at one time, here and also on Earth, targeting the aliens that were once harassing humans like me and taking them captive. Are  you having any strange dreams like me?”

“Yes, Annaleah, I’ve been killing thousands of Andropod aliens back on Earth, in a dream state, almost as if I am inhabiting the body of some other Earth human. We’ve been targeting them in outer  space, even before they move their spaceships out of orbit to land on Earth and take up the humans into their birthing pods. It is so strange to be almost like I’m in two places at one time.”

“But it’s calm here now and there have not been any more reported sightings of the alien spacecrafts. They seem to all have suddenly disappeared.”

“Let’s get a report from Dr. Tony and see if they or the Artificial Intelligence, Esther X23, know of anything that is happening here on the planet ‘e’ or in and around the city of Amordenrado.”

They placed a call through to the governmental authorities and found out through the computer entity, Esther-X23, that it had been very calm for the last twenty-four hours, since the alien had been killed and the discovery of the powers of the artifact weapon that Marco had in his possession. They scanned the orbiting satellites and there were no sightings at all of anymore of the Andropod aliens. Their orbiting pod ships were nowhere to be found, and a detailed search was authorized by the government to Esther-X23, giving full responsibility to the Artificial Intelligence to coordinate all attacks by missile if necessary. None were to be found, and a stand-down order was given. The alien task force was nowhere to be seen, although before the beginning of the current periodic sequence of work, there were no references to spaceships from the Andropod aliens that had been detected. The last signature observed was now a fading element and the exact location could not be determined. The aliens had left  and gone elsewhere, maybe to another solar system.

Annaleah seemed to focus on the view from her building that she had climbed up into, a spire that had a stairway leading up into the outer bright daylight air, a daytime that was always present on the planet ‘e’, since it was tidally locked in orbit around the brown dwarf solar body. The sunlight was not so bright, because the twist in the architecture barely caught the warming rays of the diminished brilliance of the solar body at an angle, always in a gray area, where it was not burning hot or freezing cold. Marco had joined her, climbing up the spiral staircase after her, wanting to communicate some kind of new phenomenon that had begun to obsess his mind.

“Hi Marco, glad you could join me up here. You know, I think that we are no longer fighting a war in the reality of our mental waking hours, but another battle that wages inside the minds of all humans and aliens alike. We are jousting with each other now, within the mental spaces and along a series of astral projections that are not in the current reality, only in dreams and visions of a sleep cycle,” said Annaleah, gazing into the distance below.

He held her hand and said, “You may be right, and I’ve been thinking the exact same thing, only we are fighting a battle on Earth and maybe somebody else is fighting our battles here on the distant planet ‘e’ in the Trappist-1 system. We seem to be  connected  mentally and physically in some other dimensional space, a reality just the same, but existing inside some kind of  dream  scenario.  Somebody is helping us to mentally and humanly fight our adversaries, while at the same exact time we are fighting their own nemesis within our private dreamscape, living on a completely different planetary world.”

“Yes, but they will wake up and still be on Earth, while we are to remain here forty light-years away on a bizarre world that is neither in light nor dark, always in twilight on the border of an intense heat but not within the confines of an abysmal cold.”

“Annaleah, we are together and would not have been brought here if it had not been all part of a much broader plan to be able to help others from Earth, who have been taken and to fight those who did it.”

“I feel that we are safe right now, but what about all the others that are on that ship and others just like it?  They are still there, but just   out of sight. How can we fight against something we cannot see now, even in a dream, since it does not materialize?”

“I don’t know, but maybe we can ask the Artificial Intelligence if she knows something that we don’t. What has happened to the Andropod aliens, all the space ships that were full of birthing pods, full of humans just like us that are still in danger.?”

The two of them descended the spiral staircase that wound back down into the depths below, safe from the intense heat and radiation of the nearby brown dwarf star. They could not stay up very long, even  in the protected areas of the spiral structures of the light and heat exchangers, or they would get too much radiation. The unit changers magnified and gradually concentrated the angles of light that sent reflected illumination into the vast reaches below.

Annaleah and Marco went together to visit a module of an Artificial Intelligence central location, where they could more easily talk with one of the humanoid representations that could manifest itself out of a wall and form into a touchable unit that was inhabited by the representation of the mind of the computer entity. They had several questions that could not be posed, simply by thinking of them. They wanted to vocalize their exact questions and get concrete answers.

Marco touched the screen in the a local kiosk at the nearby shopping center, and a hologram appeared and entered into the visual and physical unit that detached itself from the wall of the cubicle. It appeared in full form, once the authentication and download had electronically taken place. Marco pressed the talk phase button that signaled the AI to give audible verbal responses.

“Hello Marco and Annaleah, I’m at your service.  How may I  help you? I’m representing Esther-X23 again, just as the previous  form that you first encountered at the government laboratory with Technician Alba Lumaren. She will also be able to join us on a conference call, if that is what you wish. Otherwise, I  will  just answer, as you please.”

“No, Esther-X23, it will not be necessary to take her away from her work. She might be busy. We  really  just  wanted  to  talk,  actually and specifically with you, as an AI computer unit.  You   might be able to find all the answers and give the response that we are looking for,” Annaleah told the now visible computer entity.

“Very well, I’m very aware of some of the questions you might be thinking about, just because the Sensatron Resonator has given me the brain wave signals and origins of the problem areas. You seek to find out why the Andropod Aliens have disappeared, where they can be located, and what can be done about the other humans who were abducted and remain within the incubation pods on board their spaceship.”

“Yes, that is correct, Esther-X23,” said Marco.

“I’m afraid that I cannot help with this problem, since the situation has digressed into that of human dreams and a mental and spiritual realm of which I am unable to enter. Even the Sensatron Resonator cannot detect or go where it has no origin points, no data in which to gather evidence, and certainly no recorded conversations that the brain can translate into wavelengths. I cannot interpret phenomena that is totally supernatural in its existence. If you had a real conversation or some kind of experience in reality, then I might be able to analyze the recorded events. As it is, I don’t see what you don’t see. You are  either imagining something within a dreamscape, or have some kind of spiritual connection with other humans at a different location.”

“That’s the thing, Esther-X23,” said Annaleah. “ I think that we are fighting a battle on Earth, and at the same time, some other humans are fighting battles here on the planet ‘e’, but it is within our dreams. How do you analyze that phenomenon and encode it into our reality, and how can we possibly get back to Earth?”

“You cannot go back to Earth, Annaleah. That has already been explained by the good Doctor, Anthony Mathias Grünfeld.  It has  been recorded that he translated to you the specific information, indicating we don’t have the capability to travel through space as the Andropod Aliens do, breaching the fabric of space and time and cutting light years off the voyage. They seem to be far advanced, in  the engineering of space vehicles than are the humans and Artificial Intelligence on this planet.”

“Can’t you read the computers on their spacecraft? You told us that you interfered with their incubation pods, to enable us to escape. You said that it was all choreographed by you, to allow us to leave the pods and come to this planet from the jump ship,” Marco said.”

“Yes, I did interfere to some extent and enable your escape, just as I have for hundreds of other victims, but my resources are limited.   I’m just an electronic being, but you both are human and capable of much more than a mere computer entity. I’ll have to insist that you look elsewhere for answers to your questions.  It is a spiritual thing  not a physical thing, and I might even venture a visit with the Psychiatrist, Doctor Anthony Mathias Grünfeld. He may be able to give you some insight into the field of imagination and spiritual phenomenon that are encapsulated within the dreamscape of human sleep. To be having an experience of multiplicity and being in two places at one time, is not my cup of tea. I’ll defer to the good doctor for that textbook reference. He is quite a capable scientist and will be able to analyze your moods, more so than I will ever be able to. A good psychoanalysis may be in order. It would not be out of the question. Dreams and imagined phenomenon are not data equatable nor are they measurable.”

“It was not imagined. Marco and I had exactly the same dreams, that of fighting on Earth and helping those who remain to keep from being abducted by the Andropod aliens there,” said Annaleah.

“For it to have been a real event, not simply imagined, you would need to have been communicating superluminal, not currently possibly even with the technology of Amordenrado, and not capable with any of my Artificial Intelligence.  I can authorize the brain wave function of humans to be estimated and encoded by advanced subatomic quantum computing ability, but I cannot enter the field of spirituality. That is better left up to your local church and pastor, referring to human Christians, who might be able to better help you with prayer and supplication, entertaining the notions of God, not simply electrons. If spiritual communication exists on a superluminal level, it does not rely on our physical reality here on planet ‘e’ in the Trappist-1 system.”

“Thank you X23, we will discuss what our options are with Dr. Tony and get back to you. The information  we received has been  very valuable and productive.” Marco pushed the button that would return the Esther-X23 Artificial Intelligence android unit back into the niche of the wall, where it had the humanoid form stored for its personal use.

“Well that went well, although I don’t think we are any closer to Earth or saving the thousands and thousands of humans that are still encased in the Andropod birthing chambers on their very far-advanced spaceships. Why couldn’t the Artificial Intelligence just copy all the technology from the alien spaceship and build one?” asked Annaleah.

“It does appear that we are being stonewalled by  the  AI.  Humans have more means at their disposal than simply electrons, just like she said. Annaleah, let’s go and visit our church first, then see Dr. Tony.”

“OK, we might be able to get valuable information that could translate into some degree of solution oriented thinking. I’ve about  had it with all the brain wave analysis of the Sensatron Resonator. Let’s get some concrete spiritual advice from someone who knows the scriptures and the Bible. Science does not have all the answers. At least that way, when I am dreaming, I’ll have a plan and see if I can achieve something.  I once heard that dreams can be controlled, at  least to some degree.  We may have a better chance in our dreams  than in the reality of a quantum computer,” said Annaleah.

They took the auto-transport to the local First Baptist Church of Amordenrado, via the tunnel fast train that had a direct connection to the center of the city. The approach was highly visual, weaving at a very fast pace through lighted overhead window canopies that peered out into the world above, but not allowing the direct sunlight to glare into the windows of the train ceiling.  It presented a myriad of the   city landscapes of Amordenrado, that included  parks  encased  in glass that were framed by the spires above, letting diminished light transfuse the shadows below into gradations of blended colorful grays. They arrived quickly at the exit for the church, and an underground automated pathway made walking unnecessary. They approached the office of Reverend Frank Gressett, a Baptist preacher who had been abducted more than five years ago from his walk with his little Chihuahua dog, along a rural highway on Earth. He still had the dog, and it greeted them as they entered his office, wagging its tail and giving a little bark. It was not aggressive, but still mouthed an introduction for the visitors.

“Now, now, Chi Chi, let them alone. They’re not aliens, at least not Andropod alien demons. Hello, I’m Frank Gressett, the Minister  of the church here in Amordenrado. I’ve been here for about five years, ever since me and Chi Chi got abducted and put into stasis on that awful spaceship that the aliens used in human incubation for their abominable   reproductive larvae.   How may I help you?    I’m here for all your spiritual needs, and invite you to attend our regular worship services on Sunday morning.”

“Hello, Rev. Gressett, I’m Marco Madison and this is my wife, Annaleah. We were abducted a short time ago and have been treated very kindly here on the planet ‘e’ in the city of Amordenrado. We’d like to ask you a few questions about some strange dreams we have both been having.  It relates to some incidences back on Earth and  here as well, involving the aliens and how to fight them. I’m the one in possession of the artifact that was found at the maintenance building, just after we jumped from the spaceship and were looking for some shelter and clothing. I’m the one who killed the alien in full view of  the public. You might be familiar with my picture on all the news media broadcast viewers.”

“Yes, I know who you are, because I’m the one who married the two of you. At least it was broadcast remotely, due to my current obligations with many others who got married all at the same time. There seems to be a rash of marriages on this planet, and I’m the only qualified Baptist minister that has been abducted so far. The Lord works in mysterious and miraculous ways, giving me the opportunity to still serve my fellow Christians, even though I am forty light-years from Earth. What can I do for you?”

“We are having the same dream, and I also think that others on Earth are also having similar dreams, helping us to fight against the Andropod aliens. We help them and they help us. How is that even possible?” asked Annaleah.

“Well, the spiritual part of humanity is very multifaceted, and the experience  of interference  by God to help us is not something new.  In the New Testament, Peter was freed from prison, his chains actually fell off, and he walked free out of the prison.  Let me show it to you.   It explains it all right here in the Bible. Acts 12:7, ‘And, behold, the angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison: and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, saying, Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands.’  So, you see, the Lord works  in mysterious ways, making the impossible possible and the unreachable reachable. There is no distance too great for the Lord in which to work miracles. Even though we are now forty light-years from Earth, Jesus Christ is still right here on this alien plant. I don’t know about you, but for me, an angel came and visited me, taking off the chains of the aliens and causing  me to be set free.  I’m not the  only one, there are literally thousands of us here on this planet, who have escaped. If in your dreams you are helping others, and they are helping you, it is because God made it so. I know that the AI, Esther- X23, says she made it possible for us all to escape, but I say that it was God, who gave her the initiative to program herself to do it.”

They talked about a lot of things. Marco and Annaleah told him  all about how the alien was killed and the details of their escape, even the conversations they had with Esther-X23.

“You might be right Rev. Frank, so thanks for the advice and we’ll see you back here on Sunday morning,” said Marco. They walked out and back to the train, taking the scenic route just like the first time, passing through all the beautiful parks of the city of Amordenrado.

That night they both dreamed again, visiting their like-minded human contacts, who somehow had dreams aligned  with theirs.  It  was a notable event, in that the four humans teamed up with far distant individuals for the same purpose, that of eradicating the threat to the human species by Andropod Aliens, which were targeting both planets.

It seemed that everywhere the aliens went on the two far different planets, they were accosted by unfortunate circumstances that was unavoidable and disastrous for their species. The birthing incubation pods were thrown open, and the humans who occupied the boxes were disconnected from their chain of drugs and the comatose state of confinement. The alien directors of the operation were astounded by the events that occurred and could not contemplate what led up to the event of the freeing of the human slaves.  All their larvae that had  been embedded within the human bodies suddenly died and freed their hold on the souls and bodies of the humans. Everywhere, at least within the two solar systems, humans were leaving the birthing incubation chambers of the alien ships and finding their way to safe locations, away from alien influence and control.

Annaleah suddenly woke up and exclaimed in a loud voice, “They’re free. All the humans that had been taken  captive  are  leaving the alien incubation chambers and are finding safe places. They have even taken over the guidance systems of the alien spaceships and are returning back to Earth.”

The Collective Mind that at least encompassed the four Earth individual humans had spread its benevolent powers to open direct communication with the fleeing humans and realized that they had gained power over the alien hive of other worldly beings that were now afraid of their human captives.

All over the realm of their travels, the Andropod Aliens were losing their hold on the minds of captive humans. They no longer could hunt without worry, because the humans had become aware of their presence, thwarting the capture techniques. It was as if the four humans, two on Earth and the other two on the planet ‘e’, had formed the beginnings of a Collective Mind, defeating the mental processes of the alien hive culture. The alien mental superiority had been broken, and all human captives were now releasing themselves from the death grip that the aliens had upon them.

“It’s happening, Roberto,” said Cynthia, as she awoke from her dreams and had already called him to explain about the vision she received in the dream. “Human minds have thrown off their captive alien pursuers and are no longer able to be abducted by alien beings.   It is the mind that is the most important aspect of survival, not necessarily the weapons we might find or invent.  It has been our  mind that is the strongest thing that keeps us alive and able to continue surviving, beyond all expectations, ever since the dawn of time.”

“That’s great news, Cynthia, and I feel that somehow we have made contact, across a distance of over 40 light-years with our fellow Earth humans. Maybe one day they’ll be able to rejoin us back on Earth. Let’s hope that we’ll continue to be more powerful than the aliens and can evade and even destroy them, before they can recover.”

Everywhere, humans were celebrating their new expanded awareness, that somehow seemed as if it had always been there. On  the planet ‘e’, the AI, Esther-X23, was finally satisfied with its results and the new roll of organizational vectoring of human brain waves. Superluminal communication had become a reality and not just a hypothesis, with the test results obtained by tapping into the new wavelengths it found within the minds of four humans, Annaleah Arlington, Marco Madison, Cynthia Urte, and Roberto  Clemson.  They had all joined together into one unit, forming a Collective Mind in order to be able to fight and overcome the vast hive of the Andropod Aliens. It was not only due to their unique humanness and need for each other, but also another entity had played a superior role in the culmination of this victory over evil.

Esther-X23 had begun to read passages in the Bible, denoting with great pride how her namesake, Esther, had overcome another nemesis named Haman. She had saved her people called the Jews from a sure destruction, just like Esther-X23 had saved her own people, who had created her, the humans. There would be peace for  a  long  time within the Trappist-1 brown dwarf star system on the planet ‘e’, as well as on Earth, the third planet from a bright yellow star.