Martian Short Stories Three by Cliff Rhodes - HTML preview

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5. The Alien Revenge


Deep inside of the Alien spaceship they were making plans to find the human who attacked a designated predator and make an example out of her, to recover the lost material of a missing human test subject, and to further investigate why the capture had failed. The human female was not supposed to have seen the predator coming up from behind, since there had passed from one generation to the next, an Andropod extreme instinct  and a talent for  hunting without consequences.  Something had happened within the realm of mental conduits, the network of invisible lines going in and out of a total Collective Mind, one that so far had given a particular advantage to the alien  Andropod  species over humans.  The older alien leaders had considered the fact that it might be just a small anomaly, but decided against that possibility and thought correctly and inherently to favor the other view, that there had been a breech into the alien Collective Mind  by outsider humans. How else could the female subject have known that the predator was approaching?  There of necessity had to have been an assist from some outside source within the Collective Mind of humans, something that had gone dormant after the first few thousand years of their developmental civilization, then suddenly reappeared.   Humans were normally an individual preferential dominated species, thinking solely about their own survival, not collectively as a group, and certainly not combined into any kind of homogeneous fighting force that defended the weakest individuals. Take for example, the human zeal and talent for exterminating their own infants before birth, which had become such an inspiration to the socially barbaric alien Andropods.  More humans were killed by abortion than all deaths by wars put together. So, the Andropod aliens were not ignorant of the human thirst for their own blood and annihilation.  They just simply were fulfilling the human illogical desire for self destruction, by using humans for breeding pods.  It was considered a basic right among most liberal politicians, that human individuals reserved within the legal system, expressed permission by society to be able to eradicate any burdens to support human infants that were unwanted and interfered with success or even leisure activities.  Nothing could get in the way of human fun. Human mothers had almost no feeling of responsibility toward their offspring.

Andropod aliens appreciated the fact that humans considered their own babies as less than carrion for the vultures, often tossing them into garbage bins at popular abortion clinics. Aliens had actually observed the process in secret, knowing that adult human carcasses would also be treated as such, immediately after birthing the injected larvae of the alien hybrids into human bodies. Every single human that was taken by abduction could directly result in the birth of a new hybrid infant. None would ever be so nonchalantly discarded but always valued incredibly as the future of the species, and the rights of the unborn larvae were inalienable. Those who interfered with the birthing process were themselves discarded as unworthy of the alien species. No alien life form was so precious as the larvae. They were infused with alien DNA and the brains were aware, even in the incubation chambers, where the humans were kept immobile and well fed, while the larvae ingested their brains and internal organs. Humans were kept as valuable mothers and turned into living female tissue, providing a brief home for the larvae to ingest and emerge again as strong hybrids. Even though the Andropod Aliens had exterminated their own females of the species in a vicious war long ago, being a totally male population now, they had envisioned a way through science for procreation to occur in incubation factories. They built whole fleets of spaceships that were dedicated only to the procreation of their species through larvae injection into unsuspecting humans.  The triumph of the male alien species was nowhere any more evident than in the vast propagation of hybrid aliens through worm injections laced with alien DNA into abducted human hosts, and the practice was being spread all throughout the galaxy. Humans had not yet learned to become aware of the alien presence and the hunting fields were vast.  Only one key element led primarily to the success of aliens over humans, and that was their ability to shield the human mind from their approach.

The alien spacecraft that orbited the Earth was vast, and on many occasions the huge size, even though it was cloaked in an invisible covering, almost gave it away, except for its control over the electronic feeds that NASA, other world space agencies, and the news media used to inform the people of any unusual happenings around Earth. Possessing control over the electronic data mining process was important to the alien culture, and that usually occurred first when a human field was ripe to harvest. That alone would have been an accomplished feat, but there was also another talent that aliens had for subjugating a culture of humans. The political machines of human races were ripe with alien interference. Even in the United States, many political parties were infused with alien spies, and so many humans were controlled by the alien predators that they were often granted visiting rights to the alien spaceship that constantly gleaned bodies from the huge fields of humans, made readily available through political interference.   One such candidate was running for President of the United States, and he was already a publicly known homosexual and hater of women, which his political party touted as being politically correct post modernism. He would often congratulate himself and his political party on destroying the religious zeal and Christian moral identity that would have prevented such a holocaust from happening. Yet, even before the alien invasion, humans were already destroying more human bodies through abortion than in the few short years that the aliens had already now reappeared on the earth. He was rewarded by having visiting rights to the alien spaceship. On his first trip he was amazed at the enormous amounts of living alien bodies that he had the pleasure of congregating and consorting with. The pizza parlors of Washington D.C. had nothing on him with their basement labyrinths filled with pubescent teens that unwittingly served the sexual appetites of the liberal political elite.

He was picked up at his mansion in the suburbs of Washington D.C. secretly by an alien spacecraft, which immediately took off into outer space, and not one bit of evidence was ever recorded by all the monitoring equipment of the U.S. military. As he waited breathlessly for his admission into the interior of the alien spacecraft, he and all his political entourage disrobed in preparation for the alien reception. Upon entering the doorway, he saw vast fields of aliens and their hybrids, making ready to receive his physical body into their midst. Stepping foot across the threshold of the spacecraft into the interior, he was readily and heartily received by all the host of the alien byproducts for which he had given precedent, while being a member of Congress, passing signature legislation, and even through the previous years of past Presidents, he had paved the way for this glorious day. The hordes of Andropod aliens were almost like a welcoming throng of snakes, coiling themselves around his human body and exploring every inch of his flesh. The thrill for him was unmanageable and his mind was in extreme ecstasy. He thought that other humans who did not know the breadth and scope of his pleasures were indeed missing out on the true meaning of heaven. After this experience, Senators, Representatives, a former Mayor, and the Speaker of the House, would double their efforts at making all public bathrooms bisexual, and not one male who identified as female would be denied entry into the previously private sanctuaries of females.

As far as the aliens were concerned, the future would eventually hold only benefits for one sex, and that would be male. Females  would learn the Koran, children would study Communism, and no religion would ever get tax exemption. Normal  human  idealism would become like retrograde amnesia, and eventually Christianity would die a slow uneventful death.  The rottenness that had taken   hold over the U.S. Government, as well as many other world governing bodies was beginning to gradually undermine all Christian principles that at one time had insured the survival of humans over the entire face of the Earth, giving moral dignity and hope to billions of humans.

After his return to Earth from his space visit, Senator Max Grovel would insure that all alien priorities were accomplished as soon as possible. One of the main alien demands was that  all  U.S.  intelligence agencies would be directed to aid the aliens in finding the location of that one individual who had tried to thwart their predator’s attempt to capture a certain young female, who had put out the eye of one of their best harvesters. At present they did not know her name, but it would be found out, collectively with human help, and her life would end. No human could be left alive that was able to teach other humans about using the Collective Mind. She and any friend or acquaintance, even her entire family were at risk, and the U.S. government was a willing accomplice in this diabolical scheme set in motion by the so-called ‘Deep State’ that was incessantly targeting Christian morals.

Cynthia Urte was the name of the young female High School student, who had breached the Collective Mind of the Andropod aliens. She did not accomplish this by herself, because on a far distant planet orbiting an ultra cool brown dwarf star called Trappist-1, another young female had been taken captive and abducted at the same location on Earth. Annaleah Arlington had broken through the alien mind, under duress, and found the alien key to the astral mind that the Andropod hive was using to communicate with. A brief series of extrasensory communication events between her and another captive, Marco Madison, had started a domino-effect that cascaded into the mind of one young woman, Cynthia Urte, on Earth. At the very same location where Annaleah Arlington had been abducted by aliens, Cynthia Urte had taken out the eye of the predator. She did this with the help of Annaleah Arlington, using superluminal communication, before the alien could react. Planet ‘e’ orbiting the Trappist-1 brown dwarf was 40 light-years away, yet instant faster-than-light communication took place between two humans. It was because two co-linear sub-atomic particles within the brains of both individuals evolved into motion simultaneously. That was remarkable in itself,  but also the mind of the alien predator opened a doorway and acknowledged to Cynthia Urte that he was indeed behind her and approaching. The tap was open, and humans could  sense  the  presence of the hunter predator aliens. The Andropod aliens thought immediately to seal the doorway that had been opened, by killing Cynthia Urte. The Hive had already set in motion the attack, and the U.S. Government was cooperating with the search.

Democratic Senator Max Grovel had begun to send out notices of the ongoing search for the human female. State  and  local governments were to cooperate with any electronic eavesdropping devices that might be necessary to find and eliminate the threat to national security.

“I’ve posted a provision on all government websites to apprehend the suspect for questioning. All I need is a little cooperation with the local government entities. After the arrest has been made, the federal officials will take over and escort the suspect to a secret location,” said Sen. Max Grovel to one of his subordinates, who had actually been with him on the trip to the alien spacecraft.

A small cabal of Congressional Democrats and Republicans had formed a ‘Deep State’ left-wing government on their own, circumventing the authority of Congress and the President of the United States.   They were executing orders and carrying them out on  a large-scale operation in agreement with the alien entities of the Andropod Hive. It would be little time until they knew the identity of the subject, who had thwarted the will of the people, according to them, and attacked an alien being. There had to be complete subjugation, in order to protect the welfare of the national security and the world as a whole.  The alien orders had to obeyed.  Bodies were already piling  up, since the last Presidential election, even before that, in order to insure the successful elections of favored candidates. Misdirection, propaganda, and outright lies were the tools of the ‘Deep State’, and any attempts to reveal their presence and the facts of their murders, justified any means necessary.  That was even a favorite talking point of their dominant control in the liberal political system. ‘By Any Means Necessary’ was a call to take power, publicly and privately, using murder and a body-bag philosophy of take no prisoners, politically. The mostly Republican Senate and the executive branch, knew almost nothing of what depths that the opposition had stooped to, in order to preserve power for themselves within their group and project the alien subjugation of the human population to their diabolical ways. It was thought of as simply a few splashes of blood, in order to preserve the whole of the human population for the good of everyone.  After all, the aliens were decent folks, just exactly the   same philosophy as one dubious Presidential candidate described the Marxist Communist Chinese people, ‘decent folks’.

Of course the inner circle of the ‘Deep State’ only conversed in private, about the ongoing alien operation for abducting as many humans as they could successfully achieve, without becoming obvious to the public. The aliens were decent folks and deserved to have a good human carcass, if they needed it, in which to raise their children, while they matured, even if it involved involuntary human collateral damage. That’s the nonsensical way in which the liberals thought.

The day that Cynthia Urte found out that she was the target of an alien arrest warrant, administered by her own human government, she was devastated. Her boyfriend, Roberto Clemson, had a father that  was the CEO of a very high-tech corporation, which had just built a factory in Chino, Texas. The company did private work on U.S. Government contracts, and all the upper elite corporation administrators knew something of what was going on, just not exactly about the alien interests. He adopted Roberto Smith and gave him his own name, in order to shield him from undue suspicion, after Van Clemson found out about the young boy being involved with subverting an alien attack at a factory in New York. Almost nothing was secret that had government military interests at stake. DARPA wanted to give the young boy a secure facility, which was a normal family in which to develop his mental acuity, since he had beat the aliens and forced them to leave Earth for a short period of time.

There was also the small incident of the boy having used an alien artifact, which disappeared and somehow the government entities wanted to watch the boy very closely and discover exactly what it was and where it was located. All searches had led down a blind alley, so the safest bet was to provide the young boy with a family, in which one of their own was the father. Van Clemson felt it was his responsibility to inform the young boy that his girlfriend was being pursued by not only aliens but his own U.S. Government. After  supper that night, the father actually laid it out plain and simple, to stay away from the young girl, named Cynthia Urte, unless he also wanted to get arrested and sent to a private location, not evident at first interpretation, but it was plain that this would be a systematic assassination that he couldn’t prevent from happening. DARPA also wanted to keep the boy safe, and the girl was not any of their concern.

They still wanted to recover the artifact he had been seen with inside the warehouse in New York. Unknown to many, there were cameras stationed at secret locations, short distance outside the warehouse, and with great technical work they eventually were able to zoom in with long-range lenses and had observed some of what had happened that night. The police detective had given an interview to one of the DARPA officials, and under intense scrutiny confessed that the boy had used something unusual, not just a pipe as he had previously indicated in his report. Still, all would remain confidential and the boy was immediately take out of the state of New York and had been given a new family in Texas, just as he had requested. The young boy, now named Roberto Clemson, was in a greatly better environment, one that was away from drugs and hookers, and of course could be closely observed.

Mr. Van Clemson had grown to feel love and affection for the young boy as his own son, but he would not risk the investment by aligning himself with the young girl that the  aliens  wanted.  He would not interfere, and the U.S. Government had seemingly agreed to cooperate, although the President of the United States was not yet totally aware of this development, since the ‘Deep State’ was running the operation and keeping most of the real government unaware.

“Roberto, I have spent years teaching you to try and become aware of the environment around you,  and also I have tried to instill  in your mind certain things to keep you safe. I took you away from New York, and got you away from the family that you had been raised in. It was horrendous to learn of your background of drugs and gang affiliation, but I apologize if I have not told you that I already knew.    I didn’t care, and all I wanted was your safety and happiness. I don’t want you to be seeing that young girl from the High School anymore. She is not worth risking everything we have built, a new life for you, and the prospects at having a bright future and getting a college degree,” said Van Clemson to his only son.

“You mean you knew about my past. The police were supposed  to expunge my record and all about my previous family.  That was   the deal. I wanted to come away from that hellhole free and without any baggage. They were not supposed to tell anyone. How did you find out? Was it that police detective, Chief Leon Alvarez?”

“No son, I work for a very big corporation, that has deep government contracts. They investigated your background for me. Believe me, there is nothing secret from the NSA that can’t be found out. They know everything about you, including that night at the warehouse. The detective didn’t say anything to  me  about  your past.”

“So, exactly what did the corporation that you work for, find out about me at the warehouse? There were only two people who knew