Message from the future WE MADE IT! by Henning Jon Grini - HTML preview

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Chapter 6



«If you say that this is not really very far into the future, I am still surprised at how quickly things must have gone. As far as I can remember, people have not exactly been very fast about changing their ways. In fact, we have been repeating our mistakes for generations and not been good at self-reflection. Could you explain a bit more about the road you have taken and how you have managed it all» I ask.

«First of all I’ll repeat that it is not like this everywhere on Earth. This is actually one of the experimental projects we have started in this country and which I mentioned briefly earlier. We have had a certain control over the first people who chose to settle here. Of paramount importance was that they agreed with our philosophy and understood our intention and what we were creating, as well as a sincere wish to live here and take part in manifesting and developing this fantastic society that we have created.»

«Then I can better understand why you say we are now not so very far into the future!»

«Exactly. We are still working on this, that is experimenting with new ways of living, just as you are doing in your time. But as you see, we have got quite a bit further. And this small town here, Lighthaven, has proved to be so successful that it is one of those that are used as templates in other parts of the world. For that reason we have many people who come here from other parts of the world to study and learn about us and our way of living.»

«I can understand that. It is so quiet and peaceful here. In fact, it is surprisingly quiet, hardly any bothersome sounds. You barely hear that vehicle over there.»

«Those small vehicles are self-running and are used by those who need transport within the area here. They carry people and goods to their houses and are particularly useful to those who have any special needs for this service. On the other hand we are aware of the importance of using our bodies, and we don’t want to become too dependent on these vehicles, so we don’t exaggerate the use of them. I like to walk, so I use them mainly when I have to transport larger items to or from my house. There are almost always some available for use. Of course we also have other small means of transport that we use. The sources of energy that they use are obviously completely pure, and range anxiety is long ago a thing of the past. Some of these crafts can float above the ground, something that means we no longer have to build so many roads. However, we also have quite ordinary bicycles where muscle power is the only source of energy.

But, there is another important element which has been a great help in our process. Would you like to hear about it?

«Of course I would», I answer quickly.

«We have received help from other worlds, other existences!» Natalie says and looks as if she is eagerly waiting to see my reaction.

«This is definitely starting to get weird! A short while ago I was lying peacefully up on the mountain just over there, then I suddenly arrived in some kind of time travel to the future, and now you are talking about aliens» I exclaim.

«I am talking about more than aliens, I said we have received help from other worlds and existences, which is more comprehensive, although I understand what you mean. Besides, I don’t like to call our friends from the stars for aliens. It creates associations to something strange, and to many people the word itself has negative connotations. But why are you so surprised? Once we humans believed the Earth to be flat! Once we believed the Earth was the center of the Universe! You should not believe that humanity has reached the pinnacle of its evolution, understanding and insight. You in your time are just at the beginning of your development. Obviously there are intelligent beings in other places and other dimensions. The proofs are overwhelming, already in your time. The irony is that so many in your time ridicule those who believe these beings exist when the Universe and the Multiverse are so unfathomably large and the worlds so unfathomably many, and those who inhabit them could be of such a great help for you.»

«But why did they not appear when we needed them so badly? This I don’t understand!» «That is easy to answer. You know that to do the best for one’s children is not to help them with every kind of problem they meet or think they may encounter in life. Then they don’t learn to stand on their own feet, they don’t learn from their mistakes, and they have to be helped continually. Imagine a civilization thousands of years ahead of us. Would it not be natural to assume that they had developed to a higher level, both technologically and spiritually?»

«Yes, one would imagine that to be the case, it is logical.»

«Yes, exactly. They look at us a little like the way parents regard their children, but I wish to

emphasize that we are equal in every respect, they have only reached a higher level in their development. Actually, you are doing the same thing, or at least you are attempting to do so. I am thinking now of developed countries that try to help those countries that have not got equally far in their development. This has not always been very successful, because the motives have not always been pure, or one has not quite understood the consequences of what one did. The best kind of help is obviously «help to self-help», so that the ones receiving the help will not become dependent on the helpers. Of course, we are all dependent on one another, but I speak now of an unhealthy kind of dependence» Natalia says.

«Do you mean to say that these beings are highly developed and are functioning as a form of mentors for us?» I ask

«That is exactly what I mean. Of course the reality is more complex. Some civilizations are more developed technologically, but not spiritually, while others are spiritually and also technologically advanced, but use technology only if it benefits everybody without any form of misuse. Those who are not yet very far advanced spiritually will of course also become so, it is only a question of time. Our own civilization is among these, but we are on the way. And very significant is the fact that being far advanced spiritually far supersedes technology. Highly evolved civilizations have been waiting for us to reach a high enough ethical level that we would not be in danger of misusing technology in order to produce weapons of mass destruction, for example. Also, they have not wanted to reveal themselves publicly before we were mature enough for it, that is before we had more or less eliminated poverty and war, for instance, and as I have said already, did not misuse technology. They came when we had fixed most of these things and also reduced our xenophobia and stopped projecting it onto them. But be aware that they have been cautiously assisting us here and there, both technologically and in many other ways and guided us so that our evolving would not be hindered or curtailed. They have given and still give help for us to be more self-reliant. So in a way they did come after all. Or more correctly, - they have always been here!»

«This is making me view the future with even more optimism, and not least with excitement and expectation!»

«Would you perhaps like to meet them?» Natalia asks, and it seems clear that she knows what the answer will be!

«What? Guess if I would! Are you saying that they are here, among you?»

«Yes, that is what I am saying. They sometimes visit us here in our town! As we here in our society probably are the ones who have got the furthest with our societal development, we are the ones they have chosen to visit first. But by now they are also visiting in other places on Earth.»

«Incredible» I say enthusiastically.

«It has been the intention that you should meet them, and so you will, later. And, just so that you know, these entities don’t like being viewed as something more important or more significant than us, but simply as fully equal beings, which of course we are,» she says and gets up from the bench. «I think we can go to the center of our town now. We just have to walk around this hill. Then you will get to see a bit more. When we get there, we shall also take a trip to the city.»