Message from the future WE MADE IT! by Henning Jon Grini - HTML preview

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Chapter 10



The sunbeams warmed me as I lay in bed. They streamed through the large curved skylight that reached some way down the wall. It was morning, and Natalia lay beside me. Her presence beside me warmed me even more, in a way, than the sun. I saw she was about to wake up and I reached for her arm and stroked it. She turned towards me and moved very close to me. For quite some time we lay like that, two naked bodies tightly entwined, simply enjoying each other. I kissed her throat, and son after she kissed me in return. We kissed while waves of warm sensations flowed through me.

We were interrupted by pleasant music.

«We have quite a few things to do today as well», Natalia said as she got up and disappeared to the bathroom. «There will be other opportunities for us to enjoy each other» she said, smiling, just as the door automatically shut. I just had time to smile back at her. To be honest, I would have preferred to stay there in bed with her for the rest of the day. But at the same time I was very curious about what she intended to show me.

«What are your duties here?» I asked while we breakfasted.

«At present it is to guide people around in our community and explain to them how we live, for as I mentioned yesterday, they come from all over the world to study us. And sometimes I am also a teacher for the youngest children. That is actually where we are going now,» she said, taking my hand and holding it in both her own hands. «That was why I got up so quickly even though I would have liked to stay in bed with you for longer.» Again she sent me a warm and infectious smile, and I could do nothing but return it.

«How many other suburbs belong to the city?» I asked while we walked towards the school.

«There are seven. However, Lighthaven is the one that has existed for the longest time, which is why so many people come here to study us and our community. The maglev we travelled by yesterday has a circuit which goes from the center of the city, which lies by the sea, in a huge semi-circle that stretches far out from the city before it returns. Along the way it passes these seven suburbs. Two of them are still under construction. All these suburbs are unique. We have put our own stamp on them, and we travel a great deal from one to another in order to exchange experiences and learn more. One of them, for instance, has attracted many artists and has in itself become an attraction.»

We had by then reached the small school with the lovely decorations on the outside.

«I thought I would show you one of the rooms where the pupils I teach are today.» Natalia said. And with that she opened a door and I peeped into a large circular room where the pupils sat quietly on the floor. It looked as if they were meditating.

Natalia closed the door again and led me a short distance away so we could talk quietly without disturbing them.

«As you could see, these children were meditating. From they are small they are taught to quieten the mind. This has many advantages for both physical and psychic health. And in addition they learn to connect with their souls and their divine source.»

«I have heard that this has been implemented in some schools in my own time as well» I commented.

«Yes, and I believe you will see it spreading, because one sees that it works and gives very positive results. But there are more things going on in this school. Over there they are now having sexual education, and here neither pupils nor teachers are embarrassed. Well, maybe a little... But it is an important topic to address. You are well aware of the enormous problems in your society in the time you live in», Natalia continued. «Sexuality is one of them. It is obvious that when prostitution, rape, sexual harassment and intolerance of other sexual orientation is so widespread in your society, one has to change things. And that is what we have done. For example is nakedness no longer hidden, so the children get a natural relationship to their own sexuality and the sexuality of others from they are quite small. So if the children should catch a glimpse of their parents stark naked, it is really just healthy, and we encourage this to take place in a natural way, as long as the parents have a healthy relationship to their own sexuality. But just about everyone has that today, at least here in our community.»

«I do understand that one has to change things, but isn’t this going a bit too far» I asked.

«Why? The problems you have in connection with sexuality are a far cry from ours. We hardly have any at all. So perhaps we have done something right?» she asked rhetorically. «To be naked is after all quite natural.»

Natalia continued, «Back to the school system. We have a school system that is completely different from yours. We teach the children much more about life itself and how one should relate to each other and life in the society. We also teach the children about themselves – who they are and why they are here on earth, and that they all are fantastic and unique creations, unique expressions of existence. We teach them to trust themselves, about their intuition and what it means to be a human being. That one may not do anything to another person unless it is voluntary, and that you don’t treat other persons any differently from how you yourself wish to be treated. We teach the children love, honesty, responsibility, respect and other values that are the most important in life.»

This really is very different from what we do in my time! But back to this question of sexuality. Are you really sure of this thing about nudity?»

«Children are curious about everything, also about their sexuality. To explore it in safe and playful surroundings is just fine! It is natural for them. As I said, sexuality is not taboo here with us. We don’t indoctrinate our children with the idea that there is something about their bodies which is shameful. We have long since ridded ourselves of concepts like sin and shame, precisely because we understood that it was the cause of an incredible amount of problems and suffering. And when children acquire a natural relationship to sexuality from an early age, they are very unlikely to get problems with it as adults. Besides, we are quick to discover irregularities and problems the children may have, and we work hard to release them in cooperation with the parents. This goes for all aspects of their lives. For that reason bullying among children is something that barely exists here. We wish to have children who are vital, full of creativity, spontaneity and joy. Unless children experience a fantastic growing-up, it is very difficult to create a fantastic society.»

«Ok, the more I think about it, the more sensible it seems,» I conceded.

«There are also other things that we do differently. We teach them to think more for themselves and find their own solutions, in contrast to your society which endeavors to press as much already well chewed knowledge into the minds and psyches of small children. Knowledge and facts are easily forgotten, but not the wisdom they acquire by themselves. We have neither homework nor tests which put a pressure on children and cause them to go into competition mode, and which then will  make them either winners or losers. How can one be a so-called winner if someone else loses? What kind of society is that? Here we are all winners! We have eliminated the competition mentality. We have eliminated the dysfunctional monetary system. Here in our society everyone is well taken care of, actually far better than the best in your time. As we are not dependent on having to struggle to become the best in some education or other that can give us some kind of livelihood, we can focus more on the talents and wishes of the children. We put far more emphasis on bringing out the wisdom that is inherent in everyone. The children here have a far greater freedom of choice in what they wish to learn than what your children have. It is also important to let go of old ingrained conceptions and dysfunctional norms, which your society is largely characterized by.» She paused for a short while.

«I want to return to the sexuality education: Do you really believe a child would have been harmed by seeing the two of us make love yesterday, when it was so wonderful for both of us?» She smiled and took hold of my hands. «Of course a child is not harmed by seeing two lovers who laugh happily, utter lovely sounds, who love fully and radiate their love throughout the act? On the contrary, I would say:»

«When you put it like that, it does seem quite logical» I said.

«It is simple logic. If you had children, what would you prefer that they should see? Two lovers who are truly happy together and show it, or a movie where the bullets are flying and the blood is flowing?» Natalia asked.

«Eh.... Unfortunately far too often the latter is what happens in my society» I answered.

«Yes, and therefore it is reflected in your society in all the problems you have. Many things are turned upside-down in relation to what actually works. In other words, you might increase your ability to learn from what really does work in your society. We strive as best we can to create happy and well-functioning children, and hand-on-heart I believe we have succeeded quite well. Admittedly not in all parts of the world conditions are as good as here with us.»

«You have mentioned that before. I would be interested in visiting such a place. Would that be possible?» I questioned.

«Absolutely. We’ll see to that one of the days you are here, perhaps already tomorrow. But now we have to move on. You haven’t forgotten that you are going to the Space Station today, have you?»

«Of course not! It seems incredibly exciting!»

«We’ll take the hydroplane a fair distance from here to where the base you are going to visit is situated. This will take just under an hour, and then we’ll be at the base that will take you to the Space Station. It is still morning, and the Spaceship leaves at noon. You will land on Earth again at 6 pm. The trips up and down don’t take long, so you will have several hours up in Space. I am not going, but I’ll come and collect you when you have descended.»

«Great! I am really looking forward to this!»