Message from the future WE MADE IT! by Henning Jon Grini - HTML preview

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Chapter 14



«We’ll just walk, it’s not far» Natalia said.

We left the Central Station and walked through the park where we had been the previous day. Darkness was descending. Here as well the area was beautifully lit. We walked a slightly different route through the park, and after a while we saw Skylar and Kayden coming towards us. We hugged each other.

Kayden spoke. «I suggest you stay overnight here, as you are going to spend the whole day here in town tomorrow anyway. There is a lovely guest apartment available in the building where we live, and which I have already taken the liberty of reserving for you. What do you think?»

«Fine with me» I said and looked at Natalia.

«Why not», she said and smiled at me, «but some change of clothing might have been nice».

«That has also been arranged for both of you» said Skylar. We walked together towards the apartment complex where they both lived.

«Do you see those buildings over there?» Skylar asked.

«Do you mean the helical ones? It looks as if those buildings form a circle» I said.

«Exactly. That is correct, and that is where we live, in the nearest one. They are all terrace-shaped and spiral a bit upwards, and they have a lot of plants growing along the terraces. They are self-sufficient regarding energy, as all buildings in our city are nowadays. Now you can also see a park with a pond in the middle and all the terrace buildings centered around it.»

«It is beautiful! I can also see that there are quite a few people outside the buildings» I said.

«Yes, we have arranged the area for socializing. There are activities of many kinds, small local shops, café, a small library and a restaurant. We have fitness rooms, paths for games, party room, an atrium and playground outside, swimming pool and some mingling rooms inside. In fact, it is a small community in itself. It is a great place, but at the same time it feels a bit too large for us, so Kayden and I are considering moving to a smaller place, perhaps to one of the suburbs. In that case it is very likely that we might choose Lighthaven.»

«We thought we would go up to my apartment, and there Kayden and I will make some food for us. In the meantime you can go to the guest apartment and change» said Skylar. We entered an outside glass elevator which took us almost to the top, that is, to the seventh floor where the guest apartment was located. After we had changed and readied ourselves we went to Skylar’s apartment which was on the same floor. There we settled down outside on the large terrace where we had a view over the entire city. It was noticeably quieter here than in the noisy cities from my own time. After a while the food was put on the table.

I spoke up: «I am interested in hearing more about what kind of outlook on life you have. I am open for the idea that there is more between Heaven and Earth, but I am not sure that there is a life after death, or that reincarnation is a fact. I guess I am skeptical to this idea and perhaps more scientifically minded.»

«One’s outlook on life influences oneself as well as society enormously. It is in fact that which creates and forms society, so what you are asking here is actually very important» said Skylar.

«Although for us in this society, particularly in Lighthaven, it is quite obvious that there is life after death and that reincarnation is a fact, we don’t wish to impose our beliefs on you or anyone else. However, as you say you are open minded, I have a suggestion for you. I am experienced in bringing people back to their earlier lives. How about me trying that on you? Do you dare? Then you can decide for yourself whether what you perhaps may experience is reality.»

«Ah, eh... this was rather unexpected, but yes, I guess I could agree to that,» I said in surprise.

«Good, then we’ll have a try after we have eaten» Skylar said.

«OK, probably just as well to just jump into it. Has either of you tried it?» I asked and felt that I might not quite know what I had got myself into.

«All of us here have done it. In fact most of the people in Lighthaven have also done it. And there is absolutely no hokus pokus to it at all either. I simply guide you into some kind of altered state of mind, a light form for hypnosis you might say, simply by talking to you.»

«Well, that doesn’t sound too scary» I said.

After we had finished the meal, we went into the Livingroom. Skylar asked me to make myself comfortable in an armchair that automatically and gently turned into a recliner. Skylar looked at me and asked me to close my eyes. Then she started speaking to me in a friendly and soothing way. She instructed me to visualize a beautiful landscape and notice the lovely ambience there. The sound of birds singing mingled with the rippling of a small stream.

There were masses of gorgeous flowers with wonderful scent.

Gradually I was entering an altered state of consciousness and could clearly «see» the landscape Skylar described. Apparently it was a park. She asked me to walk further into the park and told me that it was starting to get a bit misty. After a while I got to a small body of water with a bridge across it. Because of the mist I was not able to see what was on the other side. She asked me to cross the bridge. I could vividly imagine everything she told me and started to walk across. Her words and my own perceived experience were merging.

«When you get to the other end of the bridge you will have come to another time and another reality where you have experienced an earlier life. The mist will gradually clear. Please describe what you perceive as you progress.»

«I am walking along some kind of cart road surrounded by hills and mountains and I see a large cluster of houses in the distance.»

«What kind of clothes are you wearing?» I looked down at my body and legs. «Well-worn clothes, brown and actually quite outworn, especially my shoes. I am walking fast.»

«Why is that? Why are you in a hurry?»

«I have to warn my family and friends» I said and noticed I was feeling stressed.

«Why do you have to warn them?»

«Because their lives and mine are in danger!» I could sense the fear sneaking up on me.

«Just remember that you are lying safely and comfortably here in your chair in a quite different time! What is the reason their lives are in danger?»

Skylar’s words calmed me and I began to speak in a controlled way. «The church does not like us because we think differently and don’t hold the same beliefs as they do. That is why they are after us.»

«Do you know where you are, and in what time?»

«I am in France, and I believe it is the year 1214.»

«Who are you, as the church is after you?»

«We are cathars, of course. Oh..., I see a person coming running towards me, it is Natalia! I said amazed and continued to describe what I was experiencing. «She is running towards me and throws herself into my arms. She holds me for a long time before she lets go of me. To be reunited with her is indescribably wonderful.»

«You may now return to our own time» Skylar said. I stayed quietly in the recliner for a short while and felt myself gradually returning to the present.

«You really went quickly into this regression, I must say!» Skylar told me. I looked at her and smiled.

«It was a short but very powerful experience» I said. «At first I was not certain whether it was just my imagination playing tricks on me, but gradually it felt more real, as if I were really there. I guess the whole episode has made me feel a bit unsettled, but the strangest thing of all was that I saw Natalia there. Of course that was not her name at that time, but I know, in my innermost self, that it was her I met. And the embrace she gave me was fantastic!»

«So how do you look at the idea of reincarnation now?» Kayden asked.

«I just need to gather myself a little and digest all of what happened...» I said, making a short pause before continuing. «This does put the matter in a quite different light! At present I feel that what I experienced really has happened once. It feels as though my consciousness has expanded. The fact that I saw Natalia there as a completely different person made a very profound impression! And her embrace and the sensation it gave me really leaves no doubt.»

«What one experiences oneself has a far stronger effect than when someone simply tells one that this is how it is» said Kayden.

«Yes, that’s for sure» I agreed.

«Why don’t you look up the cathars, Skylar?» asked Kayden, Skylar simply said «Screen», and a large virtual screen appeared on the wall. Then she continued: « Find short text info about the cathars who lived in France in the 13th century.» Some sentences appeared on the screen. We learned that the cathars was a gnostic dualistic Christian sect which was especially widespread in Southern France. They preached and practiced frugality and renounced the material wealth of the church. They held the Earth and all matter to be evil. We also read that they did not eat meat, and that they believed in reincarnation. Women were therefore regarded as being equal to men. This was one of the reasons they became popular.

Gradually they were perceived as a threat to the church and were systematically persecuted, particularly under Pope Innocens III. The crusades were in a way the forerunners of the inquisition during the Middle Ages, we were told, and further that the word «cathar» is the origin of the word «heretic».

«This has been a profound experience» I said as I sat up. I looked at Natalia, and she looked back at me. I got up and walked over to her, and we embraced. I felt tears in my eyes and some of the same sensation now as during the regression. I sensed a great ease and tranquility engulf me.

«I am a bit overwhelmed» I said. «So it was you who came towards me that time?»

«Yes, it was I, Aron! I have gone through some regressions myself, and then you have appeared several times, among others precisely there in France. So this is one of the reasons I knew you before you came here now» Natalia said.

We went out and sat down on the terrace again. Skylar and Kayden cleared the table and brought us dessert.

«By golly, what a wonderful life you are living now compared to the time I live in! Not to mention earlier times like the Middle Ages!» I exclaimed.

«I am not quite sure what «by golly» means, but I understand you mean this age is far better than earlier» Skylar said.

«And the fear I felt during the regression, - imagine living under such conditions» I said, shaking my head.

«This shows how important it is that humanity develops. And for humanity as a whole to develop, one is obviously dependent on individual persons to develop» said Skylar.

«Everyone does develop, of course, occurrences in each individual’s life see to that. We learn and grow from what we experience.» Kayden said.

«Yes, of course. But many people make the same mistakes over and over, and we can accelerate the process in many ways, like by calming our thoughts and learning to meditate» Skylar replied. «The whole thing depends on whether there is a will to change. But it also helps to alter the focus of society. In your time, Aron, society was very superficial and only rarely touched the profound areas of life. People were somewhat somnambulant then! They didn’t delve deeply when they tried to understand and solve the problems and challenges they had to face. And how could they when their view of life was so narrow? In your time many people discarded spirituality, that there is more than this life, a life after death, for instance. Science also discarded spirituality, and rightly so, as much of it was outdated and very distorted. But the spiritual understanding has developed. Scientists and many others in your time would have gained by taking a closer look at the “new” and far more mature spiritual understanding which was starting to spread. Today this is the most widespread view of life in the world.»

«I feel it is pride that spoils things far too often, people are too proud and not sufficient humble to admit mistakes» I said.

«Hehe, that is why one lives several lifetimes. One gets more opportunities to improve oneself» Kayden said.

«That is obviously not the only reason, Kayden is just putting it somewhat pointedly. Our view of life in Lighthaven is that we are primarily here in order to live life to its fullest. To develop our potential as far as we can and express ourselves as the divine beings that we are, like to love and be loved, and laugh along the way...» Skylar said.

«Tomorrow we’ll make a visit to the Building for Outlook On Life in the city center. We can start the day there. But it is beginning to get late. Aron, shall we go over to the apartment we are borrowing?» Natalia asked.

«I’d be glad to!» I exclaimed, and quickly added «Of course it is very nice to be here, but you know...!

Skylar and Kayden glanced at each other and laughed. «Of course. We know, and we would have done the same thing.» They gave each other a kiss. «Besides, that gives us the opportunity to go to bed a bit earlier than expected...». Another kiss was exchanged between them, and we all laughed. Then we said goodnight and walked over to the apartment that had been put at our disposal. I looked at Natalia. By now I could better understand why I had become so fond of her in such a short time. We shared a past, a long past apparently! Now I also understood why Natalia several times had taken hold of my hand and led me around, and that I had found it completely natural.

We went out on the terrace of the apartment and looked out over the area. It was rather fascinating with all the flowers, shrubs and even some small trees up along the terraces. It was almost like living in Nature. Birds were also around in the area, and below us it looked like an oasis. People had begun to settle down for the night, and it was much quieter than when we arrived.

«I’ll go to the bathroom.» Natalia winked at me. «Just wait here and enjoy the view.» With that she disappeared and I was left alone with my thoughts, good thoughts, that is. I reflected on how these last days had been incredibly fine and full of experiences, and I wondered what more was to come...

After a while Natalia reappeared, and then she remained on the terrace while I went off to the bathroom. By the time I came out she had lit candles. We sat there and looked at the scenery, but we also looked at each other, and so it was not long before we got up and moved to the bedroom. We undressed but left our underwear on, and then we lay down on the bed and kissed each other. Again I experienced those wonderful deep kisses that created tingles throughout my entire body. Natalia lay on top of me. She raised herself a little up and forwards, probably to glance at the mirror above us, something that made my own view just great. Again she was wearing one of these special panties. I couldn’t resist and cautiously pressed the half hidden button at the edge of the panties. Just like the other night the pantie became practically transparent and I almost lost my breath at the sight... Natalia laughed and told me I might as well undress her completely. And this is how another indescribably wonderful night with Natalia ended. That is, it didn’t end just then, of course...