Message from the future WE MADE IT! by Henning Jon Grini - HTML preview

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Chapter 16



Skylar continued: «I thought we might take a walk to the old town, and afterwards walk along the beach promenade and have a look at what goes on there.»

Everyone agreed, and we all left the building. Also on this day the weather was lovely. We walked through a park area, of which there seemed to be quite a few here in the city.

«You see the group of people standing over there?» Natalia asked me. I looked at them and nodded.

«They have come to study our society, and they are also going to visit several of the suburbs. Ever more groups of people from all over the world come to learn more about us and well-functioning things which they can integrate into their own societies.»

«When a society functions as well as this one does, I can understand that they are eager to learn and to implement something similar. If more people can manage to integrate this in their own societies, well, then the entire Earth will become the Utopia or Paradise one has dreamt about since the dawn of civilization» I said.

«It has taken its time and been quite a journey for mankind», Kayden replied as we found ourselves a little outside the city center.

«But... I recognize this place!» I cried out in surprise.

«Yes, I should think so,» Natalia said. «It was here in this area your apartment was situated, or rather, still is in your time.»

«I actually lived in the low apartment building there!» I exclaimed. «Just imagine, that I should get to see it while I am here, in the future! I think that is fascinating.»

«What do you think when you look around you here?» Natalia asked.

«I must say it is quite some contrast. It does not look particularly pleasant compared to all the lovely things I have seen and experienced in other places here. Is this area the city center?»

«No, that is in a different section and closer to the city. We are actually just going to walk past here. I did not intend for us to stay, I simply wanted to show you the place. I like to surprise from time to time,» Natalia answered.

«Why have these ugly apartment buildings been preserved? I see now that this is not a very tempting place to live after all I have seen here with you.»

«Well, for one thing, this is also a part of our history» Natalia explained. «At the same time it bears witness to the failed politics and ways of thinking, as we view it. We preserve it so that we more easily can remember what it was like and how we should not do it. And we have chosen to keep only one low block and one high block. One apartment building, the low block, is accessible to the public. The ground floor contains a café and an information room. The other three floors contain some apartments one may enter and have a look at.»

«Shall we take a look?» I asked.

«Exactly the one you lived in is not one of those that are used for viewing, so I think we’ll drop it. Those that are accessible are furnished according to different decades, based on the interior of that time. Only that building is in use. The high block is empty» Natalia further explained.

«For people with children I can see that the contrast is particularly great between these square, boring and soulless buildings and, let’s say, a cozy house in the country with a lot of Nature, animals and life around it» I commented.

«Yes, it is obvious what is beneficial for children. Of course, Nature, animals, plants and life in general is very important for us adults as well. These apartment buildings were built around the time when you were born. There were fewer resources and a less holistic mindset at that time. Increasingly, apartment complexes were built mainly because the developers wanted to earn as much money as possible. Apartment complexes were built in the cities just about everywhere one could find room for them. In our time we build out larger areas, and the planning is more thought through, and not least, holistic. Remember that we also no longer build for profit, that aspect has been discarded. Now the focus is solely on what is best for the people who are going to live there, based on many years of experience with dwelling communities that function well. Now we don’t build only apartments and nothing else, we have a great number of additional functions which will make them as alive and pleasant for those who live there as possible, as you saw where Skylar and Kayden live. We also share things a lot more than before; you could say we have a sharing-culture. We no longer need such a lot of things, and thereby a lot less goods are manufactured. You know, it feels meaningless to keep shopping when life has become far more meaningful! It must also be said that we have become far better at being social now than people were in your time. We have recaptured the forgotten or lost sense of community as well.»

«Now we have arrived in the old city» Kayden said.

«This is very different! Here it is far more pleasant. It is quite similar to in my time, only now there is more activity here and it seems better maintained» I observed.

«As you see, the buildings from that time were smaller and the environment more intimate. On the other hand, it was probably not easy to grow up at that time as it was a generally less conscious time with a great deal of old-fashioned morality» Skylar added.

«How about sitting down at this cozy eating place and have something to eat?» Natalia suggested. The rest of us were not hard to persuade. We found a table with a parasol so that we could sit in the shade. After ordering the food, we just small-talked a little while we watched the bustling crowds in the market square beside us. Some laughing children ran past. It was clear that a lot of things were going on and that it was a popular place. A bit further away I could see some narrow cobblestoned streets where the sun just barely reached. Plenty of flowers all around made it extra enjoyable, not to mention the pleasant and relaxing ambience. The people were consistently very nice. They seemed happy.

«Shall we go on to the beach promenade after we have eaten? That is also a very pleasant place, and today a lot of things are going on there» Natalia suggested.

Again everyone agreed, so after a delicious meal we got up and walked on through the cozy old town.

«How lovely to see the ocean again!» I exclaimed as we reached the sea front. People were sunning themselves just like they do in my time. The number of people there was just right. Some were packing their things as it was drawing close to evening. The beach promenade was simply gorgeous and invitingly designed, winding itself along the beach. Self-driving vehicles passed silently and peacefully on a road a little distance from the promenade.

«Do you see the large ship over there?» Kayden asked.

«Yes, - what about it?» I asked in return.

«It runs completely on renewable energy. All ships do so today and have done for a long time. The same goes for aeroplanes and vehicles. Even that which is being manufactured industrially is environment-friendly and without polluting emissions. Therefore we have clean and fresh air. Yes, the air in the cities is in fact just as clean as out in Nature.»

«Fantastic! That would almost seem to be Utopia in my time» I said.

«Shall we take a trip with that boat over there? It takes us to a small floating artificial island which we can spot further out at sea» Kayden suggested.

Once more all were in agreement, and we walked over to the boat and boarded it. After a while the boat moved from the quay and past the breakwater before it accelerated towards the floating island.

«I didn’t see anybody throw off the moorings» I observed.

«That is no longer necessary. Parts of the quay area have magnetic fields, and the boat has powerful magnets that automatically connect to these magnetic fields on the quay. These can be turned on or off to regulate the strength.»

«What is this island used for?» I asked as we approached it.

«It is a research station. It is also an aquarium, or that is not quite correct. Rather call it an aquarium with free-swimming fish. The fish are namely not closed in, even though there are also some ordinary aquariums here.»

«It is also a hotel» Skylar said as we disembarked.

We walked around for a short while on the upper «deck» of the island. Many small glass domes and a few large ones stuck out from the sides. That must be where the accommodation rooms are, I thought to myself. On the side most sheltered from the wind an artificial beach had been landscaped. The area it occupied was also round. The pool itself had a few meters’ depth at the deepest part, and a raised area with a fence prevented the sand from disappearing and from large waves and fish to get in. Should a heavy rain or a storm occur, a protecting roof could be shoved over the pool area. In fact, that entire area would then become hermetically sealed.

Skylar led us down to the lower floor or rather the «underwater floor», as we there found ourselves beneath the sea surface. In the middle of the island there was a large artificial coral reef which just barely protruded from the water. The reef was held in place by strong flexible straps.

«How about spending the night here?» Kayden suggested.

«Good idea! After all, we did bring with us what we would need if we were to stay overnight some place» Natalia said.

The rest of us agreed once more. It seemed as though we never disagreed. Perhaps we were in a kind of flow with each other. At least we were in a flow on this island! 

Kayden disappeared in order to ask whether there were rooms available. Meanwhile we stood there watching the beautiful coral reef with its multitude of fish through the large round window. Since we were under water and the building was circular, we could walk around the entire reef and admire the colorful fish swimming there. Sometimes larger fish would appear. According to Skylar it was not unusual to see sharks and dolphins.

Kayden returned and informed us that they had only one room available under water and with a view of the reef. However, it was large enough for all the four of us to stay there, as it was a kind of suite. Skylar and Kayden said they could sleep in the sitting room, where the sofa could be turned into a bed. Natalia and I could have the bedroom at our disposal.

«Wonderful! This will be great! And thanks for letting us have the bedroom» I said to Skylar and Kayden.

We went up to the surface again.

«There comes the boat. Let’s take it back to the city and spend a few hours there before we come back here» Natalia suggested. Again we all agreed and walked towards the approaching boat.

A short time later we were on our way. As we were about to dock I glanced down into the sea. The water was clear and lovely and teeming with life. It warmed my heart to see this. The contrast between my time with its polluted cities and this city was striking. Not only the air in this city was clean, so was apparently also the ocean, rivers and lakes. I could see no trace of oil spills or garbage, such as plastic refuse, which was such a gigantic problem in my time.

«Isn’t it lovely here?» Natalia remarked. She had clearly noticed my enthusiasm.

«I look at this ocean with joy and relief. It is so clear that we might just as well have been on a small island far away from people», I replied.

«One of the most important things we humans are engaged in now is to clean up after ourselves. We repair, rewild and restore Nature after the damages we have done to it through generations, as I have mentioned earlier. This city and the surrounding suburbs are perhaps the area in the world that has come the furthest with this work, and we have actually kept on with it for several decades. What you see is the result of this work.»

By then it was dusk. Dimmed lighting along the beach promenade created a beautiful and intimate ambience. Many people had sat down on the numerous benches and other seating places in the area. We stopped by some of the sand sculptures. Here creativity had been given free rein!

From a little further ahead we could hear music. More and more people were emerging.

«What is happening?» I asked.

«It is a festival which honors our global fellowship and our unity with everything. It is celebrated all over the world precisely on this day. A lot of things go on all day. Earlier today several hundred persons meditated in the city center. The focus was on the main message of the festival. By now art, celebration, dance and music are in focus. We can sit down here at this amphitheater. There is going to be some sort of artistic dance show, and it is about to start in a few moments» Kayden suggested.

We were not difficult to persuade, so we sat down.

«What is all this equipment above us?» I asked.

«It is some holographic equipment which has been mounted for the occasion» Skylar said, smiling. It seemed as if she knew more about what was about to happen, but did not want to reveal it all in advance.

We talked a little while we waited for the performance to begin. After a while we saw what appeared to be musicians in the background. They started with a few cautious notes. Gradually dancers came out on the stage in front of them. Each step they made which touched the floor of the stage triggered digital patterns in the floor, spreading outwards like rings in water. If I were to describe the music, the closest I can get is electronic music mixed with classical notes. At the same time instruments that I had never seen before were used, producing a completely distinctive sound. It was beautiful, however, both visually and acoustically.

But there was more to discover! Suddenly, out of nowhere, hundreds of gorgeous butterflies appeared, mingling with the spectators in a frolicking sequence on stage. I knew they were a holographic illusion, but nevertheless I tried to catch one. I actually managed, but of course it simply went straight «through» my fingers. Just as suddenly as they had appeared, they were gone.

Another scene also moved me; During the playing of beautiful music, red hearts came floating down. For the grand finale we were showered in gorgeous digital flowers that came streaming down on us. The effects in this performance were few but beautiful, and I was actually moved. On our way out of the amphitheater we were offered real flowers, and Natalia and Skylar took one each which they stuck into their hair.

«Of course we also have quite normal concerts without all these modern things» Kayden said to me.

«The simple is usually the best, but I did like this performance very much. There were few effects, but they were therefore all the more effective. It is incredible how much creativity is being released in this city!» I said.

«Art, music, colors, providing enjoyment and help to other people, everything that touches the soul is being much more highly valued today, as we have got all our basic needs and more covered, plus that we have so much more spare time. Human beings have an unimaginably great potential, and we are so very much more than what most people realize» Kayden answered.

«How about some supper, folks, before we take the boat back to the island?» Skylar suggested. It was deemed a good idea, and we sat down at a lovely small restaurant.

«For me it feels quite strange, but of course absolutely super, to be able to just sit down at a restaurant and eat great food without having to pay for it» I said.

«I am sure it must feel strange for you, but for us it is quite natural. The people who offer us this lovely food receive other services from other people. And we do services for others. We complement each other, and all seems to function in an almost organic way. If anyone needs help with something, the community takes care of it. And the people who live here are all so spiritually developed that it feels natural to share, help, and perform services for each other when needed» Skylar explained.

After we had eaten, we walked back to the boat which soon after would make its last trip to the island for the day. All along the beach promenade one could sense the lovely ambience, and again it struck me how beautifully they had arranged the lighting.

After a short while we were back on the island and went down below the sea surface to the suite we had been given. It was beautiful, with large panoramic windows from floor to ceiling, where we looked directly out at fish and the coral reef. Fantastic! Dimmed lighting enabled us to see fish swimming around. We sat and talked for quite some time, after which we decided that it was bedtime.

«This has been a long day!» I said to Natalia as we entered the room where we were to spend the night.

«That’s for sure. We have done a lot, and a lot has happened. I am a bit tired» Natalia answered.

When we had undressed we lay down in the double bed, talking softly while we watched life in the ocean. Fish were swimming directly over us and the curving glass dome.

We embraced and held each other close. It was lovely, and I felt I had been longing for it. For a long time we lay like that, giving each other kisses and stroking each other. Just lying close together like this was simply wonderful. I kissed Natalia’s forehead and stroked her hair, and she did the same to me. Suddenly I noticed some slight twitches in Natalia’s body, and I understood she was about to fall asleep. I kissed her one more time and stroked her back. Then I noticed that I could barely keep awake any longer either...