Message from the future WE MADE IT! by Henning Jon Grini - HTML preview

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Chapter 18



«Good morning…» I heard Natalia say. I had just woken up and looked into a pair of warm brown eyes, - Natalia’s. She sat down on the edge of the bed and looked at me smilingly.

«Good morning, yes» I said, returning her smile, still feeling slightly sleep-drugged. Then reality hit me: Today I have to go back!

«Dear Natalia, I really wish I could stay here! I have simply no wish to go back to my world.»

Natalia stroked my cheek. «I know, and I would like you to stay, but it is not that simple. Besides, you now have a responsibility to convey what you have seen and experienced here to those in your world who will listen. It is a great and important assignment you have been given!»

«Do you think anyone will listen, or believe me at all?»

«Some will, others won’t, but you should simply not bother yourself about what other people think. Be yourself and tell the truth, and then it has to be up to the others what to think of it. Here are the clothes you wore when you arrived.» She put them there for me and gave me a long and warm kiss before going down to make breakfast.

«What will happen now?» I asked as we were eating.

«I shall go over to the school to teach for a while. You will be going in almost the opposite direction to behind the mountain where you came from. In fact, just where your car was parked. There a large landing field has been landscaped for our friends from the stars. And they are already waiting for you, so our paths will have to part in a few moments.»

«Forever?» I asked, holding my breath.

«That will depend... it is complicated. We’ll have to see. I really hope we can meet again!»

I could see that Natalia meant what she said. By then she had tears in her eyes. I walked around the table, and once more we held each other for a long time. It was really not easy for me to say goodbye to her, even though we had only known each other for a short time. Or had we? What we had experienced together, as well as the earlier life I had got a glimpse of, showed that our acquaintance was not something new, but went way back in time. That was probably why it felt so hard to part again now.

We let go of each other and I went towards the entrance door. Natalia followed and grabbed hold of me. Again we held each other and kissed each other lovingly.

«Love you!» I heard Natalia say as I walked away from the house.

«And I you!» I replied with tears running down my face. I walked on. Soon after I could barely see her. The last thing I saw was that she blew me a kiss and waved. Then I was by myself.

Or was I? I noticed as I walked that it felt as though someone was trying to communicate with me. Strange. In the forest on the way to the landing field I found a place where I could sit down for a little while. I needed a break in order to gather myself a bit after the departure from Natalia. I comforted myself with the thought that I would surely see her again. That helped, and it calmed me.

After a while I rose and continued to walk, and again I had that peculiar feeling that someone wanted to communicate with me, but now it felt different. I felt I was being calmed and comforted, somehow.

I was getting close to the place where I was to meet our cosmic friends and realized that I was excited as well as a bit nervous. What would they look like, and how would they behave? Then it was as if I perceived a low and mild voice that seemed to be saying: «That is something you don’t have to worry about, just you relax.» That helped, and by then I was nearly there. Behind the trees I could see a clearing. That was where they were waiting for me! I was by then quite calm and no longer nervous, just a bit excited...

Suddenly I saw something: A gleaming object and two figures who were waiting for me. I could also see a table with flowers on it, as well as three chairs, and all these things were floating just above the ground! All at once I became more excited, or tense, rather, but at the same time expectant, they actually waved at me, and I waved back. Calmly we walked towards each other until we stood face to face. They were more humanoid than I had imagined, although there were certain notable differences, particularly the eyes. But they were beautiful and wore lovely tight-fitting clothes. They smiled at me in a friendly way and bowed cautiously. This made me relax, and I returned their smile while I bowed. I could clearly sense the energy they radiated, and I recognized that they possessed a higher wisdom and love. I clearly felt it when our eyes met. I actually felt that they looked deeply into me, that they in a way «read» me. One of them came a little hesitantly forward, and I realized he wanted to greet me when he silently reached one hand towards me. I took it carefully, and he cautiously put his other hand around it as well. Then he quietly let go and touched my shoulder in a friendly way.

«That wasn’t so bad, was it?» he said clearly and distinctly in my own language. It surprised me that he spoke the language so well and that they were so similar to us humans.

«No, not at all,» I answered. «Was it you who tried to contact me just now?»

«Yes, I tried to cautiously communicate with you telepathically, but you were too emotionally blocked for me to get through to you. After a while it got easier. That is the way we communicate with each other where we come from. We use telepathy and what one might call «truthful feelings» my new friend from Cosmos explained.

«You may call me Aurelio, and this is Zaina. Please come and sit down with us!» Aurelio indicated one of the chairs, and the two of them sat down on the other ones.

«I am Aron. I thought you would be more different from us.»

«Perhaps you are thinking of the type which you have mostly been exposed to description of, but there are countless different types of creatures in the enormous Cosmos. They are also on different levels of development, and some are friendly while others are not. We have been keeping an eye on you humans and looked after you.»

«I have asked Natalia about this earlier, but I would very much like to hear it from you as well: Why did it take such a long time before you came to help us here on earth?» I asked.

Zaina spoke up. «We can’t do everything for you, then you would not get the chance to develop as a civilization and it would also contradict your free will. Besides, you had to be ready for it and want it, and preferably not regard us as gods, but as your equals.»

«How could you know when we were ready?»

«When you no longer exploited all the new technology, especially with regards to weapons. Another indication was how you treated those who were different, and especially how you treated the ones whom you considered to be the «weakest» in your societies. When a multi-cultural society was no longer regarded as a problem, the time was becoming «ripe». If you could not manage to see each other as equals regardless of race, how could one expect that you would look at strangers from other civilizations as equals? As long as you could not manage to treat everybody equally, regardless of race, or for other reasons as for example sexual orientation, we did not make ourselves known to you. It is simple, really: the more empathy and love you showed others - and yourselves as well, I must add -, the more we approached you. We had a word for it, we called it a «love indicator». You can also look at it in another way: The more you saw everyone and everything as a unit and implemented that understanding in your society, the better for all and for the unit. In our civilization, for example, we share everything with everyone, always. Duality thinking was quite strong in your society, but the truth is you are all one large family, you are one and united with each other. And with everyone else in Cosmos as well, I must add. Another important reason for our keeping back was the fear you harbored of us. As that gradually disappeared, we were ready for a more official contact» Zaina explained.

«Aurelio added: «We did give you a lot of hints through the ages. Many people have seen inexplicable flying objects, and we have given cautious help in ways that you yourselves have not been aware of, such as telepathy for instance. We have also given more concrete and visible help and hints that you are not alone, such as many of the crop circles that have appeared in fields several places in your world. We have considered that to be a friendly, playful and amusing way to convey a message and at the same time challenge you a little.»

«Not many people will believe that, these crop circles, I mean.»

«Then they have not studied them sufficiently. There were persons who made some of them, but it was quite easy to notice the difference. One important reason why we made many of these formations was precisely to tell you that you are not alone in the Universe, and wasn’t it a beautiful, friendly and genial way to do so?»

«Where do you really originate from, and what is the difference between you and us?» I further asked.

«There is no difference, we are souls just like you. We have merely chosen to live somewhere else, for different reasons. But the divine essence in us is the same. I say «divine», because all of us everywhere are divine, also you and everyone else on your planet. We also have the same origin or source. In fact, everything that exists is a part of this source, and this source is what many of you call God. This source, or God if you like, has always existed and will always exist. So will we, as we also are a part of this source. And this process is all the time in movement and change, and this goes on by means of cycles, for ever and ever.»

«This is so big that it is hard to comprehend. These cycles you mentioned, is reincarnation a part of this?»

«It is, as in the great, so in the small. Everything moves in cycles, that is what makes eternity possible» Zaina said, and added: «Your Universe expands until it at one point will withdraw before another Big Bang occurs. It is in a way God’s breathing in and breathing out, to put it in terms you understand. Your souls use reincarnations to develop, whether here or in other places. But be assured that this is not a school, one is here to live one’s life to the fullest and use one’s potential as well as possible. In your turbulent time many people are waking up and realizing who they really are, and who strive to help their fellow humans and Earth ascend to a higher level. Both individual persons and countries are on different stages of development dependent on the soul-experiences one goes through and has gone through. These experiences are accumulated and integrated. And as soul one has chosen to forget one’s source and one’s earlier lives before coming here, that is part of the process of developing here on Earth. So in fact, you have all the answers in you. The soul knows everything, it is rather a matter of remembering and call up in yourselves that which you actually already know.»

«Could you say something more about the divine?»

«We are, like I said, a part of this source. We are sources or gods in miniature, you might say. We are fragments of Source spread all over the Universe and the Multiverse. This is how Source experiences Itself through us. Source is divine and has creative powers. And it is pure Love. We have creative powers as well, and not least we are also Love.»

«It doesn’t seem that way where I come from, but here, however, it is another matter.»

«That is because a great deal of this love has become twisted and you have forgotten who you actually are. You originate from Source, experience separation, and then move back to unity and Source again. As I said, this is a part of the cycle, so be aware of the fact that you are never really separated from Source. Separation is merely an illusion. And this cycle is not only about your souls, it is about your entire society. The earliest and so-called «primitive» societies had a strong feeling of unity and spiritual connection. Atheism was an unknown concept for them, but not for you who are in the middle of this period of separation. As a society you are now about to leave separation and move towards unity again. One can detect a budding tendency to it in your societies. It is this separation that is the reason for all your problems. Therefore, the reason for your problems are deepest seen spiritual. Find your way back to your true spirituality and unity, and you will be able to solve them!

You will not lose the sense of individuality when you move towards unity again, by the way. The illusion of separation is necessary, however, because we cannot know what love is until we have experienced the opposite. You cannot know what «cold» is if all you have experienced is «warm».»

«Could you tell me something about the world you come from?»

«It is rather a challenge to describe it» Aurelio said. «It would be rather like taking a person from the stone age and show and explain your civilization to him. But I can say a little. Our civilization is far older than yours, and we live much longer than you do. We have mastered much of that which you have just barely began to explore, namely metaphysics. Among other things we have learned how to de- and rematerialize ourselves. We can do the same things with our vessels, like that one over there. This vehicle interacts with us as well, and we can control it with our thoughts. And as you yourself have experienced, we master telepathy. You have only now reached the point where you are ready to learn more about the metaphysical aspects of Life. First you had to grow through the physical, become more empathic and bring Love and the feeling of unity into the World again.»

«Why are we actually here? What is the reason for our existence?»

«Seen in a larger perspective we are here primarily in order to experience the physical World with everything it includes. We all come from what you call Heaven, which is a more timeless existence full of unity and love, but which is rather difficult to describe for you as it is not physical. We are mainly here to fully live out our potential and develop our empathy and love, something which is not so easy to understand before one has experienced the opposite, as I just mentioned. For that reason it is very challenging to be on your planet. Or rather, it used to be. As you have seen, it has now become very much better. We might also say that the goal is to bring down Heaven on Earth, or said in another way, to become a highly developed civilization, which is the same thing. The higher developed a society is spiritually, the more Unity and Love is experienced, which is a good description of Heaven. Actually, the more highly developed the societies are, the simpler are their societal structures, and the fewer laws and regulations are needed. Worth considering in your high-tech world! Zaina and I come from such a place, and we want to help your and other similar worlds in ascending to a higher level.»

«This is really very interesting, but it is quite a lot of information to process!» I responded.

«We have not told you how important your task really is. This is just the kind of information from here that you are to convey to your world!» Zaina said. «You are the only one from your time that we have brought here. By telling your contemporaries about us and how your world has managed to develop and solve most of your problems, you will be performing a service of immeasurable importance, and will be able help with the changes that are needed. And this is of urgency in the time you are living in! You have in you an unused potential for conveying things. You have good speaking skills, for instance, and you have understood more than you are aware of. These are some of the reasons why we chose you.»

«Ok.... This gives me something to ponder, but I do feel honored that you chose me. I humbly accept the assignment, but I have a hunch that it will not be easy.»

«Know that you are free to accept or refuse the task, but if you choose to accept it, simply do your best!» Zaina said.

«I have decided, and I will do my very best. But is it so that I very soon am going back to my own time and that you will take me there?»

«Yes, that will happen quite soon. You will scarcely notice anything, but you will remember most of what you have experienced here.»

«Might I get to visit your vessel over there and be taken for a trip before you bring me back to my time?»

«You may come inside, but nothing more this time.»

«Does that mean that I may come back here?» I asked with hope in my voice.

«That is not impossible.»

«In that case I would love to also visit the world you come from! Would that be possible?»

Aurelio smiled and looked at me. « It can be arranged. If you come back here, we shall take you to our world!»

I smiled at them both. «Then I’ll do all I can to get back here. I hope it will not be too long before I’ll have the possibility! There are so many things here that I wish to experience again.»

Aurelio looked at Zaina and smiled. I felt that they understood me and that they knew that Natalia and I had become more than just god friends and that she also was an important reason for my wishing to come back again.

«We are now ready to take you back to your own time, although time is actually a genial illusion» Zaina said. «You are coming into our spaceship with us, and there we are going to bring you back with the help of our apparatus, but exactly what it looks like inside there, you will not be able to remember.»

«Aha... Now I remember that I felt I was being watched just before I fell asleep on the mountain. That was you!»

«That is correct, and now we are going to repeat that process» Zaina said as we calmly walked towards their vessel. She became quiet and concentrated for a moment. After a short time an opening appeared. Strange, because I had not seen any door there earlier. We walked towards this opening... And then I remember nothing more...