Midnight Sun by Heather Reed - HTML preview

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Last Two Weeks

 While I was on Jake's back, running toward the house, Emmett and Jasper were wrestling when we jumped over the river. Jacob let out a bark toward them, they looked and moved so Jacob could come thru.

 Emmett looked at us and said. “I hope your not going in the house like that Jake.”

 Jake let out another bark and my mother and father came out the back door. I pulled Jacob's fur to tell him to stop. When I pulled his hair he yelped, then stop. I got off and he went around the house to change.

 “Ow, that hurt.” he said while rubbing his head.

 “Sorry. I thought you were going to go into the house like that.”

 “I was until you pulled my hair.”

 Emmett and Jasper was laughing. “Awww, poor doggy.” Emmett said.

 I turn around to look at him. “What happen to you Nessie?” my mother asked.

 “Ummm.... A mountain lion attacked me.”

 “Yea right. Y'all were doing something bad. I can smell it.”

 “No, we didn't. And we were just kissing so shut up.”

 “Or what.” he asked.

 “I'll fight you.” I told him. “I'm not scared to fight a boy”

 “A boy really.” he smirked.

 “Yea, a boy. I'll get this shirt ripped up more if I have too.”

 “I like to see that.” Jasper said.

 My mother and father looked at him. Then the others came outside to see what we were talking about. “What y'all hissing about out here.” Rosalie said. “Oh look at you.”

 Rosalie's P.O.V

 “I like to see that.” I heard Jasper telling someone.

 Then me and the others came outside to see what they were talking about. “What y'all hissing about out here.” I said, then I looked at Nessie. “Oh look at you.”

 “What happen to you Nessie.” Esme asked her.

 “A mountain lion attacked me, grandma. And Uncle Emmett does not believe me.” she said. Then looked at Emmett. “And I told him I would wrestle him for saying I was doing something else.”

 “What did he think you were doing.” Alice and I asked.

 “That Jake and I were doing something bad like 'sex'. But we were just kissing.” she stuck her tongue out at him.

 “Is that why Uncle Jasper said, 'I'd like to see that' Nessie.” Alice said.


 “Yes, I did say it. I think Nessie needs to learn how to fight. We taught Bella, now it's Renesmee's turn.” Jasper said.

 Bella and Edward looked at each other then looked at Renesmee, then looked at Jasper.

 “Bella, I know what your thinking. Well, not really, but I can feel what you are thinking. Renesmee is small and young but,” Jasper walked over to Nessie and put his hand on her head and bent down next to her. “She needs to learn, Bella. As your only daughter, she needs to be taught.”

 Bella's P.O.V

 Edward and I looked at each other then looked at Renesmee then looked back at Jasper.

 “Bella, I know what your thinking. Well, not really, but I can feel what you are thinking. Renesmee is small and young but,” Jasper walked over to Nessie and put his hand on her head and bent down next to her. “She needs to learn, Bella. As your only daughter, she needs to be taught.”

 I didn't know what to say so I threw out my shield and asked Edward. 'Edward, I don't know what to do or think. Our little girl fighting.' I thought then I did a tearless cry in my head.

 Edward put his arm around me. “Bella, Jasper is right.” he said looking at Jasper and Renesmee. “But you are too.” he put both of his hands on my face. “She has to learn. We did it with you, but you have a shield that can protect you but she has nothing.” he kissed my forehead and I felt a little better.

 Carlisle came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Bella, I know you worry about her a lot hell we all do and she may be young but she is growling so fast and if Aro wants ti visit us again, well she needs to know hoe to fight.”

 I still didn't say anything. I was just thinking of my little girl getting hurt. 'I don't want to lose my little girl.' if I were human right now, I would be crying and my legs would be shaking.

 “Bella, I don't want to lose her either.” Edward said. I still had my shield down.

 Then Renesmee walk to me and I bent down to her. She put her hand on my cheek. “Momma, you won't lose me. If Uncle Emmett and Jasper and Aunt Alice and Rosalie, and daddy, and grandma and grandpa will help me to know how to fight, you won't lose me.”

 “Renesmee...” I started to say.

 “Yes, mommy.”

 “I love you so much and I just don't want you hurt. But...” I looked at Carlisle. “But her being human.”

 “Well, I was thinking about that. She can get hurt but also she can heal because he's part vampire. But not as fast as us or Jacob. But Jasper is right. She has to know how. And she 2 weeks left to know how before school starts. And she can still do it on the weekends to fight.” he said. “Jasper teach her as much as you can and if you need help I will be able to help. We all will.”

 Jasper looked at Carlisle and shook his head. “Bella, we got this.”

 I shook my head and hugged Renesmee. “Have fun. If you need to stop, stop okay. Two weeks to know how to fight.”

 “Okay.” she kissed me then ran into the house.

 Renesmee's P.O.V

 After I kissed my mom I ran into the house to my room to put on some old pants and shoes. I kept the shirt on since it was already ripped. I put my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get in my face. I open my windows and seen Uncle Jasper standing there talking to Emmett. I jumped and landed on Uncle Jasper's shoulders.

 “Got yea.” I laughed then kissed his cheek and got down.

 “You little rascal.” He said laughing.

 “Who's a rascal?” Alice asked.

 “Renesmee is, because she did the same thing you did. She got on my back and kissed my cheek.”

 Alice was giggling. “That's my girl.” She gave me a high five.

 I smiled and gave her a high five back. “So who am I starting on first.”

 “Me.” Emmett said. “You already wanted to fight me so lets go. Do your worst.”

 “No, Emmett. Your last.” Jasper said.

 “I'm going to go first. I'm smaller.” Alice said.

 'Dang, and I wanted Emmett too.' I said in my head. I heard my dad laugh inside the house. Only people that was outside was Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Jacob. 'He was in wolf form laying down by the back door. He looked like a guard dog, for god sakes.' I heard my dad laughing again.

 “Get out of my head, dad.” I yelled at him. Then was laughing. “Okay, Alice. Are you in for this.”

 “Do you mean, 'Are you in this'.” she said.

 “Yea, whatever.”

 “Come at me anyway you want.”

 I rolled my eyes at her and went at her. 'I missed.' I went after again. This time I got her but when I got up, she tackled me down.

 “1 don't loose your focus on your prey.” Jasper said.

 I did everything I could do to everyone. I fought with everyone but my mother. I didn't want to fight with my father or Jacob, but they wanted too. With Jacob it was hard not to hurt. I broke his arm, but I didn't mean too.

 Carlisle took care of him. Jacob sat on the ground watching us. I fought with everyone twice. It was hard with Emmett but it was not hard to deal with him when I got different moves from everyone twice.

 I did this everyday for a week and 2 days. I had to stop for a little bit, because in about 4 and a half days left was school. And my mother asked Jasper and Carlisle if we could stop so I could catch up on some rest. They agreed to it. Jacob was better now. His arm was back to normal. It healed back quick in about 3 days.

 I told him sorry everyday until he got healed. He always told me 'No big deal. I had worst.' Then he would kiss me. I know it hurt him when we were in bed asleep, since he couldn't hold me for 3 days. But when those 3 days were up, he hold me close to him in bed. Sometimes I had to tell him let go of me a few times, because I was burning up.

 On the last 4 days left, Aunty Alice and Rose took me school shopping. We went to 4 clothes stores and went to one store to get school stuff. I got up to $300 in clothes and about $100 in school stuff. With my Aunts they went all out and crazy when we go shopping. But I loved them.

 When we got home from shopping, we carried about 20 bags in the house to my room. My mom looked at us when we came in the house with a lot of bags.

 “What did y'all do. But the store out.” my mother said.

 “Nope.” Alice said when we went to my room.

 When we got into my room we put the bags on my bed. Then Alice told me go eat and go have fun, so I did. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I fixed me some pizza and a coke. When I was eating I notice that Jake didn't come into the kitchen.

 “Mom, where's Jake?”

 “Oh, he left. He went to La Push. Sam wanted him to help with a problem down south in another Rev. He left a note in your room on your desk. He wanted to wait til you got back but you know how Sam gets.”

 I nodded and went back into my room. And like my mother said there was a note on my desk. It said to 'My Sweet Heart'. I open it up and read what he wrote.

 'Dear Nessie,
 I'm sorry that I left like this while you were out shopping but Sam called me and said there were some issues in the Makah Rev. I'll be gone fore a little bit. Sam says about 2 to do 3 weeks. I hope I will be back sooner then that. I will call and text you everyday, I swear Nessie. I love you so much.
 Love your wolf,
 P.S. I left half of my heart with you Renesmee, watch over it for me.'

 I sat on my bed and started crying. Alice heard me crying when they were just finishing up putting my clothes in my closet. She walked over to me.

 “Nessie, what's the matter?” she asked.

 “Jake left for a little bit. And I didn't even say good bye or kiss him good bye.” I told her.

 Then I thought I heard Rose mumble something under her breathe like 'good he's gone.'. Alice looked at her then back to me. She grabbed letter that Jacob wrote me.

 “Sweetie, he will be back soon. He has to work on something. Don't worry honey, he will be back trust me.” he hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

 “Well, everything is put up. All you got to do is go thru your school stuff and see what your gonna take with you.” Rosalie said. “School starts in 2 days.”

 “Okay. Thank you guys for the shopping spree. I needed it.” I laughed a little.

 “Your welcome sweet heart.” Rosalie and Alice said. Then Alice whipped the tears away from my face and then they left my room.

 I got up and walk to the end of my bed and sat down. I went thru everything. I put one 5 subject notebook and a binder in my new Hello Kitty book bag, also I put 2 pens and 2 pencils, with 1big purple eraser, led holder all in a pencil case. When I was done I put my book bag in my closet to the side and the extra school stuff on a shelve then went back to my bed.

 But on the way there, I grabbed my little doggy that looked like Jacob and went to cuddle with it. I needed to clam down, and the dog was not helping me. Only person could do that was Uncle Jasper and he wasn't here.

 I rolled over to my side still cuddling the doggy, my wolf Jacob, and I started to cry again. Not even 5 minutes someone knocked on my door.


 “Go away.” I mumbled.

 But who ever it was, came in my room. Then they climbed in my bed with me, rubbing my hair.

 “Nessie, are you okay.” it was Jasper that climb in my bed. “Sweetie what's the matter. Tell Uncle Jasper.”

 “Jake left.” I mumbled, in my doggy.

 “Oh,” he said. “Well how about this. Why don't you get another pair of clothes and a towel and meet me in the Jeep, okay.”

 “Why you need the Jeep?” I rolled over to look at him.

 “Because where we are going, the Jeep can handle it.” he said smiling.

 “Where are we going.”

 “You'll find out when we get there.” he said, then pointed my nose. “Get ready.” he said when he walked out.

 “Okay.” I said.

 Then I got up and went to my dresser and got a shirt and pants and then went into my bathroom and got a towel. 'I bet we are going cliff diving.' I thought to myself. So I went back to my dresser and grabbed my 2 piece and went back into the bathroom and put it on then put my clothes over them. I put on my flip flops and flew downstairs, then went into the garage. Then I almost forgot my phone so I ran back upstairs in my room and grab my phone and went back to the Jeep. Then my dad came out to the garage.

 “Aren't you gonna say good-bye to your father.” he said.

 “Oh, sorry. Bye daddy.” I said to him. “Bye mommy!” I yelled when Jasper came out to the Jeep in a T-shirt, flip flops and shorts, and a bag of things in it.

 “Bye sweet heart.” she yelled back.

 I giggled. Then Emmett came out and asked us where we going. “Where y'all going?”

 “Some where.” Jasper said.

 “We are going cliff diving. He is taking my mind off of Jacob while he is gonna be gone for a little bit.”

 “How did you know I was taking you there?” he asked me.

 “Why else would you tell me get another pair of clothes and a towel.” I said. “Duh Uncle Jazz.”

 Jasper smiled. Then my dad said. “Yes she is.” then laughed.

 “She acts like you and bell. Mostly you sometimes. But I love her.” he said messing my hair up.”

 I rolled my eyes at them. Then Emmett said to both of us. “Have fun.”

 “Oh, we will.” I said.

 “Ready?” he asked me.

 “Yupperz.” I said smiling.

 I waved at them when Jasper drove out of the garage. They waved back. I sat back in the seat with my sunglasses on and relaxed in the wind. Since I was still human, I could still get sun burn but it does not hurt me like other humans. So I closed my eyes and let my hair blow with the wind, and the sun beam on me.

 Where we were going was far about 2 or 3 hour drive but since the way 'us' Cullens' drove it was about an hour maybe less but I was not really worried about time right now. I was spending time with my Uncle Jasper.

 All of us always come came here to go cliff jumping. It was the only place we could go swimming in the summer time when the sun was up. I remember Jake was in his wolf form with me on his back and jumped in the water. It was fun a little. That was my first time cliff jumping and I didn't want to go in by myself.

 It feels like it was just the other day. My mother telling Jacob to be careful with me on his back while jumping. I even remember my Uncle Emmett throwing me off the cliff. I was screaming too until I was under. Everyone was laughing at me, but my mother and father tried so hard not to laugh but they did.

 About 20 minutes later my phone was going off. 'Beautiful Soul' by Jesse McCartney.

 'I don't want another pretty face.
 I don't want just anyone to hold.
 I don't want my love to go to waste.
 I want you and your Beautiful Soul.

 Your the one I wanna chase.
 Your the one I wanna hold.
 I won't let another minute go to waste.
 I want you and your Beautiful Soul.'

 It was my ring tone for Jacob. I sat up and got my phone and answered it.


 “Hi, are you mad?” he asked.

 “No, not really. I was at first when you left.”

 “Oh, why were you hurt.”

 “Because I didn't say good-bye or even give you a good-bye kiss.”

 “Oh sorry. What are you doing.”

 “Ummm.... Uncle Jasper is taking me cliff diving to cheer me up.”

 “Oh, have fun.” he sounded hurt.



 “I miss you.”

 “Oh Renesmee, I miss you too. I swear when I come back, I will do anything you want; my treat.”

 When he said that 'anything I want' huh. Mm.... there was a lot of things I wanna do to him.

 “Nessie, control your emotions please. I'm still here.”

 “Sorry Uncle Jasper.” I said. I started to blush when he said that.

 “What were you doing.” he said laughing.

 “Nothing. I'll tell you later. Just remind me later.” I told him.

 “Okay, I will.”

 We just turn off the highway to where we were going.

 “Jake, I'll call you later when I get home okay.”


 “I love you, Jake.”

 “I love you too, Nessie.”


 “Bye.” then we hung up.

 I looked at Jasper still blushing. Then he looked at me smiling.

 “What?” he said.

 “Nothing.” I said still blushing.

 “Its okay to think about that just don't do it around me okay.”

 “Sorry, Uncle Jasper.” I told him when we parked.

 “Its okay. I won't tell your parents, but I can't stop your father when he reads my mind.” he said messing my hair again.

 When we got our things out of the Jeep; I stuck my tongue our at him. And I took off before he could catch me.

 “I got you Nessie.” he yelled when I took off.

 But I beat him there to our cliff. I took off my shirt and pants off and ran and jumped in the water.

 “WOO HOO!” I yelled.

 Like about a minute later he jumped in the water after me. I drove under the water then came up to see where he was. He was a few feet in front of me. We were laughing. I drove back under and swam toward him and swan up and scared him. (Well not really.)


 “Nice try.” he said laughing.

 “I'll race yea again to the top.” I said laughing.


 “On your mark,”

 “Get set,”


 We drove under water and swan toward the beach and ran to the cliff again. I beat him by 2 seconds.

 “Beat yea.”

 “Yes you did.”

 “Can I get on your back and you can jump with me.” I asked.

 “Sure, climb on.”

 I got on his back and he walked back a little.

 “Hold on.” he said.

 I hold on real tight to him and he took off and he jumped. My eyes got big when we jumped but it was fun. We did this for two hours now. And it was getting dark. We even raced back to the Jeep.
 When we got back to the Jeep; we changed clothes. I took off my bottoms and put on underwear and pants; then took off my top and put on my bra and shirt on. I ran my hair threw my towel and put it up in a bun. I threw everything in my bag and put them in the back. I got in the Jeep and lay back.

 On the way home, I fell asleep. So I didn't know how long it was. But all I know when I woke back up we were pulling in the garage.

 “Nessie, we're home.” Jasper said.

 I sat up and blink a dew times. “Okay.” I got out and got my things and went in the house. I went up to my room and put my wet clothes in my bathroom and threw my other clothes in the hamper. Went back into my room and fell on my bed and fell back asleep.

 When I woke back up; it was noon. I slept the rest of the night and slept most of the day. When I woke up I was covered up. So someone came upstairs and tucked me in. When I got up my stomach was growling; since I went to bed without eating.

 After I got out of the shower, I went downstairs. When I went downstairs there was no one in the house so they went hunting without me. So I went into the kitchen and fixed me a hot pocket; it was a hot ham and cheese. I fixed me two of then and had a small glass of milk.

 When I done I went upstairs and put on short shorts and my top of my other 2 piece on, grab my beach towel, my sunglasses, and my book; 'Living Without My Love'. When I got everything that I needed, went downstairs; then went out back and layed my beach towel down' put my sunglasses on and layed on my stomach, and started reading my book.

 I wanted my last day to myself, before I started school tomorrow. I was a little hurt that Jake wasn't here with me before I started school, but he's got to do, what he's got to do.

 I layed down on my stomach for about 20 minutes until I heard everyone running thru the forest. I got up, moved my glasses on top of my head and stood up watching them jump over the river.

 “About time you wake up.” Alice said.

 I smiled at her. Then my mother flew to me. “Are you okay.”

 “Yes momma. Uncle Jasper wore mt our yesterday. It was fun.”

 “I'm glad you had fun sweetie.”

 “I even beat Uncle Jasper too, like 3 times.”

 “Yea, she did. She's fast; she took Edward's talent.” he said laughing.

 Then everyone started laughing with him. “Yea, I guess she did.” my father said. “She even got scared when y'all jumped together too. Her eyes got real big.”

 “Hey, now. I didn't get scared okay. Maybe a little but it was fun.”

 “Okay, hun whatever you say.” he said laughing.

 They all went into the house. But mom. “Jake called last night. When you didn't answer your phone he called me.”

 “What you tell him.”

 “I told him you were in bed. Jasper wore your ass out.” she giggled.

 I blushed then told her. “Oh, I told him that we were cliff diving.”

 “Yea, he told me.”

 “I'll call him tonight before bed.”

 “Okay, I'll leave you back to your tanning.”

 I nodded and put my sunglasses back over my face and my mother went in the house. I layed on my back this time and closed my eyes. I fell asleep (Well not really, I took a little nap) but while I was dreaming of Jake in his wolf form licking my face.

 “Jake, stop licking me.” I told him.

 He stop for a minute, then he started licking me again.

 “Jake, I said 'stop'.” I said sitting up and removing my glasses. “Oh my god.” I saw a little puppy.

 My mother, father, and everyone else came outside. They stopped at the back door.

 “Awww, mommy can I keep him.” I was petting him. It was a little pup. I don't know it was a dog or a wolf. But it look so cute. It was the same color as Jake, reddish brown.

 “I don't know. Maybe someone lost it or it's a stray or even a wolf pup. But if it's a wolf pup, his mother is not far away.”

 The little guy was barking at me, it was so cute.

 “Please mommy. I'll take of him, I swear. And if we are trying to be 'human' then a pet would be cool.”

 “Like we don't have a pet as it is.” Rosalie mumbled. Then walked back in the house.

 “Rose,” Esme said. Then walked over to me. “He is cute.”

 “Please mommy.” I begged.

 “You have to ask grandma and grandpa.” my mother told me.

 I looked at grandma and grandpa and asked them. “Grandma. Grandpa can I keep him.” I gave them the puppy eye look. I use that look to get my way.

 Esme looked at me and the dog/wolf then looked at Carlisle. “Hun, what do you think.”

 “Hmm,” he started to say, then walked over to us. Then the puppy jumped on him and started licking him.

 I started laughing at him. Everyone but Rosalie was laughing too. “Can I grandpa?”

 “Okay, Renesmee. But it's your job to take care of him. Feed him, walk him, wash him, clean up after him.”

 “Thank you grandpa. Oh thank you.” I got up and hugged him.

 “Your welcome, sweet heart.”

 “Daddy, can I use your truck to go to the store and but little Jake some food and stuff.” I asked him.

 “Yea, but be careful.”

 “I will you know that.”

 He threw me his keys and I grab the puppy and brought him with me. I went to my daddy's Volvo and hit the garage button on top of the roof and started it. When the door open; I put on my seat belt and drove out. I drove to Seattle to the mall. They had a pet market in the mall. It was called 'Uncle Bill's Pet Store'. Seattle was about an hour drive but I hit the gas so I can be back home early to play with Little Jake.

 When I got to Uncle Bill's, I took Little Jake in with me. I asked one of the workers if they could help me.

 “Welcome to Uncle Bill's,” a patriot said. “Welcome to Uncle Bill's.” it said again.

 I smiled at it. “Hi, I would like some help to get some things for my puppy.”

 “Okay. What's his name?”

 “Little Jake. I named him after my boyfriend. I got him today.”

 “So it's a boy huh. Cool, we got a lot of boy clothes for dogs. A lot of blue too.”

 I nodded. She got me a chart and help me look. I found a baby blue collar with a matching letch to it. I put them on him so I would not have to carry him.

 I even found the cutest clothes for him. I found one that says, 'Am I Cute', I got that and another on. It was blue that had angel wings on the back. Then, I got him some chew toys, some treats and a big bag of puppy chow. I even got dog shampoo and a dog brush too.

 Everything I got was about $50 together. When I was done, she helped me carry everything to my car.

 “Thank you.”

 “Your welcome. Thanks for coming, come back again.” she said.

 I waved when I drove off and headed back home. It was almost 3 o'clock when I got back. When I got back, Emmett and Jasper was in the garage in the Jeep. When I parked I closed the door and got out with Little Jake, I grabbed his stuff and took it in the house to my room.

 “Hey, guys.”

 “Hey, do you need help?” Jasper asked.

 “No, I don't think so.” when I said that I almost drop the dog food, until Jasper grabbed it. “Thanks.”

 “Your welcome.”

 “What did you get?” Emmett asked.

 “2 pairs of clothes, dog food, dog treats, chew toys, dog shampoo, dog brush, collar and letch, and bowels for him.” I told them.

 “Oh. Well, here let us help.” Emmett said.

 They each got 2 bags and we went to my room. I carried Little Jake to my room. They put the bags on my bed and left. I thanked them and went into my bathroom to give him a bath. He was so small I washed him in the sink.

 When I was done doing that o put that shirt that says, 'Am I Cute' on him. Then carried him in my room and put him on the floor. I closed the door so he wouldn't get out. I got his bowels out and filled them up with puppy chow and water. I put the food and treats in the closet with his other outfit. I put out one bone so he can have something to chew.

 While I was on the floor playing with him my phone was going off. It was Jacob's ring tone.

 'I don't want another pretty face.
 I don't want just anyone to hold.
 I don't want my love to go to waste.
 I want you and your Beautiful Soul.

 Your the one I wanna chase.
 Your the one I wanna hold.
 I won't let another minute go to waste.
 I want you and your Beautiful Soul.'

 “Hello 'Beautiful Soul,' I said to him.

 He laughed when I said that. “Hello Angel, how did you sleep.”

 “Good, Uncle Jasper wore me out.” I giggled at what I said and at Little Jake.

 “Oh, so you had lots of fun.”


 “'Ruff, Ruff.'” the puppy barked.

 “What was that?” he asked.

 “Oh, my puppy name, Little Jake. I was suntanning and I was dreaming of you in your wolf form and he came and started licking my face and I kept saying, 'Stop licking me Jake.' When I open my eyes he was standing above my head.” I told him. “He looks a lot like you. I mean the fur color.” I giggled a little when Little Jake was licking me.

 “Oh okay. How old is he?”

 “I don't know. A few months maybe. My mother doesn't know what he is. A dog or a wolf.”

 “Oh, well if he is a wolf be careful okay. Because the mother wouldn't be that far away.”

 “That's what my mother told me. But grandma and grandpa said I could keep it. Rose doesn't like it. Because...”

 “Of me being a dog/wolf. I know, I know.”

 “Jake, don't get mad okay. I love you.”

 “I love you too. I will always love you.”

 “Me too. And I feel like you took half of my heart with you.”

 “I left half of my heart with you.”

 “Well come and get it then.”

 “I wish I could. But I'll be there soon. I promise Nessie.”

 Then someone knocked on my door.


 Then the dog starting barking at the door.

 “ 'Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff' ”

 “Little Jake stop barking.” I told him. “Come in.” I to