NEBADOR Book Eight: Witness by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: New Insights

Do you think it’s going to work? Arantiloria, currently invisible to all mortal eyes, asked the deep-space response ship.

According to my memories of this and similar training simulations, and a couple of real rescue missions, the steps they have taken to reduce the fear of the local population should result in a moderate improvement in their success.


“Twenty-one,” Ilika announced as everyone gathered at the table and grabbed juice cartons to quench dry throats. “Again, mostly male, and mostly old.”

Boro growled with frustration. “We could squeeze that many into one of the toilet rooms!”

Sata laughed, imagining bunnies piled in a bath tub.

Rini smiled. “I noticed they were different ones from the last time.

Before, I think we got mostly political leaders. This time, we got religious leaders. I declare my bunny-in-the-sky trick a complete failure.”

Mati looked at him with sympathy. “It was a slight improvement. But leaders of barely-sapient creatures are usually gonna be old, and male, just like in our kingdom.”

After a long silence, Kibi finished carefully chewing and swallowing a cracker. “We’re doing something basically, fundamentally wrong, aren’t we, Ilika? We should be able to get one or two hundred of those little creatures

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into this ship.”

“This is one of those exercises that would be worthless if I gave you the slightest hint. Believe me, the pride and confidence you will feel, when you succeed, will be worth all the frustration.”

“But what if it takes us an entire Satamia day? ” Sata said, trying not to whine.

“I have a feathered friend whose crew wrestled with this simulation for three days! If anything, you guys are ahead of schedule.”

Sata took a deep breath and almost smiled.




observed the next two simulations.

I knew they were ready for something different, but I didn’t think they’d try the social approach so soon.

Most mammalian and avian crews try it fairly early, the ship replied, but the reptiles and insects usually wait longer.

I didn’t realize humans were a race who tended to over-estimate their charms so much, Arantiloria mused.

That is beyond my understanding.

What did you think of Sata tossing fresh vegetables onto the ramp?

It reminded me of an avian crew that put out seeds and nuts for the same purpose. The simulated victims, in that case, were other birds.

Arantiloria smiled to herself.


Sata whimpered with frustration as she landed in a chair at the big table.

“And I wasted all those good vegetables for nothing. We could have made a stew.”

Boro sat down close beside her. “We have to try things, or we won’t get anywhere.”

Kibi sighed. “What was the count, Ilika?”

“Sixteen, but only about half were males.”

Boro moaned again. “Rini’s bunny ears worked better.”

“Hey!” Kibi began, trying to cheer him up. “Remember what happened when I went out to talk to them?”

Sata pouted a moment longer, then smiled. “They . . . um . . . ran.”

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“All but two,” Mati remembered. “Yeah, we’re doing something very wrong, one of those things that’s gonna be hard to think of because it won’t

. . . you know . . . feel right.”

Rini noticed a slight smile appear on the captain’s face. “I think you’re on the right track, Mati.”

When Mati remained silent, Sata took a deep breath. “So . . . how do we think of something that’s . . . too weird to think of?”


After Ilika tried to comfort them by announcing that only half a Satamia day had passed, and Kibi realized with alarm that they hadn’t slept in more than two ship-days, everyone filtered away to get some rest.

Ilika had barely closed his eyes, it seemed, when he was awakened by Kibi dancing around the cabin, turning on lights and using the knowledge processor, seemingly all at once.

“Of course, of course, of course, it’s so simple! Why didn’t we think of it sooner? Actually, I know why. We hate not being in control of our lives, we think we can solve any problem that comes along, so we think other creatures should be able to, also, even when the situation is completely outside their experience!”

Ilika propped his head on one hand to listen.



we’re no better at it than the sapient bunnies, but we think we are, so we think they should be. I want to do another simulation,” she asserted, reaching for the knowledge processor.

“No!” Ilika commanded. “Not until everyone’s had a few hours of sleep.”

Kibi pulled her hand back, but was still bouncing with excitement.

“Come here. You obviously aren’t going to get any more sleep, so I’ll keep you occupied.”

Kibi looked at her lover and could see the passion in his eyes. She took a few more breaths to settle her nerves, then turned off the lights. When she felt his hands in the dark, she giggled and relaxed.


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