NEBADOR Book Nine: A Cry for Help by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 84: The Snake

In the early afternoon of that very unusual Thursday in Capital Park, a squad of unarmed soldiers arrived on foot to shoo the kids off the military tank and free the men within. They were under orders to keep an eye on the perimeter of the park, but not clash with the people or the city police.

Alex decided it was time to learn to dance, and soon joined Corky, Benny, and Mouse. Stephy tried to move to the music, but it didn’t come easily. Alex shared with Corky that the military had finally wised up and realized this was not an occasion for guns.

Even so, there were still a number of guns in Capital Park.

Those who had brought firearms spanned all the social classes, and included both men and women, but when it became obvious that the park was going to be full of youth and children, most of those guns were quickly hidden away at the bottom of picnic baskets, purses, or day packs.


One gun stayed out.

Normally, all the bushes on the edges of Capital Park were kept well-trimmed so they could be easily patrolled and no one could hide in them for any purpose.

On that particular day, with everyone focused on events at the center of the park, a newspaper van had parked very close to the outside edge of a row of bushes, creating a dark space just large enough for one person to hide.

The shadowy figure looked through the telescopic sight at possible targets.

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The teenage girl in a purple robe was tempting, as she was almost certainly an alien. But after following her around the platform for a minute, and noticing the facial scars that revealed some sort of hard life, the crosshairs seen through the gun sight moved on.

The military officers, and the scientists and other academic types, certainly looked like ours. Perhaps they were just pretending. Impossible to be sure.

The crosshairs moved on.

The horse just looked like a horse. Horses were good critters, once helped us with many things, and might again someday. The telescopic image looked elsewhere.

The three bobbing heads in the water were barely visible. Good eating, maybe, but hard to get a clear shot. The crosshairs continued their search for a target.

The weird tiger was very tempting. It’s teeth were way too large to be from here. Probably some kind of alien pet.

Then the gun spotted what it wanted. The snake was half-coiled, half-stretching itself upward, and appeared to be talking to the girl in a purple robe.

“God, I hate snakes!” the shadowy figure muttered and squeezed the trigger.


The dancer, although she had used every possible technique of dancing slowly to conserve energy, was getting tired. She knew she had no money on her, and had no idea where her purse or dance bag might be. She couldn’t remember who she worked for, but guessed it was one of the important people on the platform. If not, maybe they could point her in the right direction.

As she danced near the platform, she glimpsed pizza boxes and cans of juice, and hoped someone would offer her something. She knew she was the main inspiration for all the young people dancing around her, so she kept her arms and legs moving to the music.

Just as she was passing the podium, the climax of the song played. Since she had gotten used to adding a leap to her dance at that point, she did so once again, with her last burst of energy, knowing she would have to rest, eat, and drink when this pass through the song ended.

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Just as she leapt, she noticed the big snake talking to the girl in a purple robe. Suddenly something hit her and she felt herself falling. As she saw the grass rushing toward her, she thought, Oh, no, I can’t dance anymore!

Yes you can, a soft voice said as the ground ceased its approach and the dancer felt herself floating upward. You are a great Temporandek Teacher, and you will always be able to dance to your heart’s content. But right now, you can rest.

NOW I remember who I am!


“Oh, shit,” muttered the shadow in the bushes.

In less than a minute, the gun was disassembled, packed into an inconspicuous shoulder bag, and the figure slipped out of its hiding place and into the streets of the city.


The dancer’s body slammed against the side of the golden platform, then came to rest a few feet away in the grass. Frightened youth scattered, screaming.

Ashley looked, tried to swallow but couldn’t, and touched her bracelet to silence the music.

Brian was the first one off the platform, roaring his anger and despair to the universe even as tears filled his eyes. “Priscilla! No! No! No! . . .”

Toran Takil came next, leaping over the fallen dancer and the grieving young man, then facing away while guarding them and scanning for the weapon, or any other dangers, with the keen eyes of a hunter.

Susan was quickly beside Brian, taking in the mortal wound that had torn a hole in Priscilla’s chest so large that no help was possible.

As he cried, Brian tried to gather Priscilla into his arms, but she was completely limp and covered with slippery blood.

As tears filled Susan’s eyes, she glimpsed all the military officers and scientists of Priscilla’s team climbing down off the platform and gathering around their fallen leader, even Three-star General Malcolm Ko-fenral, with the help of others.


Eventually everything and everyone slowed down.

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Ashley resisted the temptation, just barely, to join those around Priscilla’s body. Kolarrr’ka and T’sss’lisss guessed that the presence of a bird and a snake would only add to the confusion. Malika-Terno just closed his eyes.

Ilika asked all his crew members to remain on the platform and stay alert for any other problems or dangers.

A police medic came by to examine the victim, but quickly shook his head.

The mayor came close, and mumbled that he was very sorry and that the police were doing everything possible to locate the shooter.

Alex, Corky, and Stephy knelt on the grass not far away, wishing they could pay their respects, but not knowing how.

Daphne, who had been talking with her grandmother, stood back and watched. She had to swallow many times and struggle to control her shaking legs as she realized that this was real life, and it might not always be safe.

But after seeing how the ship’s crew members were taking it, she willed her body to relax. After some deep breaths, she reached inside herself for courage and walked forward.

Toran Takil looked at her. They shared a moment of eye contact.

Satisfied, he looked away.

Daphne knelt down beside Doctor Betty Ko-silma, who was silently crying a little apart from the others. After a moment of thought, the girl put her arm around the short woman.


As the timeless minutes passed, Ashley became aware that some people in the park were starting to gather up their picnic baskets, ice chests, and children, to make ready to depart. Suddenly she felt, in her heart, the words she had to say. She stepped to the podium one last time.


not a gun that killed your Teacher great. It was fear, the fear same that is root of all hatred, which causes you abuse each other and planet.”

She noticed most people sit back down to listen.

“The truth, we came here for arrange evacuation of all other sapient creatures from planet, ten years from now, if you not change suicidal course your civilization.” She paused and listened to the little voice inside her for another moment. “If want you to play with powers of God, must learn you wisdom of God, or you will destroy selves. Your children can you teach that

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After running out of words and breathing for a long moment, Ashley knew it was time. She jumped down off the platform and stepped to the circle of grieving people on the ground. “I believe should we take Teacher home now.”

Brian looked up with his tear and blood-stained face, nodded weakly, then began gathering his beloved’s body into his arms.

The military officers and scientists, psychologist and philosopher, all began picking themselves up and helping each other to climb back onto the platform, or helping Brian with his burden.

Ashley, still on the grass, looked at Daphne. “Need you a seat?”

The nine-year-old nodded.

Suddenly the mission leader closed her eyes for a moment. When she opened them, she looked around. Her eyes stopped at a young man, sixteen or seventeen. “Alexander Po-nortan?”

“Um . . . yeah . . . that’s me . . .”

“You will be important leader during most critical time planet’s history.

We like you offer a year advanced training. If you wish this to do, must come now.”

A hundred thoughts visited the young man’s face during the next few moments.

“But Alex!” Stephy burst out. “Who will lead us?

After a few more breaths, he found his voice. “Corky will be the leader while I’m gone. Then, when I get back, I’ll teach her, and all of you, everything I’ve learned.”

Corky looked proud and sad at the same time, and just nodded.

Alex kissed both girls on the cheek. “Take care of Mouse and Benny for me, and let more kids onto the team when you find them.”

“We will,” Corky promised.

Alex turned and climbed onto the platform with Ashley.

Toran Takil looked around one more time, then leapt up and followed Ashley toward the ship, keeping one eye on the situation behind him.


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