NEBADOR Book Nine: A Cry for Help by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: Getting Comfortable

When Heather announced that she was finished with her presentation, the four officers discovered, after looking at their notes, that almost all their questions had been answered.

Before anyone else could speak, the general asserted that the discussion of Heather’s salary and benefits would take place between the two of them in his office.

The colonel remained silent.

Major Ka-markla’s hand came up slowly.

Heather pointed to her.

“You have offered to work for the Department of Defense. Do you realize that by doing so, you will be able to share your . . . um . . . future knowledge only with the Department of Defense, and that the secrecy rules for a program like this are very strict?”

“I do,” Heather said without hesitation. “I know you will need to supervise all my activities to make sure I don’t, you know, stop in for a chat at some foreign embassy . . .”

Everyone chuckled. Heather could see the sergeant smiling behind his tape recorder.

“. . . and I know you’ll need to monitor my mail and telephone calls. You’ll get no security problems from me. If any other government or corporation learned of my memories, I’d be worth millions to anyone who could snag me.

I don’t want to live my life hiding under bridges. I want a home and a family.

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I’ll still visit my mother, but she can’t protect me now that I’m starting my work, so in a sense, you guys will have to be my family.”

She let a long moment pass so they could ponder her words.

“But I won’t live in a cage,” she went on softly. “My future memories stay here, but my dancing and skating and hiking and other fun things happen out there in the world. You need to monitor and protect me. Fine. I need a facilitator to drive, help me do business, and just be someone I can talk to.”

She looked at Major Ka-markla.

The young female officer nodded.


With nine o’clock approaching and full darkness cloaking the hills around the little facility, the executive officer made note of several more topics that needed to be discussed at future sessions, and the general closed the meeting.

At Heather’s direction, the sergeant announced the time before stopping his tape.

Colonel Ba-kerga nodded with approval and growing respect. “Remember, everyone, your note pads do not leave the building. Sergeant, you’ll have to do a double shift.”



“I’ll get more security personnel in here as soon as I can, but top-secret-umbra clearances don’t grow on trees.”



“Major Ka-markla,” the executive officer began, “you’ll have to stay with Heather tonight. It will take a few days to get this place up and running.”

“I’m prepared, Ma’am — always keep an overnight bag in my car.”

“Good. I’ll get food and drink in here by morning, but it may take another day or two to find a cook.”

“We’ve got left-over pizza!” Heather proclaimed with a grin.

The general laughed. “I’ll try to get in about ten so you and I can meet, Heather, and I want everyone here by thirteen hundred.”


The three older officers departed, leaving Major Ka-markla in command.

“Sergeant, double-check all the gates and doors, including the one in the bomb shelter.”

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“That’s a hundred-foot crawl!” he said with wide eyes. “I think there’s some knee pads down there.”

“Oh, cool! Can I come?” Heather asked excitedly, bouncing up and down.

“Not tonight, young lady,” the major asserted. “You and I have work to do up here. This place hasn’t been used in weeks. Hopefully all the bedding is still here.”

Following Lisa to the sleeping rooms at the back of the building, Heather frowned at the gray walls and thin, lumpy mattresses on squeaky bed strings.

“I’ll sleep on a couch, thank you.”

“I understand. Grab some sheets and blankets.”

Returning to the large main room, they quickly had two couches near each other for them, and another near the stairs for the sergeant.

“Girls’ side and boys’ side!” Heather noted with a grin.

Lisa laughed. “In the military, we don’t always get the luxury of separate quarters.”

A few minutes later, the sergeant returned. “All secure.”

“We’re both armed,” the major said, “and no one can get in without a bomb or a bull dozer, so you can sleep, Sergeant.”

“I guess . . . a bomb or a bull dozer would wake us.”

Heather giggled. “I don’t suppose there’s a record player anywhere . . .”

Both adults shook their heads.

“We’ll have to do some shopping tomorrow!”


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