“Major Ma-soran coming in!” Lisa yelled down. “E.T.A. two minutes!”
“Upstairs, young lady,” Ben asserted. “Only military personnel, and those in transit, are allowed down here when any of the doors or gates are open.”
Heather pretended to pout, just for a second, then smiled and dashed up the stairs.
Lisa was starting to see when the seven-year-old child was in control, and when the eighty-year-old psychologist was speaking. As Heather waited at the very top of the stairs, nearly bouncing up and down with excitement, the seven-year-old was clearly present.
As Major Ma-soran climbed the stairs slowly with a box in her arms, she was greeted by the smiling girl, but also thought she glimpsed the wise old eyes of the psychologist who had already experienced a future — if she was telling the truth — that she and her fellow officers couldn’t imagine.
Finally arriving at her desk, she brought out sweet rolls, a thermos of coffee, and a carton of milk.
Heather wasn’t paying attention. She was looking at the box Ben was bringing up the stairs.
“I believe this is for you, young lady.”
She received the box with a grin and sat down on the floor to carefully unpack the brand new record player.
“Coffee, Sergeant?” the executive offered.
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Clutching hot coffee and sweet rolls, the three military people gathered on couches to chat about the upcoming day’s tasks, and for a few minutes didn’t think about their new resident. The radio came to life again, and two minutes later Sergeant Ta-nibon stood at attention as General Bo-seklin drove into the parking garage. The sergeant secured the gate, then helped the general carry boxes upstairs.
The four were deep into coffee and sweet rolls when a faint throbbing sound began. They looked at each other. A moment later, other instruments joined the drums, soon building to a full orchestra. All four slowly rose and looked around.
“Recreation room,” Major Ka-markla suggested.
Indeed, the music became louder as they approached the door, pulsing with a vibrant dance tune that easily stirred the blood. The general carefully turned the doorknob.
Heather, now in pink leotard and leather dance shoes, moved skillfully on the old tumbling mat to the rhythmic music coming from the record player.
The four slipped in and leaned against the wall.
Heather smiled at them but didn’t stop dancing.
The music became fuller and the beat faster as the minutes passed, and the girl’s movements became stronger to match, her feet in perfect time to the song, her arms tracing elegant shapes in the air, her hands adding flare to the rhythm.
As the song built to its final climax, she began to leap with graceful legs while her arms reached for the sky, then slowly returned to lower and smaller movements as the music faded and she held a final pose.
The four military people clapped vigorously.
Heather stretched up to her full height. “That was just a warm-up exercise.”
“My God,” was all the general could think to say.
With cold pizza, sweet roll, and milk in hand, Heather settled onto a couch. “Thank you so much for the record player, Sarah! I’ll pay you back as soon as I get my first check.”
The general smiled. “That is what we need to talk about this morning, isn’t
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“I just wanna look above the stupid suspended ceiling first. I’ve seen everything else. Ben wants approval before bringing up the ladder.”
The general looked at his executive. “Your call, Major, but I can’t imagine she could dance like that and not handle herself on a ladder.”
Major Ma-soran twisted her mouth back and forth for a moment. “Two strong spotters around the ladder.”
Lisa and Ben looked at each other and nodded.
A few minutes later, the ladder was in place. Heather climbed without fear or effort, then quickly removed ceiling panels and handed them down, reaching six from the ladder’s position. Finally enough light penetrated, revealing the older ceiling above.
“Wow! Can you see this? It’s beautiful up here! Varnished log trusses, and the original ceiling is finished with stained tongue-and-groove boards!
This is amazing!”
Both the executive, at her deck, and the general, in his office, felt compelled to take a look.
“Can you see it, Sam? Isn’t it pretty, Sarah? Why would anyone want to cover up such beautiful wood?”
“I really don’t know,” Major Ma-soran admitted. “That suspended ceiling has been there ever since I’ve worked in this building, which has been a long time!”
General Bo-seklin didn’t say anything, but he was smiling.