NEBADOR Book Nine: A Cry for Help by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 35: A New Team Purpose

Heather let a long moment of silence pass.

“I haven’t forgotten my future memories yet!

Some team members roared with laughter, led by Doctor Po-selem the physicist, and the rest cheered.

Heather grinned as they settled down. “I smell delicious aromas coming from the kitchen . . .”

Many people nodded.

“Next week is vacation for everyone, except a few of our faithful security people.”

“Not a day too soon,” General Ko-fenral mumbled.

Heather smiled. “Sam?”

“Generals and colonels, my office at twelve hundred thirty. Inner Support Team, fifteen hundred.”

Heather stood in the center of the circle and took a breath to clear her mind. “We have many details about our vote to work out, many other aspects of the climate-change predicament to study, and many other bits of the future we can look at. That will all come in due time. The obvious task now is to watch for the articles and books that might need our help, and do so without violating top-secret-umbra or P-Seventeen program security, until we vote on each possible endorsement.”

She noticed both George and Lisa nodding.

“Everyone, have a wonderful week off. Sergeant, please close the session.”

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“How does she always know what to do or say,” General Ko-fenral wondered aloud from a plush chair in General Bo-seklin’s office, “even when we don’t?”

“Ninety-two years of life experience,” Colonel Ma-soran suggested, “all packaged in a young, healthy mind that can think circles around us.”

General Ba-kerga chuckled softly and nodded. “She realized the team needed a new sense of purpose, and the postponing of discussion, because of the second round of voting, was absolutely brilliant. If she ever decides to run for president, the other candidates better watch out!”

General Bo-seklin, behind his desk, laughed, but looked thoughtful.

“We’ve all come to accept the occasions when she steps on our toes, because

. . . on reflection, she always turns out to be right. To me, that’s worth almost as much as her track record.”



After a long silence, Colonel Bo-torin, the newest member of the team, took a deep breath. “This new . . . team purpose . . . could be tricky. You two,”

he said, looking at Generals Ko-fenral and Bo-seklin, “have the stars to make endorsements without asking anyone, but if higher-ups become displeased

. . .” He raised his eyebrows and let his thought linger.

General Bo-seklin nodded slowly. “We’ll do what we need to do under the radar as much as possible, as long as possible. I want a draft endorsement, with blanks for names and titles, from each of you. Especially you, John.

Sarah, get Heather’s thoughts, too. We’ll pull together the best ideas from each.”

The room fell silent.

“What’s Heather doing next week?” Sarah asked.

“Wants to stay close, I think,” Lisa reported, “see her boyfriend a few times, maybe a couple of short trips.”

At that moment, the telephone rang.

“You can grab it here, Sarah,” Sam said.

She scooted close to the general’s desk, picked up, and took notes as she listened to the caller. “Yes . . . Yes, we can handle a group of that size at this location . . . There’s a meeting in progress, but they’ll be out by fourteen

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hundred . . . Okay . . . We’ll be ready.”

She set down the telephone. “Safe-house guests, high-profile, high-security, family of seven with children, fifteen hundred today, seven or eight days.”

General Bo-seklin’s mind went into high gear. “John, you’re about to see the other thing we do here. I’ll have you coordinate getting the professors out by fourteen hundred, except Doctor Bo-kamla — she always stays late on Fridays, and will help us spot any special needs in the safe-house guests.

“Lisa, move up the Inner Support Team meeting, switch off the security lamp once the professors are out, and double the guard schedule for the next eight days.

“Sarah, get out your checklists and the orientation kit. See if Maria wants extra hours, get a cook from the air base if not, and schedule the medic.”

Colonel Ma-soran nodded while making notes. “First time we’ve had children at this facility since Heather’s been here. I wonder if she’d enjoy doing some babysitting . . .”


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Part 3: Ko-tera Three, 3669