NEBADOR Book Nine: A Cry for Help by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 56: Graduation Party

The evening dance celebration on Satamia Star Station had nearly begun when the crew, less Kibi, entered the main hall. Suddenly, a huge spider blocked their way.

“Greetings, M’palta!” Ilika said.

The others gathered around, remembering with fondness the biologist from their first deep-space mission.

“Good monkey mammals, extra claws are needed moving furniture and carrying food. Hands will work almost as well, I suppose.”

“We were just wondering how we could help,” Rini said.

Boro and Sata bowed and headed off to join some ursines carrying furniture.

Mati and Rini pointed their feet toward the nearest busy kitchen.

“Do they know?” M’palta asked Ilika quietly.

“I decided to let it be a surprise,” he replied.

The spider twitched her mandibles with humor.


Sata immediately recognized Brora, and after the bear set down the small couch she was carrying, they embraced warmly.

“So good to see you!” Sata declared. “How is Siminia Three Planet Station?”

“A little slow right now, as it’s the rainy season, but the desert retreats are hopping. Everyone in the universe wants to see the shrine in the sand dunes

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behind Kemlo. Let’s move this big one against that wall.”

They worked together to lift the long couch.

“I’m just back for a few days of training,” the ursine continued as they slowly walked with their burden, “then I’ll be the traveling healer, going from retreat to retreat, and helping out at the planet station when needed.”

They set that couch down and went back for another.

“I was so sad,” Sata shared, “knowing they were dying, as we listened to Teina and Jimox tell their stories.”

“You made them happy by listening. Someday you and I will be old, and take joy in telling our stories.”

Sata nodded thoughtfully as they picked up another couch.


Rini smiled when he recognized Silmula Sorafax as she rode a floating pallet into the kitchen. It stopped beside the table where he and Mati were busy assembling trays of finger food, rose up to the exact height of the table, and hovered motionless.

Mati’s mouth opened in surprise. She could see the mission bracelet on the big feline’s upper left arm, but the wearer hadn’t touched it during the entire maneuver. “How . . . did you do that?”



“Control the pallet.”

“Oh, that. I can control the bracelet with my mind, and the bracelet controls the pallet.”

“Wow,” Rini breathed as he placed trays all around the seated cat.

“Monkey mammals can rarely control their bracelets mentally, but you two might be exceptions. Talk to Memsala in Psychic Development.”

“We’re about to start a new mission,” Rini said, “and I think Memsala might be on it.”

“Oh . . . yes . . .” Silmula said with a sparkle in her eyes. “Toran’s on that mission, too.”

Mati swallowed. “That might be a challenge for Kibi.”

The cat chuckled in a very feline way as Rini squeezed the last tray onto the pallet.


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After Kibi made sure her new tank wasn’t leaking, and got comfortable with all the additional controls on her console, she looked at the two lanky reptiles, still laughing and playing on the floor of her passenger area.

“Everything looks good. You guys going to the party?”



“We wouldn’t miss it!”

She gestured toward the hatch.

They hopped onto their pallet, then continued poking each other and telling jokes as they floated out of sight.

“Manessa, you comfortable with this new tank?”

“Yes,” the ship replied. “All diagnostics indicate that it was properly installed.”

“See you after the party. Big mission tomorrow.”

“With your help, I will be ready.”


When Kibi arrived at the main hall, musicians were playing and people dancing. She spotted Ashley, Healer Dakalio, and a fanator with white feathers dancing together, so she joined them.

“Hi, Kibi. I’m sure you know Dakalio . . .”

Kibi nodded as she exchanged smiles with the human healer while picking up the dance rhythm.

“And this is Kelatorrra.”

Bird and girl bowed to each other as they danced.


Boro and Sata sat by one of the pools eating fruit cups to replenish their energy before hitting the dance floor. Suddenly, a sleek gray dolphin head emerged from the pool behind them and slipped onto the deck beside Sata.

“My favorite monkey mammals!”

“Trekila!” Sata recognized.

“I’m your cetacean contact specialist for the mission that starts tomorrow.”

“Wonderful! I still remember the day we tumbled down a water ramp together.”



Another gray head appeared beside Boro.

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“And this is my sweet lover,” Trekila announced proudly.

Boro offered his fingers to the sharp teeth of the large and powerful male dolphin, but felt only a wet tongue.


Ilika and Kibi got snacks with Sss’rol’ti the quanasia, and they laughed about the pair of brothers who had just installed the tank on the Manessa Kwi.

Glorm the ursine docking controller pranced up a storm with Boro and Sata for two songs, then had to get ready for work.

Mati spotted the family of six tiny Ti’ias making patterns in the air that somehow captured the mood of a sad, almost heart-rending song.

Rini basked in the joy and wonder he felt from the sparkling decorations, the good food and good people, and the deeply-moving music.

About half-way through the celebration, a ballad sung by Sorrano and Rossilia came to a close, and the group of avian musicians, including Sata’s friend Drrrim-na, put away their instruments. A shimmering form began to slowly spin in the middle of the hall.

Everyone found places to float, perch, or sit.

Kerloran slowly appeared as a beautiful green bird, larger even than a fanator.

“I am deeply honored to have such a happy star station under my care!”

All the assembled creatures honked, cheered, screeched, or made other joyful noises.

“A very wise insect once observed that Nebador citizenship tends to creep up on you. You’re just enjoying life, day by day, learning more and more, undertaking challenging assignments, and one day you wake up and realize that universe service, symbolized by the chiming of your mission devices, is as satisfying as any party, any feast, any game, even . . . any sexual relationship

. . .”

Everyone chittered, whinnied, or laughed.

“There is, of course, still a place, in every mortal creature’s life, for parties, feasts, games, and sex.”

Many sounds of humor and relief filled the main hall.

“As new citizens of Nebador, please come forth and stand before your fellow citizens and friends. Prrr-han, Trrra-hana, and Tem’rrr-han of

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Peliantora Two.”

Everyone else hooted, flapped wings, or splashed flippers as the three reptiles came up, Kerloran embraced them, and they bowed to the assembled audience.

“Kibi, Boro, Rini, Sata, and Mati of Sonmatia Three.”

The welcoming sounds continued as the five monkey mammals were embraced by the master of the star station.




Inner Blue Ring Nebula.”

Few of those present tried to say the name, but they made the creature of green and purple mist feel welcome.

“P’torrra and K’larrra of Havertona Four.”

The two birds bowed deeply as a group of reptilian musicians, on cue, began a lively song, and the evening celebration on Satamia Star Station resumed its festivities.


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