NEBADOR Book One: The Test by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Deep Learning Notes only


hardcover trilogy (Books 1-3)


paperback trilogy (Books 1-3)

Greetings, young people of planet Earth, Much adult science fiction is based on the assumption that the human race will be in charge, or at least high up on the pecking order, when we venture to the stars. Young adults have a somewhat clearer memory that when they graduated elementary school, they were not immediately movers and shakers of the world, but instead found themselves in middle school.

Young adults also remember well the training wheels on their first small bicycles. Will-power alone could not propel them to their destinations.

Nebador is about little steps the smallest of us can make from the playpen to the university, from the gutter to the stars.

As you know, your world is changing very rapidly. During times of change, those who are stuck in old, rigid ways of thinking and feeling often don’t do well. Those who can see far and think clearly are best prepared to survive, prosper in some way, and find happiness.

Stories like these help by letting us walk in the shoes of those who have lived through similar times. They become our heroes, giving us strength when we face challenges, and whispering their inspiration to us when we must solve problems.

Someday, many years from now, your stories may also be told, and you will become heroes to younger people who are struggling to understand the universe. They will take comfort in your courage, and learn from the lessons you have already learned.

Greeting from the Deep Learning Notes, Nebador is much more than just an entertaining story. The particular Muse who inspired the author was obviously concerned about young adults in the early twenty-first century who are about to inherit a very different world than their parents knew. That world will have many fewer “safety nets,” and those who have not sharpened their wits and honed their skills may find themselves struggling.

The Nebador stories contain many wit-sharpening and skill-honing lessons and situations, and the author has provided questions and comments for any reader who wants to learn as much as possible from the same Muse.

Some may be useful to all readers, and others are best tackled by advanced students familiar with psychology, sociology, and politics. All readers and teachers must pick and choose for themselves.

J. Z. Colby


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