NEBADOR Book One: The Test by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 14: The Hardest Decision

Rain fell and the snow melted that night, leaving the marketplace and Rumble Town ankle-deep in mud. A clear sky and a bright sun, however, promised to dry them in record time.

Sata came by Ilika’s breakfast table, nearly bouncing up and down with excitement. “When does it start?”

“Soon after sunrise. Remember, you will not be able to help your family with any of the food and drink tomorrow.”

“I know. My brother has a friend who’s helping.”

“Something else to keep in mind — the others are slaves. They’ll be dressed in rags and smell bad. But that isn’t their fault — they just have no other choice right now.”

Sata shriveled her nose for a moment, then caught herself. “I understand.”

“I want you to wear your poorest clothes, and follow all the same rules I make for the others.”

“Okay. I think I can see why.”


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Ilika began his last day of preparations by moving into the inn’s largest sleeping room.

“When will you know how many beds you need?” Doko asked.

“By late morning, day after tomorrow.”

The innkeeper made sure plenty of firewood was stacked on the hearth and blankets on the beds, then departed. After finding a hiding place for his extra gold coins, Ilika spread out his notes on the large table. During the next few hours, he copied all the illustrations for the tests onto big sheets of paper.

Before getting lunch, he made a quick trip to the papermaker to request another pad for Sata. The matron promised it that afternoon, and two apprentices helped him carry the first thirty pads back to the inn.

As Ilika ate lunch in the common room, he saw the innkeeper’s son cleaning out the storeroom beside the fireplace, and Mosa hanging curtains over the doorways. With only a few hours remaining before his dinner date, he arranged for a bath and headed out into the plaza.


First he visited the healers. Doti was working with a sick woman, but Tibo was free, and they reviewed their plans for the following day.

Next, he wound his way through the streets of Rumble Town to the public bath house near the slave market. An extra silver piece brought promises from the twisted man that the water would be as clean and warm as they could make it.

At the woodworking shop, the table-top partitions were finished, and delivery at sunrise the following morning was guaranteed.

Back at the plaza, Ilika stopped at the bakery to grab a tart.

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“I hear Sata is one of your candidates,” Tori said.

“Yes. What do you think of her?”

“Solid, reliable girl. Grown up beyond her years. She has moods, but never lets them affect her work.”

“She’s younger than I was planning to consider, but I can’t argue with you, from what I’ve seen. By the way, the crier found that girl I met, and we’re having dinner tonight.”

“Congratulations! Should I bring over a couple of tarts?”

“I think Mosa is making a pudding.”

Tori laughed deeply. “I can’t compete with that!”

Finally, Ilika entered Cobble Town and stepped into the Painter’s Guild.

The apprentice led him to Pica’s room, where Ilika found her working on a painting, but glad to take a break. They talked for nearly an hour about everything that would happen the following day.

After saying good-bye to Pica, he briefly returned to the guild hall to borrow two easels. A few minutes later, back at the inn, Ilika lowered himself into a tub of clean, warm water and didn’t think about slaves or test questions for the rest of the day.


On the front porch of the inn, dressed in his nicest tunic and pants, Ilika glowed with happiness when he saw Zini approach on foot. Her dress was simple, revealing her youthful feminine beauty. Pink ribbons trimmed her yellow hair, slightly curled for the occasion. She smiled brightly and took the hand he offered.

Ilika’s heart beat faster as he inhaled the floral scent of her perfume. “I’m so glad the crier was able to find you. I hope he didn’t come too late.”

“I didn’t mind. It’s not every day a girl is called by the crier with an invitation to dinner with a handsome man.”

For a moment he stood grinning, and had trouble finding words. “Um . . .

there’s a table waiting for us . . .”

Still holding his hand, she let him guide her into the inn. The new curtains over the doors to the common room, currently tied back, added a touch of elegance. Their table, in the quietest corner, glowed with a pair of tall candles.

Ilika seated her, and himself beside.

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The innkeeper’s son brought delicate cups and poured from a bottle of wine.

“This is very special,” she said with sparkling eyes. “I’ve never had a fancy meal before. I must tell you . . . I am not of noble birth.”

“That makes no difference to me — I have no use for titles and social status. I am so sorry that I was in such a hurry when we first met.”

“The moment that high priest came in the door, I knew he was bad. I didn’t tell him anything, and never will.”

“He tried to find me here too.”

A small plate of appetizers — crackers with soft cheeses and herbs — was placed between them.

Zini smiled and looked into Ilika’s eyes. “You seem like a kind and gentle man. I would like to marry a gentleman. What do you do when you are not buying candy or slipping out the back door?”

Ilika smiled. “I have been in training to be a ship’s captain since I was ten years old. Now I have my own small ship, and for my final test, I have to find and train my own crew. It’s a lot harder than I expected.”

“So you would be away from home some of the time? I guess that would be okay.”

Her obvious interest in a serious relationship made him blush. A moment later, bowls of creamy soup were placed before them, which they savored in silence for a minute.

“What sort of life do you dream of having with that gentleman of yours?”

Ilika asked.

“I want a nice house somewhere. I don’t really care if it’s in the city.

Maybe since you’re a captain, it could be at the seashore. And I want to have four beautiful children, maybe five!” she said excitedly.

Ilika had to swallow to keep from choking. Their main course arrived — a baked fish and cheese casserole covered with tasty white sauce, and buttered green beans on the side.

Zini chuckled. “I can tell you love the sea.”

“Do you . . . like it?” he asked hesitantly.

“Oh, yes, I have always loved seafood.”

He smiled pleasantly.

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“And since you’d be away some of the time, I want to have a good slave,”

she said casually. “Two would be better.”

Ilika cringed, but hid it well by taking a sip of his wine. “Would you ever consider traveling with me?” he asked when he recovered.

“I couldn’t do that! Traveling isn’t good for a girl when she’s with child or nursing. Of course . . . you’d be there for part of it!” she said with an appealing smile.

They glanced at each other often as they ate, occasionally asking simple questions, or sharing little memories from their lives. Once their empty plates were removed, dishes of perfectly cooked pudding, covered in tart berry sauce, were placed before them.

“Zini,” Ilika began with a dry throat, “you are a beautiful and wonderful girl, but I’m not the right man for you.”

“I know,” she said in a sad voice. “I can tell.”

“I’m glad you see it too. I’m sure you will find just the right man very soon. But there’s something I want to help you with. You lost your job because of me.”

“Yeah. I live in a little room in a boarding house, and I don’t know where I’m going to find my rent for next month. Some girls have to . . .” She shuddered, and didn’t complete her sentence.

Ilika brought three great gold pieces out of his pouch and set them on the table next to her dessert. “These will take care of you for a long time if you are careful.”

“Wow! I could buy a house!” she said with a grin.

“Yes, but you wouldn’t have much left for food and other things.”

“You’re right. Besides, I’d only feel good in a house if it came from my husband.”

“And you have so many wonderful things to offer a man, I’m sure a good husband will be at your side very soon.”

“I shall buy a fancy dress and shoes, and start going to the upper-class social events. As long as you’re dressed right, they don’t check.”

“That sounds like a good plan. I wish I could come to your wedding, but I will probably be far, far away.”

“I understand. You are the nicest, sweetest man I have ever met, and I

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hope I can find a husband like you . . . except, maybe one who isn’t a ship’s captain.”

They both laughed, then took bites of their delicious pudding.


Savoring their desserts and sipping their wine, Ilika of Satamia in Nebador, and Zini who once worked in a candy shop, lingered in the cozy atmosphere of their candlelit corner. She talked about the names she was going to give her children, and he shared all the places he had looked for possible crew members.

When they finally rose from their table, Ilika gave both the cook and the server generous tips. Zini was impressed with his kindness, and as they slipped out into the night, she held onto his arm and looked longingly into his eyes.

He walked her all the way to her boarding house, and kissed her on the cheek as they said good-night.

She turned and went inside before he could see the tears gathering in her eyes.

Somehow he managed to get back to the inn and up to his room without letting anyone see the moisture in his own eyes.


Deep Learning Notes

As can be seen in the illustration, the inn’s “largest sleeping room” was extremely small by our standards. Even so, the innkeeper would have to bring in three more beds!

Ilika and Zini discovered that the cultural distance between them was too great. Both had a mental picture of what life with a partner would be like.

Zini’s included several children, a nice house, and slaves. Ilika’s centered on the travel he would do as a ship’s captain. Neither was ready to abandon their life-plans and follow a partner into the unknown.

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