NEBADOR Book One: The Test by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 36: Departure

All of the students, save Mati, bounced around the house with excitement on the day their adventure would begin. Doti was out the door early to check on her patient, but promised to be back soon and reminded them to heat all the water they could fit in her kettles.

While they waited, they rolled up their bedrolls and tied them tightly. Ilika was amazed at the care they took packing, almost caressing their extra socks and underwear before tucking them lovingly into their saddlebags.

Doti returned by mid-morning, saying all was well with the new mother and child.

“Kibi?” the healer called.


“Have you felt anything walking around on your head?”

“Just Ilika’s comb and fingers.”

Several of the girls snickered.

The healer began looking through Kibi’s hair. “I’ll treat you first. I bet your hair takes forever to dry.”

“Twice that long,” Kibi said with smiling eyes.

Ilika, Sata, and Neti watched as Doti carefully worked the soapy lice potion into every bit of Kibi’s hair and scalp. Then they left her with a pot of warm water to rinse her head and finish her bath over the drain in the corner of the toilet room.


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As noon approached, Tibo returned from Port Town. The couple spent some time in the kitchen seeing what herbs he had found and catching up on news, including Ilika’s escape plan. As Tibo had no patients that day, he took Ilika’s shopping list and went out. Doti left soon after to stock up on food from the marketplace.

An hour later the healer returned with carry-bags full of food. Neti got a board and knife, and they all gathered in the main room to eat.

“I found some rich fruit and nut cakes in the market that come wrapped in waxed cloth,” Doti said. “I got you several for your journey, and some small cheeses.”

Soon Tibo returned with a good rope, a small shovel, and a piece of red flint. He ate some bread and cheese, then went out to continue his shopping.

Ilika handed the flint to Miko.

All afternoon, student after student emerged from the toilet room with wet, clean hair. As afternoon was turning to evening, Kibi approached Ilika with a smile and a bottle of lice potion. He laughed. Her strong fingers worked the potion all through his hair, and he enjoyed every minute of it.


When Tibo returned, two oil lanterns emerged from the box he carried, followed by a good knife in a leather sheath. Neti grabbed Miko and they helped the healer prepare their last meal together. Evening was deepening into night as they all ate hearty soup, bread, and soft cheese. As they ate, Doti spoke.

“The friend who will lead you to the tunnels is old, but he is the only one I could find who has been through, and still knows where an entrance is hidden. He will only be able to get you started, not go with you. The guards have tried to find all the entrances and seal them, but one or two remain. The tunnels are in very poor condition. Needless to say, do not trust old timbers or ropes. There may still be booty in there from the days when things were smuggled into the city. Beware old food and drink, for they will surely be poison after all these years.”

“How long ago was the smuggling?” Ilika asked.

“Fifty years or more. He says it gets very wet and slimy in there, so don’t be surprised if you need baths again when you come out.”

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For the last time, they washed the bowls and spoons, then Ilika passed out the wax-covered cakes and wheels of cheese. Several of the students packed the items with sparkling eyes but shaking hands.


A knock was heard upon the door.

Doti looked, opened the door, and an elderly sage peered out from under his dark, hooded cloak. He came in and carefully looked over the assembled group with keen eyes.

After a long silence he spoke. “I do not know if you can get the crippled girl through the tunnels.”

“We’ll carry her if we need to,” Ilika said with certainty. “We will not go without her.”

“So be it. I see much strength, and some fear.” After peering into their hearts and souls for another long minute, he tapped Boro with his walking stick. “This one will lead. His courage will see you through.”

Boro swallowed, then looked at Ilika with questioning eyes.

Ilika nodded and smiled.

“He will come with me,” the sage continued, “as he can turn the key in the lock. My old fingers are no longer so strong. Come as silent shadows. When you arrive at the doorway, speak no word, make no sound, just enter quickly.

These lanterns are your lives while in the tunnels. Think nothing of losing all your money, but lose your lanterns and you will surely die in there.”

They all took a moment to absorb his words of warning.

“Rini, make a trio with Toli and Buna,” Ilika said. “Kibi and I will come last.”

Ilika placed a great gold piece in the healer’s hand. “Will this cover all your expenses and trouble?”

“Very well. Thank you.”

The students shared hugs with Doti, handclasps with Tibo, and many soft words of thanks.

Cloaks were tied tightly, saddlebags lifted, and bedrolls taken up. Boro and Rini grabbed Mati’s burdens without being asked. Ilika put the coil of rope over Toli’s shoulder, and handed the shovel to Miko.

Doti lit the lanterns and adjusted them, handing one to Boro, the other to

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Kibi. “The half moon will rise about midnight to guide you to the shack.”

The healer opened her door. The sage and the large fourteen-year-old made their way out into the street at the pace of a walking stick.

About every minute, a pair or a trio went out.

When Ilika and Kibi were the only ones left, Doti looked at both of them with penetrating eyes. “The gods be with you. You will need them to get through those tunnels.”



The captain and his companion silently slipped out.

After seeing her friends disappear into the night, the witch closed and locked her door for the last time that evening.


Deep Learning Notes

Waxed cloth has shown up several times in the story. What is its modern equivalent? How long has that modern product been available?

Why would fruitcake be a good choice of food for a dangerous journey?

What advantage might someone (or a class of people) gain by sealing up entrances to the city?

What did we learn about Ilika when he accepted the sage’s choice of Boro as leader?

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