NEBADOR Book Seven: The Local Universe by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 28: Complications

When the evaluation group traipsed out of the woods the next morning, they had eaten a breakfast that might have contained a pine needle or two, and their clothes smelled like smoke, but they were in good spirits and felt ready for anything.

More written tests awaited them, then a question and answer session with the entire evaluation team. Final interviews filled most of the afternoon, with at least two Lyceum members asking all the pointed questions each candidate hoped they wouldn’t ask.

As evening approached, the six evaluation group members were told to dress nicely and present themselves at the banquet room an hour later.

“Let’s see who can shower, change, and get there first!” Liberty challenged.

“Me!” Ashley said, and all three youth dashed for the door.

Ilika smiled and followed a little more slowly.


The three all arrived at the banquet room at close enough to the same time that Shawn suggested they call it a tie. Liberty and Ashley both agreed. They entered the room to find more than a hundred people, all formally dressed, talking, sipping drinks, and nibbling appetizers. Ilika, Dario, and Sapphire filtered in during the next quarter hour.

“A toast!” Sister Maria announced over the buzz of conversation.

Everyone quieted to listen.

“To the six brave people who put up with our ceaseless probing into their

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lives for a solid week, I offer heartfelt praise of their patience and commitment!”

Everyone grabbed cups and raised them into the air.

“And for the hospitality shown us by all the good people of Lyceum,” Dario said, glass raised, “as we attempted to show that we were worthy of membership in this distinguished place, I offer thanks!”





When the general laughing and talking resumed, Shawn and Ashley wandered away, so Liberty began to survey the room. With streamers, balloons, flowers, and tasty cuisine from all over the world on the serving tables, it was truly magnificent even to her upper-class tastes. Although she still didn’t know if her future was Lyceum, or some icky reform school, enough of the pressure was off to allow her to relax.

She was sipping her punch and gazing across the room, noticing the subtle differences between Lyceum members and the six candidates, when she became aware that not everyone in the room was a member or a candidate.

Three young people looked uncomfortable, and stuck close together. Liberty decided to find out something about them.

“Hi!” she said, stepping up to the group. “I’m Liberty. Do you guys live here?”

“Um . . . not . . . speak . . .” Boro muttered with a frown of concentration.

Young Sister Sarah dashed up. “They’re special guests from a far-away country, and don’t speak our language much, except Sata over there talking to Sister Rebecca, and Kibi around here somewhere.”

Liberty glanced in the direction Sarah had pointed, and saw a stocky girl who looked no more than twelve or thirteen. When she turned back to the strange trio of young people, she suddenly felt as if they could see right into her, especially the skinny boy and girl who were standing close together.

“Why do I feel naked with you guys?” she asked.

Sarah swallowed. “They’re . . . looking for someone, haven’t found them yet, and are probably wondering about you. They don’t bite, really!”

“Sorr . . . y . . .” Mati and Rini both said almost at once, relaxing their

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Just then, Sata joined the group and looked up at the tall, black-haired girl. “Hello. I speak your language.”

Liberty suddenly became embarrassed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry, I just wanted to be friendly . . .”

“We want to be friendly too!” Sata replied, then spoke a few words in the language of Nebador to the others. They all nodded and smiled.

“That’s the weirdest language I’ve ever heard! And I can’t imagine where that accent of yours is from. Who are you looking for?”

Sata took a moment to untangle Liberty’s complex sentences, then decided she should only reply to the last. “We do not know. We are not sure we are looking for a person. It is someone, or something, important.”

“Well . . . good luck! Everyone’s sitting down, so I should go join my group.” She switched to a hushed voice. “There’s a guy in it I like!”

“Thank you for being friendly!” Sata said as Liberty walked away.

After a moment of silence, Sarah pointed to a table where Brother Jacob and Kibi were already sitting. As they walked, Sata shared Liberty’s parting words with the other three.

I wonder who she likes, Mati pondered mentally, without much shielding.

She likes Ilika, the one with green eyes, Sarah replied with casual innocence.

Mati’s and Rini’s eyes opened wide, but they carefully hid their thoughts from Sarah.


As Shawn savored his delicate salad of seven different greens and a fruity dressing, he pondered the mystery of why his life was unfolding as it was, instead of how his father wanted it to unfold.

Ashley felt very relaxed, almost sleepy. She took her time with her salad, and that finished, felt quite full and just wanted to try little bites of the main dishes. Luckily, the person serving their table had previously encountered the eating habits of gymnasts, and was able to create a plate that was just right.

Liberty, who had grabbed a place beside Ilika, felt quite hungry. She quickly noticed, however, that the mysterious young man at her side was eating slowly, savoring every bite, so she did the same.

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The tender halibut filet, lightly covered in a tangy hollandaise sauce and sprinkled with perfectly toasted almonds, commanded almost universal praise. The succulent slices of chicken breast, layered with rich cheese and spinach, also evoked heartfelt compliments. Finally, the marinated prime rib, served with fresh creamed horseradish sauce, caused an equal sensation. Few people in the room resisted the temptation to try all three.

Rini and Mati silently discussed, as they ate, when to tell Kibi what they had just learned.


The animals of the forest hardly reacted when the two shadows crept into the hidden grove, settled onto the log, and wrapped their arms around each other.

“I have about an hour before my ride gets here,” Ilika whispered. “Lyceum will make their decision during the next few days.”

“Since the man you’re staying with has already seen the ship, we could come visit you . . .”

“If you’re visiting me, you won’t be working on the mission.”

Kibi pouted for a moment, then realized Ilika couldn’t see her, and chuckled. “You’re right. But we’re not having any luck.”

“Me neither. It’ll probably happen when we least expect it. I want you to know about something.”

“Yes?” Kibi prompted lovingly.

“The tall girl in the evaluation group likes me.”

Ilika felt Kibi tense up, so he held her tightly and kept talking. “I have to stay on good terms with her, but I won’t let anything romantic happen. I’ve already nudged her and Shawn together a couple of times.”

Kibi tried to breathe. “Um . . . thank you . . . I . . . trust you, just like you trusted me about . . . Toran Takil.”

Ilika pulled her close, and didn’t let go until, about half an hour later, his bracelet chimed.


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