NEBADOR Book Six: Star Station by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 24: Dance Troop

Sata couldn’t stop smiling.

She had just been offered membership in a dance troop. True, it was all students, but two were blue and green birds with natural skill, and one, her assigned dance partner, was an agile green reptile, one of the super-friendly Quanasia. She was glad her dance partner was a reptile, and even more glad that he was married. She didn’t want Boro to get jealous.

After practicing some steps, and arm or wings movements to go with them, their teacher, a blue bird who could dance circles around any of them, shooed them out the door. “Do not stop dancing until you arrive at Violet Hall, but always with complete awareness of your environment, and complete attention to your responsibilities!”

Once outside, the eight of them practiced their steps in a circle around the little bubbling fountain for a minute. Faint music came from the troop leader’s mission collar, just loud enough to stir the blood.

Sata looked back at the simple doorway, marked Dance Lessons, and knew she had found another home.

A moment of sadness washed over her, and she lost the dance step as she remembered the sand dunes in the desert, the monastery in the mountains, the hot spring terraces, and most of all, her parents’ inn. All of those places were home. She focused her attention and found the rhythm again.

As her troop wound its way along paths and ramps away from the patio,

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Sata smiled. The Manessa Kwi was more than her new home. Since it was a ship, it would always be near, and she could go there for safety and companionship any time she needed. Her gentle but firm captain would be there, and her dear friend Mati, who would soon be walking, maybe even dancing.

They pranced along a corridor, and passed a small theater of benches and perches that clustered around a large window. Sata was curious, but couldn’t learn anymore while dancing.

Sata thought of quiet Rini, and was glad he was staying at Mati’s side.

When Kibi’s smiling face appeared for a moment in her mind, she felt a deep respect for the steward and second-in-command, and looked forward to learning that job someday.

Warm, almost hot feelings welled up when she thought of Boro, who was now learning the basics of navigation. It wasn’t easy and natural for him, but neither was she comfortable working with the many engines on the lower deck of their ship.

Suddenly a group of children, two small ursines and a young monkey, came dashing toward the troop. The bird in the lead formed a tunnel with his partner, and Sata and her reptile partner did the same. The children laughed and chittered as they ducked through.

Soon the green reptile’s mission bracelet chimed. He waved and pranced away. A little later, one of the birds’ mission collars sounded, and he found a clear space and took flight. Sata paired up with a colorful bird, and spent the rest of the time learning from her bold wing movements.

Finally arriving in Violet Hall, the leader danced them right through the door of a little eating place, then silenced the music from his collar. They stood together, listening to their strong hearts and looking into each other’s happy eyes, then turned and looked over the food and beverage options.

Having seen them dance in, the large spider at the counter had six cold, fruity drinks ready before they even asked.


After sharing a meal and saying farewell to her dance troop, Sata felt drawn back to the little theater and its window. The people watching and taking notes before had left, but others had taken their places. Sata slipped

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into a free spot on a bench.

The window looked into a large open space with a sandy floor, rock walls, and at least a hundred reptiles scattered about. Some just talked in small groups. Others exchanged pieces of jewelry after shaking claws about some business deal.

Sata smiled when she saw a large green reptile strutting and speaking in melodic tones to a smaller blue one. For a while the smaller one acted uninterested, but eventually her eyes sparkled and she walked beside the larger one toward a cave.

A little later, a lone reptile climbed onto a rock and began grumbling in a loud voice. Others gathered to listen. Soon his audience was nodding and pushing in closer.

Sata focused all her attention on the reptile giving the speech. Even though she couldn’t understand a word, she knew from his gestures he was talking about their living space, and his audience was rumbling with anger.

Just then Sata’s mission bracelet chimed, and her attention returned to the halls and balconies of Satamia Star Station. Those around her continued to take notes while watching the drama within. Using the tiny keys on her bracelet, Sata confirmed her status, and rose from the bench with a thoughtful frown.


Deep Learning Notes

A highly-social reptile might be very rare, as the reptilian brain, as we know it, does not include the cerebrum, the outer-most layer of the mammalian brain, where (it appears) most social functions originate.

Where have we heard before the phrase “complete awareness of your environment, and complete attention to your responsibilities”?

How many places do you have that feel like “home”? They don’t have to be residences in the literal sense. Tree houses, secret places in the woods, cozy campsites, special cabins or hotels, the guest bedroom at grandma’s house . . .

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all these and many others can feel like “home.”

Why do you think there would be children in a “working civilization”? (Most businesses and corporations do not allow them.) Since the members of the Nebador Services are carefully selected, what would happen to star station children when they grew up?

While Sata watched the homeless reptiles through the one-way window, she saw commerce, romance, and politics. Can you spot each of these?

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