NEBADOR Book Ten: Stories from Sonmatia by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 9: Outer Patrols

The Outer Patrol was sympathetic when they saw Ril’s many cuts and scrapes. Bim did, of course, mutter a half-way reasonable story about looking for a place to be alone with Ril and accidentally following the wrong crawl-hole. The Patrol led the couple back to the populated tunnels with only a severe warning and the usual consequences of being late for work. They also warned the pair to not get caught mating until the new law took effect three days later.

The other eight friends crept out of their hiding places and uncovered glow-stones.

“I think Tik did the right thing by scaring Ril,” Tir shared. “It would have been much worse if this happened a day or two into our journey.”

Most everyone else nodded.

Tol didn’t quite understand what had happened, but held up the extra bag.

“More mushrooms!”

Dem smiled at his simple friend.


The tunnel was a natural lava tube about thirty feet high. It had once had a fairly smooth floor, but now was strewn with boulders, and sometimes piles of boulders, from thick layers of rock that had fallen from the ceiling.

A well-worn path snaked among the boulders, showing that the tunnel was regularly patrolled.

The travelers studied the Map as they chewed dried mushrooms. Dem and

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Tir guessed they had several hours of tedious walking before they would be free of the danger of Outer Patrols.

Tik and Jin made eye contact and both nodded.




The group didn’t get far before a Patrol forced them to scramble behind boulders again. Everyone did a good job of staying as quiet as cave mice while the clueless Patrol passed.

It happened again less than a quarter hour later.

The third time caused words and noises of frustration as soon as the Patrol had moved on.

Why so many Patrols? ” Tol wondered aloud.

“A bunch of people didn’t show up for work today,” Tir explained patiently, “over and above the four who were just a little late.”

Tol looked puzzled as they made ready to take to the path again. About a minute later, he suddenly stopped. “Oh, you mean us!”

Tik smiled at him.


With all the time spent hiding and waiting for Patrols to pass, the group’s progress was painfully slow. As the sixth Outer Patrol was passing, plump little Fim was becoming impatient where she hid behind a large boulder with Jin. She shifted her leg too quickly, felt a twinge of pain from a sharp rock, and gasped.

“Who’s there?” the Patrol called, uncovering a bright glow-stone.

Jin sighed to herself, dropped her mushroom bag, then stood up and pretended to limp toward the Patrol.

“What’re you doing down here?”

“Running away from a big goon who wanted to mate with me before it’s legal. Then I stepped on a sharp rock.”

“Have you seen anyone else? A bunch of cleaners and mushroom growers are missing.”

“Nope, not down here.”

“You’re on report, and will probably have to work a double shift.”

“Anything to keep me away from that goon.”

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Fim began shedding tears of guilt when it was finally safe to do so.

Everyone crept out of their hiding places and uncovered glow-stones.

Bel and Fen, holding hands for mutual comfort, both looked sad. “We lost another one,” Bel moaned.

Tik shook his head.

Seeing that, Dem and Tir looked at each other and both smiled with understanding.

“I think we need a break to eat and look at the Map,” Dem began. “What do you think — a quarter hour?” he asked, looking at Tik.




Jin pranced up the path from the climb-hole about ten minutes later.

“How did you do it?” both Fim and Tol asked her.

“The only power the Thugs have is a little shame and taking away a meal or two,” Jin began. “What are they going to do, stop me from going to work cutting mushrooms? People would starve! What do I care if I’m on report, people look at me funny, or I’m supposed to work a double shift? I don’t live there anymore. I put your rock back over the hole before climbing down,” she finished, looking at Dem.


so sorry!” Fim blubbered. “I promise I won’t do it again!”

“That save was free,” Jin said. “Next time, you’re on your own.”

Fim nodded acceptance of the warning.

Tik smiled at Jin.


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