NEBADOR Book Three: Selection by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Chapter 20: Parting Ways

Neti lay awake as morning light crept into the clouds. She knew Toli was not going to be accepted, but didn’t blame him for trying one last time. She did, however, plan to make him feel okay about it.

She had been thinking long and hard about him, and Miko, and other boys she had known. Toli was a survivor, even if it meant running away from danger. Neti, in recent weeks, had decided she wanted to spend her life with a survivor.

So she welcomed him into the new day with kisses when she saw others were up and a fire was going.


As they sat around the campfire eating porridge, Buna said what most of them were thinking. “I have knots in my stomach because I know what’s going to happen, but it just hasn’t quite happened yet.”

Boro smiled. “I like you, Buna. You always find the courage to say things before anyone else.”



“Isn’t this the biggest story of all?” Rini posed. “Even though we won’t get a chance to tell it while we’re all together, this is what we’ve been waiting for

. . . the moment we find out what path we walk down.”

“But what if you don’t get the path you want?” Toli mumbled.

Mati looked at him and blinked. “Sometimes what you want is not what you need.”

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“I know what you mean,” Kibi jumped in. “I remember Ilika saying I wouldn’t be strong without my years in slavery. He was right. I’d be an emotional brat, and I wouldn’t have been ready for the test, or this journey.”

Ilika, sitting next to her, smiled and put his arm around her waist.

Neti looked far away over the swamp. “We’re never really free, free to do anything we want. I wasn’t free to bring Miko back to life. Now I have to live my life without him, and it’s going to be as good, or better, or I’m going to die trying.”

Kibi grinned, then spoke softly. “I think you’ll succeed. He’s just torn between two paths right now. He’ll get over it.”

Neti gave Kibi a slight nod. Toli was poking a stick into the fire and didn’t seem to notice.

Misa took a deep breath. “We’re all really lucky. We’re alive and we have paths we can walk down. Miko . . . and my parents . . . weren’t so lucky.”

While they talked, Ilika started collecting empty dishes. Before anyone realized, he had gone down to the stream and returned with everything clean.

Kibi looked guilty. “Ilika! You’re so sweet!”

“Remember, where I come from a ship’s captain is a servant, not a master.

I want you all to go from this place with glad hearts. I want you to remember me fondly, even though I’ve had to be firm with you. This is a huge day for all of us, one we will remember for the rest of our lives. I’m happy to give you plenty of time to talk.”

Suddenly no one could think of anything else to say.

Buna chuckled. “I think we’re as ready as we’ll ever be.”

“Anybody not ready?” Ilika asked, just to be sure.

No one spoke, so he got his rucksack and shoulder bag and seated himself on the ground not far from the fire. “I’d like four very lucky people to come and sit before me. Neti, Toli, Buna, and Misa.”

Toli’s face fell, but he took a deep breath to prepare himself for what must be. The other three sat before Ilika with happy and expectant faces. Toli’s mood improved when he felt Neti take his hand. All the others gathered around to watch and listen.

First Ilika spoke to all four of them. “You are very lucky in many ways.

Like I said yesterday, you know this land and its people, and everything I have

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taught you can be useful here, in your kingdom. I am parting with you because you need this land, and you would not be happy on my ship. Also, I have discovered that we have more money left than I expected, so I’m giving my students five great gold pieces each, except that in some cases I’m lowering that to four.”

Buna wiggled with excitement. Neti had a quiet smile on her face, and Toli was starting to look more comfortable.

Ilika turned to Neti. “I am very sorry for your loss, dear girl, but it looks like you’re going to take life by the horns and be its master, not its victim.” He opened a pouch, removed the coins, and set them in front of Neti, along with the pouch. “You quit doing lessons after Miko died, and that’s understandable, but to be fair, I’m only giving you four great gold pieces.”

“I understand,” Neti said softly. “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. I also have a gift for you, as I have a hunch you will be teaching others to read someday soon.” He brought The Adventures of Godi and Tima out of his shoulder bag and handed it to Neti.

Everyone else clapped. They could not think of a better place for their precious book.

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When all was again quiet, Ilika turned to Toli.

“You have a very powerful mind, Toli, and after you get settled into life a bit, which I believe this young lady beside you is going to help with, I’m sure you will take what you’ve learned and do great things.”

Toli squirmed with embarrassment.

“But I am also giving you only four great gold pieces because you violated my trust in a way I can’t ignore. I think you’ll remember that lesson better if it costs you something.”

Toli was looking at the ground and Neti could feel him shaking, but after a few deep breaths, he looked up. “That’s . . . one more than I ever thought I’d get.”

Neti squeezed his hand.

“And I have a gift for you also.” Ilika pulled a small, thick book out of his bag.

Toli brightened noticeably as he read the cover of Tables and Formulas.

“I found it at Lumber Town, before the fire, and I’ve been going through it, making notes in the margins, correcting things that are wrong, and adding a few things I want you to have.”

“Thank . . . thank you. Thank you very much!”

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“Buna. You are just brimming over with secrets and plans. Can you share any of them?”

“I’m going to be a shepherdess!”

Ilika smiled. “You’re going to be the most well-educated shepherdess this kingdom has ever seen.”

“And the richest!” Boro added.



“Even though you have often struggled with your own demons, you have, without any doubt, earned five great gold pieces.”

Buna clapped and bounced up and down where she sat.

“And there’s a gift for you also.”

Mati was ready. She had slipped away a few minutes before, but had heard everything. Now she came hobbling forward, Tera at her side. “Buna, a shepherdess needs a good donkey.”

Buna rose to her feet as if in a dream, her mouth open and her eyes wide.

“Wow! I . . . I promise . . . to always take good care of Tera, and never let anyone hurt her.”

“I’d trust you with my life, Buna,” Mati said with tears in her eyes, “and I couldn’t give her to you if I didn’t.”

Buna grinned from ear to ear as she hugged her new donkey.

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Ilika took a moment to give the three departing ex-slaves their bills of freedom, then turned to the youngest of his companions. “Misa, you were not my student, but I’m sure you picked up a few things from our lessons. After you got over pinching people, you were a good traveling companion.”

“I learned that when you need people, you’d better be nice to them.”

“A very good lesson to learn. I have two great gold pieces left for you.”

Misa’s eyes almost popped out of her head as Ilika set the coins in front of her.

“But I want to give you some warnings.”

The girl got serious and listened carefully.

“I know you and Buna are very close.”

“I’m going to be a shepherdess with her, and we’re going to try to find Noni!”

“Good. But I want you to remember that these two coins are completely yours, and it is your decision what to do with them . . . or not do with them

. . . not Buna’s decision.”

Misa nodded thoughtfully.

“Buna, I hope you’ll help her with money changing, and understanding the value of the coins, and always respect that these are completely hers.”

“I will, I promise.”

“And I have a small gift for you, Misa. It sounds like you’ll be doing some traveling. This will help.” Ilika brought out their map of the kingdom and handed it to the girl.



“Misa . . .” Neti began with mixed feelings, “you don’t have a money pouch.

I guess . . . I don’t need two. You can have Miko’s.”

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The young girl smiled.


Everyone stayed busy for the next few hours.

Buna and Misa spent much of that time with Mati and Rini. They received the saddle, saddlebags, and other gear. In exchange, Buna presented Mati with her rucksack. Mati and Rini shared everything they knew about Tera, her moods and needs, her strengths and weaknesses. Finally, Mati and Buna shared a long embrace, while Rini gave Misa a kiss on the cheek and whispered something that made her blush.

Ilika asked them to unpack all the food and cooking gear so it could be divided among the four who were staying. After some negotiations, Toli received the large knife, Neti the flint, Buna the cooking pot, and Misa the small knife. Both of the pairs who were sticking together planned to visit the capital city for supplies, and they all agreed to journey together at least that far.

In addition to what they had earned, Ilika gave each a few silver and copper pieces, just so they could get in the city gate before needing a money changer.

Kibi stayed with one of the four almost constantly, helping them pack, sharing hugs, or just talking. She would miss Neti the most, but the other three were special to her also, each in his or her own way.

The good-byes and tender moments lasted until they all knew there was nothing else to do but share a simple meal, and then get on with their lives. A feast would have been nice, but they had only bread, cheese, and a little dried fruit. Somehow it seemed fitting that their time together would end with simple food, just as it began at a slave market.

Everyone was very quiet as they ate. Those friends who were parting took special pains to break bread together one last time in symbolic farewell, sometimes even feeding each other.

Buna and Misa tied their rucksacks to Tera’s saddle, but planned to walk.

Misa announced with pride that she was getting boots in the capital city, as her moccasins were nearly worn through.

Toli’s and Neti’s rucksacks were both very light, but even so, with eight great gold pieces between them, they were already talking about horses.

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Finally, nothing remained to do but put one foot in front of the other. The four conferred, and decided to take the grassland trails instead of the hills.

All six members of the ship’s new crew climbed to the top of a grassy mound and waved until the four were out of sight.


Deep Learning Notes

Neti is coming out of her depression and entering the final phase of grieving: acceptance and moving on. At the same time, she is making a major leap forward in her understanding of the world. Our animal roots cause us to prefer mates who are brave and assertive, like Miko. In a primitive, natural environment, they might make the best mates. But in a human culture, even a medieval one, where an on-going partnership is essential, other qualities become more important. What qualities did Toli have that might make him a better mate for Neti than Miko would have been? In what ways would Miko, had he lived, been better?

In your opinion, how is Misa doing with her own grieving process?

Was Ilika fair with the four he did not select? Would you have given more or less to any of them?

What do you think Toli actually deserved (in term of both money and relationship)? In your opinion, how long will it take him to realize how lucky he was?

What did we learn about Buna when she announced she was going to be a shepherdess, even though she was quite rich?

What was Neti actually letting go of when she gave Miko’s money pouch to Misa?

Partings like the one that took place in this chapter are among the most

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powerful and memorable experiences in a human lifetime. What other deeply-memorable experiences did these ten people share? What deeply-memorable experiences have you had?

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