NEBADOR Book Two: Journey by J. Z. Colby - HTML preview

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Greetings, young people of planet Earth,


NEBADOR Book One: The Test, we met a young ship’s captain, Ilika from Satamia in Nebador. After arriving in a medieval kingdom, he revealed that his final test, as a new captain, was to find and train his own crew. He looked for them in many places, but finally discovered they could only be found among the young and spirited slaves (with one exception) who had lived through more than their share of misfortune and hardship.

To identify his potential crew members, he had to figure out how to test many illiterate slaves and one innkeeper’s daughter. The group then had to find a way out of the medieval walled city with political, psychological, and physical dangers on their heels. The “test,” therefore, took place on many levels.

The author trusts that those who hate learning and growing quit somewhere in the middle of Book One, just as Kodi quit, and have not bothered to get this book. That leaves more books and more adventures for the rest of us.

Although they walk the same roads, the “journey” in Book Two is different for each of the characters, just as it is different for each reader. But something about a journey, of one kind or another, seems to be necessary for people to make leaps forward in their growth.

Even though we don’t yet know much about Ilika’s ship, it is obviously no place for children. The young adults who will become Ilika’s crew are leaving childhood far behind. The Muse keeps whispering to the author that many young readers will soon be forced by events in the world to do the same, sometimes long before they might like.

J. Z. Colby


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