North of Roswell by Dick Harvey - HTML preview

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Chapter twenty two


“Oh my god!”

Sarah’s knees went weak, she dropped the phone and slumped toward the floor. Just before she reached the floor, Rick grabbed her by the waist and settled her in a chair. He picked up the phone and said who the hell is this. After Williams went through it again, Rick said; “Is he alive?”

“He’s in the hospital, he’s in pretty bad shape, but it look’s like he might make it.

“It’s okay Sarah, John’s going to be all right.”

“What happened?”

“It appears to be a robbery.”

“Are you his father?”

“No. I’m his uncle, by marriage.”

“What’s the boy’s name?”

“You don’t know his name?”

“He’s listed as John doe.”

“Then what makes you think he’s our nephew.”

“He was carrying this phone with your number listed under “Home”. The lady that answered said she was his mother?”

“No. She’s his aunt. She’s been taking care of him since his parents were killed in a car accident. That happened before Sarah and I were married.” His name is John Martin”

“Did he have a car?”

“A red sixty five mustang convertible.”

“He didn’t have any keys on him so it’s possible that the car has been stolen. We’ll check that out. I’ll need the plate number and a list of his credit cards.”

After hanging up Rick called the hospital and was connected to the ER nurse’s station. The nurse that answered told him that the doctor would call him back as soon as possible.

Rick wrapped Sarah in his arms and explained as much as he knew. He did what he could to assure and calm her but at this point she was too distraught to be calmed. Rick thought that the best thing he could do was to get her busy. He told her that she needed to pack for about a week and that they needed to keep the phone line open. As she went to the bedroom to pack, he used his cell phone to call a golfing buddy of his that flew a private plane out of the Crystal River airport. The Crystal River Airport was a small airport with no commercial traffic except for a few corporate planes.


“Hi Ed. This is Rick.”

“Hi. Rick. What can I do ya for?”

“I was wondering if you knew anyone local that does charter flights.”

“I know a couple, but they’re not legal. You have to have a commercial license to fly for pay and neither of these guys does.”

 “I’m not picky as long as they’re competent.”

 “How far are you going and how many?”

 “Two of us and luggage for a week. Were going to Michigan. The thing is we have to leave real soon. The sooner the better.”

 “I know a guy that might fly you. If he agrees, you have nothing to worry about. This guy is very good. His name’s Rick, Ricardo Valencia. It would be best if I call him. I’ll express your urgency and have him call you.”

 “Thanks Ed. Have him call my cell I’m trying to keep our land line open.”

 “Is there anything I can do Rick, it sounds like you’ve got trouble.”

 “Thanks for asking Ed, it’s a family problem. John’s been hurt and we need to get there as fast as we can. If you get us this plane, that will be a big help. By the way if he can’t make the trip to Michigan ask if he could fly us to the airport in Tampa.”

 Rick thanked Ed again, told Sarah he had to go to the bank, grabbed his keys and left. He was just pulling into the bank parking lot when his phone rang.

“Hi, this is Rick. I hear you need a ride.”

“Yes, just as soon as I can get it.”

“Okay the deal is, it will cost you fifteen hundred. I know that’s a lot but the gas alone will cost me six hundred, give or take. If you’re interested I can leave immediately.”

“I’m interested. We can meet you at the airport in an hour.”

“Give me your address and I’ll pick you up. Save you a taxi.”

Rick gave him the address, hung up and went to the bank. He took the ball that was in a small leather pouch out of his safety deposit box and withdrew five thousand dollars from his savings account. From the bank, he went to his office to make a list of things needing attention while he was gone. He planned on leaving the list on Jackie’s desk, the real-estate agent that worked for him, but as it turned out, she was at the office. He explained what was going on and told her that she would be in charge until he returned.

By the time Rick returned home Sarah had finished packing. She told Rick that Ollie had came over and got Toby. She said that she had only asked Ollie to come over and let him out but he said he’d just take him home.

They were at the front gate with their suitcases when Rick pulled up in his car. He introduced himself and helped load their baggage in the trunk. On the way to the airport Sarah said I’m going to call you Ricardo if you don’t mind, it will save a lot of confusion.

“Don’t mind at all that’s what my mother calls me. I have to know one thing though. Are you’re taking this charter to avoid security?”

Rick thought of the ball and wondered what it would do to a metal detector. He also wondered if it was radioactive. He hadn’t thought of either of these things before. Sarah looked at him and she knew exactly what he was thinking. Rick decided to chance it and said, “No. Were fine with security.”

“Good, then we can land at Ann Arbor; otherwise I would’ve had to find a little airport.”

Rick had never flown in a small plane before and Sarah had never been in a plane of any size. If it hadn’t been for their concern for John, they both would have enjoyed the experience a great deal.

There was a pronounced bump and Sarah said, “What was that!”

“What was what?”

“That bump, it felt like we hit something.”

“That’s just rising air currents. It’s kind of like driving on a road with really bad potholes. After awhile you don’t even notice it.”

“I always imagined flying as smooth and quiet, this is neither.”

“After awhile you don’t notice it so much. Small planes tend to be a little noisy because you’re so close to the engine. If the noise bothers you it would be a little quieter in the back seat.”

“No, no it’s fine. It’s just not what I expected.”

“I know, once we get to cruising altitude it will smooth out considerably. Most pilots listen to music over their headphones on long trips. It cuts down on the noise.”

Sarah couldn’t take her eyes off the scenery below them. She thought how tidy every thing looks. They were flying over farmland and the terrain below them resembled a patchwork quilt made up of varying shades of greens and browns with the patches bordered in black.

Once they reached their cruising altitude, Ricardo let them take turns piloting the plane. He explained the purpose of a few of the instruments crucial to level flight and maintaining the proper heading. They both discovered that flying an airplane once it was in the air was much easier than driving a car.

Ricardo said, “The main difference between piloting a plane, and driving a car is that in a plane you use mainly interior information. In a car you use mainly exterior information.”

The plane was equipped with an automatic pilot so most of the trip no one was at the controls. During the trip, Ricardo gave them his cell number and explained that he would be spending a few days in Ypsilanti. He told them to give him a call when they were ready to go back, if he were still there, he would take them back for free since they had already paid for the gas both ways.

As it turned out, security wasn’t a problem at Ann Arbor. Ricardo parked the plane at a lot used by private planes and they exited through a private pilots lounge. There was a car rental located just outside the lounge in the airport lobby. They rented a midsize car and within an hour of landing were parking at the hospital. They were amazed to see Molly when they walked into John’s room. Although she looked very little like she did six years ago, Sarah recognized her at once. Molly at thirteen had been plump with a round face. Now she had an extremely good figure, high cheekbones, dark eyes and long straight black hair. She was very attractive. Although Molly’s presence surprised Sally, she ignored her at first, and went to her son. Matt didn’t recognize Molly at all. Molly said, He hasn’t come to yet Mrs. Hanson.”

Sarah replied in a cool voice that was not at all like her.

“I’m Mrs. Moore, Sarah Moore, what are you doing here Molly?”

“I saw the shooting in the paper and I just knew it was my fault, I had to come and see for sure.”

“How is this your fault Molly?”

Molly broke down crying, when she had composed herself enough to talk, she explained to them about Sean, his having been in prison for robbing their ranch, about him coming here and her mentioning of John. When she was all done she said, “I’m so sorry Mrs. Han,, Moore. I never thought he would do something like this.”

Tears were rolling down Molly’s face and dropping from her chin. As she dabbed at them with the back of her hand, Sarah said, “Are you sure it was Sean?”

“Yes, I pray I’m wrong but I’m sure. I saw it in his eyes the second I told him. I’ve never been so sorry for opening my big mouth in all my life.”

Sarah’s voiced had warmed, “It’s not your fault Molly. We just have to figure out what to do now.”

Rick said, “I hate to use the ball until I’ve talked to the doctor although it really don’t matter I guess if he has been like this since the shooting I don’t see what else to do. It’s been two days already.”

Rick took the pouch and a surgical glove from his pocket, put on the glove, took out the ball and held John’s hand with the ball pressed against his palm. He said, “I don’t know what the doctor will make of this, but I don’t know how to get him out of here in this condition.”

Molly said, “Mrs. Moore may I have your phone number? I would really like to talk to John when this is all over and apologize.”

Molly wrote down the number but seemed reluctant to leave. Sarah noticed and said, “Molly, you’re welcome to stay if you’d like.”

Rick left Sarah with her son and went to the nurse’s station. The nurse’s manner told Rick that they didn’t have much hope of a full recovery.

“I’ll page Doctor Blanchard and let him know you’re here. I’m sorry, but you need to talk to our accounting department when you have time.”

“No time like the present. Point me to it.”

A very pleasant, bespectacled, lady with bluish grey hair explained that it was all taken care of. The university was going to cover the bill. She leaned slightly closer to Rick and said in a conspiratorial tone, “I think they’re afraid of being sued.” Straightening up she continued, “Besides he’s the star on our football team. The school certainly doesn’t want to lose him.”

Rick thanked her and went back up to the ER. When he walked in Molly was gone and he had the impression that Sarah had been crying, but when she turned to him her face was dry, and held a semblance of a smile. She put her arms around Rick and asked him to tell her that it would be all right. He did.

Later that day they met with Dr. Blanchard. He was solemn and didn’t offer a lot of hope. His biggest concern was the length of time that John’s blood flow had been severely limited. He was afraid of brain damage, but explained that there was no way to tell until he regained consciousness and he was afraid that may be quite some time. He told them there was a Ronald McDonald house near by and asked if they wanted him to speak to the nurse about it. Rick told him that they could afford a room and would rather leave the ones at the Ronald McDonald house for those that need them. The doctor got up to leave, hesitated, and said “I’m sorry I couldn’t have been more positive but I don’t believe in offering false hope.” He smile slightly and said, “You may take hope in the fact that I’m sometimes wrong. After all these years, patients still often surprise me.”

After he left, Rick said, “This one is going to more than surprise him, this one is going to blow his mind.”