North of Roswell by Dick Harvey - HTML preview

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Chapter twenty seven


After Ollie and Dolly left, Rick said, “I don’t get Ollie’s attitude. He acts like this is something that we foisted off on him, and we’re trying to control his life. Hell, a little while ago he was acting like I was trying to steal his house.”

“Well Rick, in a way, I guess we did foist this on them. They never asked for this. They’re world is turned upside down. For that matter Dolly didn’t ask for this either. We took it on ourselves without giving them a choice. As for the house, wouldn’t you be a tad suspicious if someone asked you to sign over your house.”

“I guess that’s true, but do you think for a minute that they wouldn’t have begged us to do it if they knew we could?”

“I suppose not, but the fact remains they didn’t ask and I think Ollie just feels like he’s losing control.”

“I’m not trying to take control. I’m just trying to protect my family. All I’m asking is that they consider our situation. If this gets out we are going to have to start all over again. We stand to lose everything and I get the impression that they don’t get it.”

“Just give them a little time to get used to the idea Rick.”

“Fine I just hope that they don’t screw up our lives while they’re getting used to it.”

The next morning while Rick and Sarah were driving them to the airport in Tampa Ollie said, “I’m sorry if I didn’t sound grateful last night Rick, I really do appreciate what you’re doing for us.”

Rick was unable to keep the irritation out of his voice when he replied.

“Ollie I am very comfortable in my skin. I don’t need you fawning over me and telling me how grateful you are. I just assume that you’re grateful. What I do need though is for you to take this serious.”

“Goddamn it Rick, I don’t know why you think I don’t take this serious…”

“Because, Rick cut him off, you seem more interested in proving that you’re in charge than you are in protecting our secret. This isn’t some trivial little thing like I’m a closet homosexual or some such foolishness. If this secret gets out Sarah and I lose everything, we have. We will be on the run again. John’s scholarship and any hopes of a career in football will be gone. All because you don’t trust your wife to take care of what needs to be done. Apparently you don’t have much faith in your wife’s abilities. What the hell would she be doing right now if you really were dead?”

Ollie sat with his head down, seething. He wanted to lash out at Rick, but had sense enough to control his temper. Ollie was silent for quite a while and just as Dolly was about to speak in an attempt at relieving the tension he said, “Okay Rick I didn’t mean to upset you. When we get to London, I’ll check into a hotel and stay out of sight. I’ll make sure that Dolly and I aren’t seen together. At least she can call me if she needs anything, and we can see each other once in a while.”

Rick felt like saying you still don’t get it, but thought what’s the use. The car was quiet for the rest of the trip. Ollie was aware that Rick was upset with him, but felt he was in the right. Even Dolly and Sarah were quiet.

They dropped them at the terminal and said their goodbyes. They wished them well and said they hoped that all went well, asked them to keep in touch and started back for Crystal River. On the way home, Rick asked Sarah if she felt that he was out of line. She said, “No Rick, everything you said needed to be said. I think you could have been a little more diplomatic… no I guess not. I don’t think you got through to Ollie even with the way you laid it on the line.”

“I just hope we don’t live to regret this. You know what they say?

“No, what’s that?”

“No good deed goes unpunished.”