North of Roswell by Dick Harvey - HTML preview

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Chapter thirty eight


Sarah had followed through on her promise to the chief and called Ann Banks. Sarah tendered an invitation for the following Sunday and it was accepted. They showed up Sunday afternoon with Chief carrying a fresh baked blueberry pie. The four of them sat in the lanai, had iced tea and got acquainted. After a while, Sarah suggested a boat ride. They boated along the river and around Kings Bay enjoying the scenery and wildlife. At three o’clock Rick pulled up to the dock at Crackers and said, “I think it’s time for a cocktail, host’s treat.” They sat at the tiki bar, the girls had pina coladas and the guys had beer.

After the drinks Sarah said, “I think it’s time to feed these people. They are probably starving.”

Chief replied that he wasn’t sure about the rest of them, but that he could probably go a week without eating and it wouldn’t hurt him a bit. Back home Sarah put Rick in charge of the grill while she prepared the salad and side dishes. They had grilled chicken, salad fried potatoes and blueberry pie. The Moore’s both agreed that the blueberry pie was the best part of the meal.

After the Banks left, Sarah told Rick that she liked them a lot. Rick allowed as how she liked everyone a lot and although there was good deal of truth in that statement, he also liked them. He also pointed out to Sarah, that being friends with the Chief of police couldn’t hurt.

When Ann had told Leo about the invitation, he had explained that the Moore’s were the ones whose house was the scene of last week’s gunfight. Ann replied, “I read all about that in the paper. “Tell me about them. Sarah sounded very nice on the phone.”

“They are both very nice. Ann, what I’m about to tell you is not for publication. I think they are in the witness protection program. This family is just too nice to be mixed up in anything crooked. The perp that escaped apparently knew them, or at least knew Rick. He tried to kill their nephew, if that’s what he is, to find out where they were and I have no doubt that he would have killed them if he could have. They Either have something he wants or is set on revenge. I think they’re worried that he’ll come back.”

“What makes you think they are in the witness protection program Leo?”

“I ran a background check on them and not a one of them shows up anywhere until two and a half years ago. The Michigan detectives seem to think they are mixed up in something illegal and are hiding out, but I don’t buy it. I consider myself a fair judge of character and these are honest folk.”

 “It sounded like you don’t believe the boy is their nephew.”

 “He may be, but that whole story seems contrived to me. I can’t quite figure that one out. He can’t be a son, they’re too close in age and if he isn’t related to them, why would he be living with them. The only other thing that would make sense would be if he is the brother to one of them.”

 “But Leo, if that was the case why not just say he was a brother instead of concocting this story of a nephew.”

 “You sure got me. I don’t have a clue. Oh well, it’s a mystery and you know how much I enjoy a mystery.”