One Way to Mars by Gary Weston - HTML preview

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Chapter 20


Foreman and Monkley prepared the best meal possible from the various vacuum packed supplies, adding sweetner to the wine to improve the harsh citrus taste. It was another nine hours before the airlock door opened and the buggy was driven inside.

'Hey. The workers return.'

Shaking the sand off their suits, they all stripped down to their undergarments.

'How's it going out there?'

'Slow and tedious,' said Mitchum. 'We're used to it.'

Foreman nodded. 'Why don't you all hit the showers and come and eat. Not a bad meal waiting, though I say it myself.'

'Good idea,' said Susan. 'I nearly didn't recognise you.'

'Do you approve?'

'Much nicer,' she said with a pout and a mischievous smile.

When she returned from the bathroom, she looked and smelt good enough to eat. Her thick mane of auburn hair shone and framed her beautiful face. Why a woman like her was remotely interested in him, Foreman could only wonder and be thankful.

'Andy,' said Mitchum as he sipped the wine as he ate. 'I hope I didn't offend you earlier.'

'Hell, no. I could kick myself for being so stupid, coming over there.'

Mitchum shrugged. 'You were just being curious and I understand that. Believe me, if it wasn't for insurance, I'd rope you in and get you working with us.'

'It's cool.'

'I would hardly call it entertainment,' said Giavani. 'Drill a bit further, stick another tube on, drill a bit further... boring, boring.'

'I guess that's why they call them bores,' said Foreman, hardly raising a smile. 'Say. Mike. Could I have a word with you?'

Mitchum stifled a yawn. 'Sorry It's been along day. Yeah. I could do with stretching my legs and breathing air not from a pack on my back.'

'Thanks. Help yourself to wine and I've filled the jars up for a smoke if you want one.'

He followed Mitchum outside and they strolled along the path.

'I didn't want to say anything in front of the others, but there's something I'd very much like your opinion on.'


'I have to show you.'


'It's outside. It's the ship I came down on.'

'That was damn bad luck, Andy. From what you told me, you and the GenMoP were lucky to survive.'

'Mike. We should have all survived. But I need you to see it.'

'Okay. But not right now. We're all bushed. Besides, driving a buggy at night, even with lights on, is asking for trouble. I tell you what. In the morning, I'll get the crew working, then I'll come back in the buggy and we'll take a look. How does that sound?'

'That's a good idea, Mike. We'll be fresh. Listen. Don't say anything to the others, okay? Not until we've had a look. I don't want them worried unduly.'

Mitchum nodded. 'Okay. Andy. Is there something I should be worried about?'

'If your opinion is the same as mine, could be.'

They found the others naked and wallowing in the pool, each with a jar to smoke from. Monkley was snuggled up close to Debbie, as he seemed to have a crush on her. He had the silly mellow look on his face, which reminded Foreman of Stan Laurel from Laurel and Hardy. Slightly self conscious, Foreman stripped off and slipped into the pool and picked up a jar. Looking into Susan's face, told him the dope in the jar wasn't the only thing smouldering.