Out of Time - Encounter at Mid-day by Derek P. Blake - HTML preview

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Out of Time - Encounter at Mid-day

Is a sequel to the novel ‘The Time Before’


In 2022 Jo Merkson was on holiday in Cyprus with her parents, Jim and Carol Markson and her younger brother Peter, when the young Jo accidentally discovered a treasure hoard. The hoard included advanced technology that was thousands of years old.

This discovery changed the lives of the whole family and the huge reward from the Cypriot government resulted in the establishment of the Jo Markson Research Trust (JMRT). Nine years on the trust was responsible for the discovery of the ancient Ark of the Covenant, a long-lost artefact of Israel, built by Moses under the direction of God. The JMRT were also responsible for discovering ancient chambers in several locations across the old world, which they dubbed ‘Control Rooms’. These chambers contained ancient technology that ultimately were the greatest discoveries ever made by modern archaeology and were the source of the, so called, ‘God Tapes’, known also as ‘The Revealation’.

The ‘God Tapes’ were discovered to be a three dimensional video record of God’s dealings with man, from creation to the death of God’s Son, Jesus Christ. The discovery had a huge effect on the world, on militant Islam, and on members of the Christian faith, because it contained, ‘The Final Warning’.

Now read on . . .