Out of Time - Encounter at Mid-day by Derek P. Blake - HTML preview

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London, Wednesday 5th November 2031 10:30 hrs – Extraordinary Meeting of the General Synod of the Anglican Church.

Archbishop of Canterbury, Doctor Jonathan Benn called the synod to order, and welcomed the Houses of Bishops, Clergy and Laity, he then outlined the reason for the special meeting and introduced the video that had been sent to him and the media back in August. Previously only clips had been shown to the general public, so, for many, this was first chance to see the full sixty-minute video. There was utter silence during the showing and not one person left the chamber until the showing was over. As the final frames of the video faded from the screen Archbishop Benn came to his feet and addressed the assembly.

“My brothers and sisters in Christ, today we meet to discuss what is, obviously, a huge problem for the Anglican Church worldwide. The time is now approaching mid-day and at two o'clock we will be joined by Joanne and James Markson, the archaeologists who made the discovery that we have just seen. Can I suggest that we break into informal groups for the next hour in order to discuss the implications between ourselves? Lunch will be served at one o'clock and the Marksons will actually arrive in time to partake in lunch; can we reserve any discussions with our guests until the afternoon session. Thank you.” The archbishop concluded in prayer for God to guide their discussions and the assembled members wandered off in small groups.

Jo and her Dad, Jim, arrived at just after one-thirty and had to run the gauntlet of demonstrations outside of the Central hall. There seemed to be three distinct factions, one was obviously atheistic, and banners demanded the destruction of the artefacts or proclaiming that the discoveries were false. Another group who seemed to be Christians seemed to take the same view as the atheists, but the third group were also Christians who wanted the synod to accept the messages discovered in the recordings. One of the demonstrators, from the Christian group that wanted the destruction of all the artefacts, made a grab at Joanne and managed to drag her into the barricade. “You are doing the work of the devil,” the man shouted in Jo's ear. Fortunately there were many police officers on duty and one was quick to rescue Jo and then arrest her assailant. Jo and her Dad were ushered into the hall and were shown directly to the table where Archbishop Benn and the Archbishop of York were seated. Jo looked shaken, which prompted the Archbishop of York, Geoffrey Milton, to ask if she were feeling unwell.

“One of your supporters outside has just molested my daughter,” answered Jim with not a little resentment. “Oh my, we tried to keep this meeting a secret, so this would not happen,” said Archbishop Benn, “I do apologise on behalf of the church Miss Markson.” He turned to an aid and asked him to contact the assistant commissioner of the Met with a view to getting the street outside cleared.

“It's hard to keep a secret with so many people involved,” said Jo, “we have had our own security issues.”

Jim and Jo accepted a cup of coffee and a plate of spaghetti with Soya-meat and sauce, and tried to relax a little. The Archbishop allowed them an extra fifteen minutes in order to compose themselves, but at two- fifteen they were called to the podium.

“My lords, ladies and gentlemen, may I now formally welcome Joanne and her father James Markson, whom I am sure need no introduction since the news broke a couple of months ago. They have elected not to make any statement to this synod as there is little they can add to what you have seen in the video this morning. So we now would open the floor to questions.”

Bishop Anthony of Liverpool's hand was visibly the first to rise and was recognised by the Archbishop.

“I have to state that I am far from convinced as to the age of the recordings that you have found, how can you convince me that they date from the period that you claim,” asked Liverpool.

“Bishop there is a host of evidence as to their ages,” stated Jo, “we have used every scientific dating system known to us; can I refer you to the fact-sheets that I believe are available in the coffee lounge, one of which presents the dating methodology and the supporting evidence.”

“But surely the current radiometric dating systems have been discredited to a great extent,” replied Anthony Liverpool, “what makes your dating any more accurate?”

“We don't use any of the standard radiometric systems,”

came in Jim, “standard testing relies on residual isotopes of certain substances, C14, argon, etc. Our methods now rely upon measuring the amount of radioactive cosmic particles that the material has absorbed, it’s the opposite of residual.”

“And it can be calibrated by using samples that have known ages, lava, material from the deep sea bed, etc.” added Jo, “we can actually calculate your age from the amount of particles your body has absorbed since your birth, accurate to within a month.”

Jim jumped in again and offered, “We can demonstrate the process if you would like to donate a nail clipping or a hair, if you would like us to. We have brought a hand held unit with us.”

“That will not be necessary, thank you,” the Bishop of Liverpool quickly replied.

Another hand went up, followed by several others, the Archbishop pointed to one hand, “Yes, the lay member from Leicester, I believe.”

“I don't doubt your sincerity Miss Markson, but is there, in your opinion, the slightest chance that the disks with the recordings are of modern origin and a possible stunt by some electronics manufacturer?”

“Firstly, call me Jo please, and I am sure my Dad would prefer to be addresses as Jim,” beside Jo, Jim nodded vigorously, “Now to your question, It took me a few weeks to actually come to terms with the idea, and yes, for weeks after the discovery I had huge doubts, especially as Sony were developing a similar technology. But this ancient technology is far in advance of anything we have today; our tame professor tell us that their are millions of layers in the disks, each one just a few atoms thick. Professor Gwilliam of UMIST says that it is almost as if the atoms themselves store the data for the recording, sort of an advanced quantum processor. We don't even know what the disks are made of; it's an element but not one known to this planet. So my answer now has to be, 'no' I do not have the slightest doubt.”

Another delegate asked, “We have all heard the voice on the introduction disk, do you think that this is the voice of God, and if so why is it in English?”

Jim stepped forward and batted this time, “No I don't think that the recording is the actual voice of God, but I have come to believe that they are the words of God. As to the voice speaking English, we are advised that there is some sort of translator program involved within the equipment in the control rooms. When we first heard the commentary it was in an entirely unknown language, we went through a good number of languages before we hit on English, and that was as much of a surprise to us as when the recording knew there were five of us.”

The Archbishop stepped forward and asked, “Do you think the first voice you heard was God's voice, Jim.”

“I don't think so, the best guess is that it's like a voice synthesizer, it's a part of the program.”

Another member of the clergy asked, “How many of your staff and consultants were believers previously and how many are now?”

“I cannot tell you how many were believers previously, as people's beliefs are unimportant for us. However, ninety-five percent of staff have expressed some degree of belief since the discovery, some have a greater belief than others.”

So the questioning went on for almost two and a half hours, some questions were openly hostile others were obviously genuine interest questions. At around three- thirty everyone heard a commotion outside, and bullhorns announced that the police were clearing the street, much to Jo's relief. Just before five o'clock the Archbishop thanked Jo and Jim for their time and their sincere answers. Jo and Jim Markson then retired to the lounge for a well earned coffee, a few minutes later the Archbishop approached them.

“Thank you both so much for this afternoon, much of it cannot have been too comfortable for you,” the Archbishop said.

“What happens now Your Grace,” asked Jo, “is that it.”

“Please Jo, no one uses that old title these days, you can call me John, as Christians we should use each other's Christian names. No, there is much more to come yet Jo,” answered the Archbishop, “we have designated three days for this opening discussion, then the delegates take everything back to their parishes and church councils and they will consult with them. Then they come back here in couple of months to express the grass-roots opinions, then we discuss it all over again. Nothing happens very quickly in the Anglican Church, it could take years to make a decision.”

“But what if you don't have years John,” asked Jo; concerned.

“Then my dear, we must all take our chance and hope that what we believe is enough,” answered the Archbishop with a very sad look on his face, “I would like to keep in touch, if that is possible, Jim. I think I may need to answer many more questions and should like to offer any help I can, you never know, the name of the Archbishop of Canterbury can open many doors.”

“That would be good John, here is my personal com address, said Jim, “call me at any time.”

When Jo and her Dad left the Central Hall to walk to the parking facility the street was empty and darkness had descended upon London and already there were fireworks lighting up the sky. November fifth in the UK is traditionally a time for muted celebration of a rebel called Guy Fawkes who tried to blow up parliament with barrels of gunpowder, no one is ever sure whether the celebration is because he attempted the feat, or that he failed and was burnt at the stake. There was a pre- winter chill in the air as they walked in silence the two- hundred meters to the vehicle park. Once in the LIMO and the cabin heaters had taken effect, Jo asked, “How much time do you think we have Dad.”

“The truth is Jo, nobody knows for certain, I've been reading up on the Bible predictions, and it seems that it could be any time now, but I think we have at least seven years, maybe more. It seems that the third temple has to be built on or at the Temple Mount first so no doubt that will take several years”

“Where does the seven years come from though,” asked Jo.

“You know Jo, I am not sure,” her Dad answered, “I am just going by what the experts and Bible scholars are saying, it's a really complicated translation and calculation. In the book of Daniel it says that the period will be seven days, not years.”

“Wow, that's fast.”

“Other experts stick to three and a half years, I looked at a well respected book called the 'Wycliffe Commentary' that quotes Daniel 12:7 that gives us 1260 days or forty- two months, which is three and a half years.”


Government House, Jerusalem, Israel. Friday 14th November 2031 14:40 hrs (local time)

Prime Minister, Heidi Goldbloom, sat at the head of her cabinet table, the all-day meeting had been going since nine that morning, and they had just reconvened after a heavy lunch which was having a soporific effect on the ministers. The next two items on the agenda were the 'Rebuilding of the Temple', and 'The Palestinian Claim', both happened to be emotive subjects.

P.M. Goldbloom called the cabinet meeting to order, “Ladies and gentlemen, we have only two items left on today's agenda, but I expect them to be hefty subjects, I hope that your respective families are not expecting you for dinner tonight,” she opened. “Firstly, we decided a couple of months ago that Israel would rebuild the temple, this decision, I feel, may have been a knee-jerk decision after the restoration of the Ark of the Covenant to our nation. So today I would like us to either rescind or confirm that decision, for starters. Ben you were one of the first in on the discoveries back in August, can you share your feelings please.”

Benjamin Marks, Israeli Minister of National Security, had been involved with the team that uncovered the Ark, and is ultimately responsible for it's safe-keeping, said, “Madam Prime Minister, as you all know I was the liaison with the JMRT team who discovered the Ark in the long hidden cave. Co Managing Directors, Joanne and James Markson graciously handed the Ark over to this administration immediately after its removal from the cave. They realised the Ark's significance to this nation and did not even attempt to investigate any of the contents, as was their right under our agreement. Both they and the other directors of the Trust recognised that the Ark was the property of Israel, as does most of the world, and not least of which are the Jewish and Christian communities. At this moment the Ark is housed in a make-shift enclosure within the Jerusalem Great Synagogue at 56 King George Street, but this venue is not ideal. The Ark is vulnerable there and considering the tourist and pilgrimage traffic we expect, that building is wholly lacking. I would advise a purpose built structure and whilst we are doing that it would be a great opportunity to actually start the building of the third temple,”

“Thank you Ben,” said the P.M. “and your comments actually have a bearing on the last item on our agenda. Any other comments?”

The next to speak was Maria Hadash, Minister of Culture, “We have been proposing the building of the third temple for almost eighty years; we have possession of the Mount at last so there is nothing stopping us. I believe that it will bring Jewry together, where ever in the world they are, it will be a focal point. I believe we should push forward with the project.”

The Minister of Building and Works, David Pinner, commented. “With the damage to the Mount itself after the quake, or whatever it was, and the need to demolish the mosque, which would be a provocative act in my mind, it would seem to rebuild on the summit is not possible. Yes you have my vote to rebuild, but I propose that we build to the side of the Mount and actually include the Western Wall in that construction, where the plaza is. There is plenty of room there and will not interfere with our Islamic friends.”

After another ninety-five minutes it was a unanimous decision to go forward with the Temple Project and David Pinner was charged with sending out proposals to various Jewish architects. A competition was proposed, and accepted, with a prize of five-million dollars for the winner. Once the temple decision had been made the cabinet moved on to the next, and final item.

“The last item today is a delicate and potentially upsetting one,” commenced the P.M., “I have received a request, no, a claim, from the Palestinian government, that the Ark of the Covenant should be handed over to Islam.”

“On what basis do they make this claim, the Ark was constructed by our nation, and on the command of our Lord,” commented Rabbi Kobashi, Religious Advisor to the government.

The P.M. Extracted several sheets of paper from her document case, and spread them in front of her, “It seems that Islam considers the Ark in similar regard to us. The Muslims call it the “Tabut Sakina', which means exactly the same, 'Ark of the Covenant' and is actually mentioned in their Quran, which reads:

“And their Prophet said to them: “A Sign of his authority is that there shall come to you the Ark (Tabut), and in it Sakina with (a Covenant) therein of security from your Lord, and the relics left by the family of Moses and the family of Aaron, carried by angels. In this is a symbol for you if ye indeed have faith”

“That's a reference al Baqara, v.248, if anyone is interested in looking it up. It seems that the Palestinians think that the Ark is some sort of weapon of war that was used by the Prophets, including Moses, Aaron, David, and Solomon, and it seems by the Prophet Muhammad himself; though how he got hold of it confounds me.”

“Can it be that it was the Muslims that stole the Ark and hid it in that cave, then lost track of it,” asked the Rabbi.

“Who knows, Rabbi, it is not something that I would care to ask in public,” interjected the P.M. “I think we may have enough problems without inflaming the situation further.”

“Do we have any information about the Ark being a weapon of war,” asked Moshe Oppenheimer, the Minister of Finance.

“No,” stated the Rabbi emphatically, “the Ark is a sacred object.”

“From the reports I received from Major Davidson, and the conversation I had with Jim Markson, there does seem to be some effects associated with the Ark, Ben Marks informed the meeting, “For a start the terrorist's weapons all failed to fire as our commandos entered the cave, our men had no need to use their weapons as the terrorists surrendered, and there was not one particle of dust on the Ark, despite being in the cave for who knows how long.”

“But Rabbi, the Lord instructed us to take it into battle at the head of our warriors,” commented the P.M., “and when that was done we did win battles. From what Ben has said there does seem to be some power associated with it”

“Yes, it is the Lord's power, the power of faith, not some death-ray,” answered the Rabbi.

“Be that as it may, the Palestinians are requesting that we hand the Ark over to them as representatives of Islam,” continued the P.M.

“Is it a request, or a demand,” asked Ben.

“I cannot think why we are having this discussion,” said the Rabbi, “now that the Ark has been recovered for us, I have to say that, it will be over my dead body that we hand it over. It was made by Hebrews under the Lord's command. It was not commanded by the false god of Islam, nor was it fashioned by Muslim hands; just as Israel was given this land by the Lord so we were given the Ark. It is a symbol of the Lord's covenant with our people.”

The outburst was greeted by a chorus of agreement and ended with a round of applause for the words of Rabbi Kobashi. “Well from that reaction I can take it that we are in unanimous agreement to refuse the Palestinian 'request',” concluded the P.M.

Another two hours passed with several heated discussions, drafting the response to Palestine and her government. The P.M. Insisted that great care should be taken so as not to inflame the situation, as they had already had to deal with the protestations over the arrest and treatment of the terrorists who had, several months before, attempted to hijack the Ark from its hiding place in the cave. The helicopter gun-ships had been confiscated by the Israeli military and the terrorists had been tried and sentenced to prison, despite one of them being an official representative of the Palestinian government. The relations between Palestine and Israel had already deteriorated since the opening up of the Temple Mount, many Palestinians and people in other Islamic countries, had regarded the archaeological works as an insult to both Allah and Mohamed. Many Muslims also retained a suspicion that the, so called, 'laser incident', was really an attack by the West and in particular the USA.


Yasser Arafat House, Jerusalem, Israel. Monday 17th November 2031 09:45 hrs (local time)

In the legislative centre of the Palestinian government in Jerusalem, the atmosphere was not totally that of peace and goodwill. After the peace agreement the Palestinian government's legislative centre was moved from Ramallah to Jerusalem as a symbol of the shared authority. However the hard-line Islamists had continued with their power-base in Ramallah on the West Bank. The peace has always been an uneasy one, but had improved somewhat, over the past few years. Relationships between the Palestinians and the 'West' had continued to be strained and the 'Great Satan' continued to be the USA, although violent acts had diminished to less than ten percent of the pre- accord days.

Aiden al-Qurashi, Prime Minister of Palestine, threw the printed communiqué onto his desk, and stared at it for several seconds, “Well that was predictable wasn't it,” he said to his private secretary, “and I really can't blame them, it was a long-shot at best.”

“I don't think certain members of your government will look at it in those terms Sir,” his secretary replied.

“I agree,” replied Aiden, “we will just have to gently guide our ministerial friends to a peaceful agreement, Michael. I suppose you had better call Minister Dajani for me, will you ask him to come over at about ten-thirty please?”

“Yes Prime Minister,” Michael said as he left for the outer office.

At just before ten-thirty Aiden heard the voice of his Minister of Defence in the outer office, although he and Ethan Dajani had been friends since university, they often held opposite views over politics and security issues. They had both been educated at the University of London and had degrees in politics and Middle Eastern History; Ethan also had a Masters Degree in strategic sciences. Ethan was much more militant than Aiden, who was on the team that negotiated the peace accord with Israel and maintained a healthy friendship with Mrs Goldbloom, whereas Ethan still regarded her as a potential enemy.

“Come on in Ethan,” Aiden called through his desk intercom, “Michael can you rustle up some coffee please.” In less than five seconds the door opened and his friend Ethan entered, and the two greeted each other with a hug. “Please, sit, how is that lovely family, I haven't seen them for months.”

“Over a year actually,” said Ethan as he dropped into the most comfortable chair in the office. “Helen was only saying last week that we never see you these days, and the kids are always asking where Uncle Aiden is, you must come over for supper, soon.”

“I will, I promise,” said Aiden.

“So, I guess we have a reply from your friend the Jewish bitch, have we?”

“I do wish you would not refer to Heidi in those terms Ethan, we are both trying to do a very difficult job.”

“I'm sorry, but I am assuming that the answer is a absolute negative.”

“Yes, you are right, but what did you expect,” asked Aiden

“I expected exactly what we seem to have.”

“Ethan, I need you to support me at tomorrow's cabinet meeting, there are certain members who would wish to push this demand and I am sure they would savour going to war over it,” said the P.M. “If this Ark is a weapon, then we must remember that Israel is in possession of it, and if the legends are correct, as long as they have the artefact, we, or anyone else, can't win a war against them.”

“I take your point, Aiden but we have as much right to the Tabut Sakina as the Jews, it is a symbol that will not only unite every Palestinian, but will unite Islam, and if we have the Tabut Sakina, Islam will be united under Palestine,” stated Ethan.

“And why would we want to be the leaders of Islam,” asked Aiden.

“Because my brother, Islam is destined to rule the world, it is predicted; it is our destiny, Mohamed, praise His name, prophesied and instructed the followers to conquer the Earth. We have not been able to do that because we have been too many factions, too divided, but united we could convert the world to Islam, Allah be praised.”

Aiden sat back and rubbed his neck with his hand and slowly shook his head, “I can't support this Ethan, I am not a devout follower but we need Islam, the world needs Islam to be a faith of peace, we have had enough of war.”

“The world has the option of embracing Islam as the one true faith.”

“And do you think that the stunt that you pulled when the Tabut Sakina was found, trying to hijack it by force, convinced th