PAX by Richard Dante - HTML preview

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That afternoon he arrived at the White House with mixed emotions. This could be a very important meeting and he hoped he was prepared. He‟d only brought the DVD of the video presentation and a copy of his written report. Would that be enough? After sitting in the reception room for nearly an hour, he was ushered into the Oval Office and greeted warmly by the President, who apologized for keeping him waiting.

“This damned job gets in the way, sometimes.” He apologized, shaking Warren‟s hand. “I‟m only glad you could make it on such short notice. Our mutual friend Senator Hargrave called yesterday afternoon with an enthusiastic adviso to see you while you were in town.” The two men settled on the couches across from the president‟s desk and he continued, “I‟d of course heard of you work and read about your meeting yesterday, but wanted to see for myself. I hope it‟s convenient.”

“Not only very convenient, but a great honor Mr. President.” enthused the young scientist.

“Your plan is to bring peace to the world, eliminate violent crime and such. It‟s my job to know people, and unfortunately many of them are degenerate to say the least.

I‟m all in favor of peace at any cost, but your plan seems a bit--no offense--but a bit far fetched.”

“Yes...Mr. President...a utopian dream. But one I decided to do something about.

My whole life has been dedicated to finding an answer, and I‟m convinced PAX is it!”

“I‟ve read Senator Hargrave‟s report. Very impressive--but I‟d like to see your presentation first hand if I may.”

“If I may play my DVD for you. It pretty much lays out the program. And here‟s my written report.”

“Oh...Good” the President took the folder from his guest. “I‟d like some of my staff in on this if you don‟t mind?” He added reaching for the intercom. “Miss Jones, could you please send in any available staff member, and you might like to see this yourself.” He turned to the scientist and indicated the console that contained the digital video player and monitor. While Warren loaded the machine and set the levels on the monitor, he was aware of a small crowd gathering, including the First Lady, Vice President, Secretary of State, Chief of Staff and others who took seats or stood by waiting.

Finally ready, Warren turned to them and the president introduced him.

“Most of you have seen this young man on the news, and I‟m sure you‟re aware he has a promising proposal for all of us. I give you Dr. Warren Peace. Doctor the floor is yours” Those gathered in the oval room nodded to the scientist and he nodded back.

“I need to warn you ladies and gentlemen, what you are about to see--tells it like it is, and the world out there can be a pretty gruesome place. Be prepared for scenes that may shock or sicken you.” With that he pressed the play button and the presentation began. As usual there were gasps of horror at some shots of gore. The DVD again presented a brief history of horrific violence and bloody examples of recent cruelties, not only in war zones, but by savage gangs in the U.S.. inner cities as well as disturbing shots of domestic brutality. Warren kept his eyes on the President who struggled to maintain his composure while facing the grisly scenes. Ultimately the heavy music lightened to a more positive theme and with computer special effects showed the spread of PAX and the resulting scenes of peace and tranquility.

As always, when the picture faded to black, the audience heaved a sigh of relief and there was some positive applause. The President‟s expression went from dour to optimistic, as with his famous smile he rose from his chair and went to where Warren was standing. Enthusiastically he shook the younger mans hand in congratulations.

“Well done...very well done!” he exclaimed. “Dr. Peace, if PAX can deliver a fraction of what you propose, this sick world could be headed for a beautiful future.”

behind the Chief Executive, Warren could see heads nodding in agreement. “I realize you‟re counting on all of us to support your quest. I‟m sorry about that if, but being student of human nature, PAX still seems too good to be true. I understand your written report mentions an experiment with one human which has thus far proved to be outstanding. Good news! Still I agree with the committee: We need more assurance.”

He took a few minutes to lead Warren around the room as he introduced him to his staff.

Most were positive in their responses. Finally, Mark Lambent allowed some to go back to work, but kept his wife, the Secretary of State and his friend the Vice President seated.

“Just a few more words, Doctor and we‟ll let you go. As we understand from the committee report, there is some fretting about a peaceful world putting a lot of folks out of work.

I believe you suggested a big Peace Corps might hold on to the armed forces.

Good idea, and I have another one. Anyone unemployed can go into what I like to call the Green Machine. Let‟s not let it go beyond this room for the moment. I‟ve been pushing for private companies to expand the Green philosophy and clean up the atmosphere before it‟s too late. Hopefully that would decrease global warming and keep the ice caps and seas in tact. I hope you‟re going to tell me PAX is non toxic?

“No color, No smell, No taste, No toxins, just a peaceful life for all who inhale it.”

“Good! It‟s too bad the government doesn‟t trust anyone on anything. I believe you, but to get any support we‟ll have to go ahead with the tests. And you‟re tampering with the war machine. One major faction you may eventually have to face is the Pentagon.

Probably as soon as the tests prove PAX really works. I can help you there. I am still the Commander and Chief, and those hawks have to do pretty much what I tell them.

You might as well go back home and wait for the inspectors. When they‟ve made their recommendations we can move on. And the sooner the better. Doctor, Thank you for coming in and good luck with the inspection team.

The President and the others present shook Warren‟s hand and he left the White House.


Somewhat discouraged by the results of his trip, he was still hopeful as he returned to the Boston area. After a quick stop to see his parents he returned to the PAX plant.

There he was greeted by all and was especially glad to see Roger had kept things moving along. He held a meeting with all the personnel and brought them up to date.

“We‟ve had a bit of a set back and can expect some visitors next week to check out our work. The government works in slow and mysterious ways and it may be a while before we‟re actually able to use the bomb casings you‟re working on.” Some faces showed their concern.

“However,” Warren continued, “Keep up the good work, eventually they will be needed. I‟m sure of a positive report by the government inspectors, and hopefully the powers-that-be will jump on the band wagon soon. I‟ve checked the market, and in the dismal case we lose the race, I have a potential buyer for these disintegrating bomb casings for agricultural purposes. There will be no layoffs, but I may ask you to take a paid vacation in the near future. Thank you all so much for your excellent work.”

He received a round of applause and a few hip hip hurrays as the workers went back to their duties. He and Roger returned to their office for a strategy meeting.