Prison Contests by E.Banks - HTML preview

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'de rigueur'




Thunder roared within the skies of a world that was becoming even more corrupt than populated with perpetual bliss. It was the year three thousand. A young man by the name of Marlo lay on his bed fast asleep. He was only nineteen and knew nothing of tomorrow or what was to come the moment he awoke.

The wind raged and howled dreadfully through the open window in his room. An antique vase by the window sill crashed to the bedroom floor at that very instance.

Marlo immediately awoke at the sound of the crashing noise. He looked around his room for a 4

second, feeling slightly perplexed. Then it suddenly dawned on him that he had to get ready for his usual workout regime.

It would soon be the crack of dawn and if he didn’t complete his usual workout regime before then, he would be caught by the dark oppressors that were suppressing the beautiful world he was born in.

Marlo quickly got up from his bed and got changed into the right gear for working out. He then sent a message to his closest friends to meet him at the secluded forest not far from where he lived. They could not carry on living their lives in fear. Their world had become like a prison. You either forever 5

remained in hiding within a desolate place that no one really knew of or be caught by the dark oppressors.

It didn’t take long for Marlo to reach the secluded forest area, where he and his friends had agreed to workout at. His friends seemed to have already arrived at the forest before him, as they appeared to have been waiting for quite a while.

Marlo grinned at Prometheus, Karlos and Kristan.

They were his closest and only trusted friends he had at the moment. They were going to practice a battle rope climbing technique. This technique was a new skill Marlo had suggested to his friends for 6

empowerment. Prometheus, Karlos and Kristan nodded their heads eagerly towards Marlo. It was time for their workout regime to begin. The four friends started their workout, with a run through the forest. They then headed towards a sloping secret pathway to get them to the area in which they could practice their battle rope climbing technique.

Marlo was the first to jump onto one of the ropes attached to the top of a cliff. He had to jump from one rope to another rope – then reach the very top of the cliff. He moved with such great speed to get to the top of the cliff. Next followed Kristan, who moved even more swiftly.


After the four friends had reached the top of the cliff, they then quickly retreated to the bottom of the cliff where they had started from. It would soon be dawn and they knew they had to quickly rush to their homes before the dark oppressors awoke.

Prometheus, Marlo, Kristan and Karlos began to run through the forest again. Halfway through, Prometheus tripped over a fallen tree branch.

“Prometheus, what is the matter with you? How could you not have seen that branch?” Marlo practically yelled out, irately.

“I’m sorry Marlo. I have had too much on my mind of late. Yesterday I went out to town to protest 8

with a few people and something horrific happened.

Stopher’s guards came out and started killing innocent bystanders, including the few protestors I was with. I actually had to run for my life. We need to fight to get this world back to how it should be,”

Prometheus said while half panting at the same time.

It seemed as if he had injured his leg pretty badly, as he appeared to be frozen in one position.

“What was the protest about?” Karlos inquired out of curiosity. Marlo gave Karlos a stern look. They had to get back to their homes as soon as possible.

Irrespective of Karlos knowing that they could not remain within the forest to discuss matters of 9

concern, he was still persistent in knowing whatever issues that were going on in town. Karlos had also noticed Prometheus’s leg and quickly rushed towards his friend to help him to shift.

As the four friends began to move through the forest, Prometheus explained to them what the protest was about and as to who Stopher really was.

It turned out that Stopher was actually an old mate of Kristan’s that had changed his name to Stopher. This had been done way before he had taken over the society in which they were in. Kristan, Karlos and Prometheus were much older than Marlo.

They were all in their early twenties and so was 10

Stopher. Prometheus continued to explain as to how Stopher was really the leader of the dark oppressors.

A law had already been imposed on society to hide forever or get caught and cloned. Prometheus had gone out to town to join many protestors to protest against the cloning system. It was a nonsensical system created to stop people from having children. Stopher wanted a world full of fewer people. It was clear that the only way he could stop others from having children was to exterminate them from society after cloning them. Their clones would then be used as workers and servants as a form or sign of respect to Stopher’s own delight and 11

vainglory. Marlo looked at his friend sympathetically.

“There is no point in protesting. We can only learn how to defend ourselves and remain in hiding,”

Marlo uttered out sadly to his friends.

They would forever be like prisoners in their own world and remain in hiding – there was no freedom. The four friends continued to walk in silence – they had not reached their homes yet. They were still within the forest when they heard the sound of a horn blowing.

“What is that sound?” Kristan asked frantically, with his heart suddenly beginning to pound.

“It must be Stopher. Kristan, you are an old mate 12

of his – you should know how his mind works,”

Prometheus said questionably but coldly towards his friend.

“People change – I’m not sure if somebody else is behind Stopher’s actions. We are going to have run before whatever that might be coming gets to us,”

Kristan suggested.

“You have got to be joking. I can barely even walk without feeling that sharp excruciating pain in my left leg. I don’t know if something will be coming to get us or not, but I do know one thing…we are in a forest that no legion or follower of Stopher’s has ever been able to find. If you want to run on home, go 13

ahead. I’m just going to have to drag myself on my own all the way home,” Prometheus insisted.

Marlo shook his head in disagreement.

“I have a better idea – I say we split. Karlos and Kristan, go and check beyond the forest to make sure nothing is coming for us. I will stay behind with Prometheus until you both return. It’s best we all trudge back home together,” Marlo demanded sullenly. Kristan and Karlos nodded their heads in agreement and rushed off as fast as they could to get beyond the forest.

A sharp whistling sound suddenly shrilled through the air, shortly after Karlos and Kristan had 14

left. Marlo looked about anxiously as he clung on to his injured friend. After a few seconds, sounds of people screaming could be heard from a distance not too far from where Marlo knew his home was at.

“This isn’t happening. I hope our families have not been discovered by Stopher’s officials. We are going to have run. Take a deep breath in Prometheus,” Marlo whispered out loudly to his good friend. Prometheus took a deep breath in and with all his might begun to run with his friend towards the direction closest and safest to their homes, in a hope to save their families that might be under attack.

As they run through the forest to get to their 15

family homes, something bizarre commenced to happen. Sharp black electric pins started flying through the air. Marlo and Prometheus had to run and duck the sharp electric currents flying through the air.

After a while, they stopped to hide and rest behind a huge tree with a curved branch of massive leaves.

The electric currents flying through the air suddenly stopped. Marlo let out a sigh of relief and patted Prometheus on the back. At that very instance, many people clad in green from head to toe flew from the tree they were hiding behind and many other trees.

Marlo and Prometheus were surrounded by members of Stopher’s rule. They were now encircled by the 16

dark oppressors.

“Run! Run Marlo run! Run for your life! I’m already a goner with this leg injury,” Prometheus whispered out icily to his friend.

“No Prometheus – I’m not leaving you behind,”

Marlo whispered back fiercely to his friend.

“Don’t be a fool. Our families might be in need of help. Run!” Prometheus yelled out.

Marlo unwillingly let go of his friend and grabbed hold of the curved branch on the tree nearby, just as the dark oppressors drew closer to them. With all his might Marlo somersaulted from the tree branch he had been firmly holding onto, in able to get to 17

another tree close by. Getting away from the dark oppressors was even more complex than he had thought it might be. There were even more oppressors situated on other trees with various weapons to attack. Marlo did not hesitate to wait to be attacked, he quickly jumped from one tree to another. It felt as if there would be no lucky escape, if he was about to be chased. Marlo quickly climbed down a tree with many curved branches and descended back to the ground. He had to find Karlos and Kristan and tell them that their families might be under attack.

The race for life was on. Marlo sped off as fast as 18

he could. To his surprise he was not being followed by the dark oppressors but by a wave of black electric pins being fired through the air. It wasn’t long when Marlo had reached beyond the forest where he spotted Kristan and Karlos also running for their lives. In seconds, Marlo had caught up with his friends. Karlos and Kristan nodded their heads as a greeting sign towards Marlo.

“There is no way out for us but to hide under quicksand,” Karlos yelled out while running with speed alongside his friends.

“You have got to be kidding. I am small enough to hide under a caved ditch. I think I will avoid the 19

quicksand!” Kristan yelled back to Karlos, cheerfully but anxiously.

Karlos laughed at Kristan’s response to quicksand. He was almost seven foot tall and so was Marlo. Kristan was the only one that was way below seven foot but to deceive himself that he was small enough to hide under a small caved ditch was pure satire.

“I will applaud you Kristan, if you succeed in hiding under a small caved ditch. Marlo, we are going to need to find a way to pull ourselves out of the quicksand if we want to take the risk. We will have to tie ourselves onto a rope and jump into the 20

sands while the other end of the rope is tied firmly onto a tree branch. Hopefully the dark oppressors will give up on hunting us down,” Karlos yelled out again.

Marlo shook his head in discontent. He was not sure whether he was ready to be going under quicksand to hide. They were getting closer to the ropes tied to the edge of the cliff. What was way beyond the cliff was what was disturbing Marlo. It was now or never. They either got hit by unexpected deadly electric pins flying through the air or rushed to their safety.

“I think hiding under quicksand is a really bad 21

idea. At the count of three – we will begin climbing the ropes until we reach the top of the cliffs,” Marlo yelled back towards Karlos.

It didn’t take long when the three friends finally reached the area in which the ropes had been tied to the top of the cliffs.

“One! Two!” Karlos yelled out but never got to shouting out three as a wave of unexpected electric pins suddenly flew through the air. With speed the three friends climbed up the ropes, swinging from one rope to another rope to avoid being hit by electric pins flying through the air.

After a few seconds, they reached the top of the 22

cliffs. Karlos quickly untied one of the ropes attached to the top of the cliff. Marlo looked at Karlos with a doubted expression displayed on his face. The electric pins flying through the air were no longer flying through the air.

“What is the point in grabbing that rope? I'm sure we are now free from any attack. They can’t get to us up here on this cliff. I wish our families were here. We need to find a way to get to them,” Marlo anxiously bid to Karlos.

Karlos shook his head sadly as the wind blew through his long fair hair. He looked at his friends with fear slowly creeping within his pale blue eyes.


Trying to return to their families at that very point meant that they were all prepared to turn to ash.

Marlo, like Karlos also had long hair. He had long jet black hair with a long beard with deep-set gray eyes unlike Kristan that had dark brown eyes with long black dreadlocks and a long black moustache.

There was a shrill sound of whistling in the air and the three friends knew they would soon have to start running for their lives again. Karlos quickly nodded his head towards Marlo as a sign that they might have to dive under quicksand to hide. They quickly rushed towards an area not far from the cliffs which seemed more like a jungle than a field of trees.


Marlo and Karlos suddenly realized they had no other option but to dive for the caved ditches as diving into quicksand was practically the same as plunging into their own deaths. At that very instance more electric pins suddenly flew through the air again. The three friends quickly rushed to hide under the caved ditches.

After twenty seconds, the electric pins were no longer being fired through the air. A few of the dark oppressors had managed to climb up the cliffs. They were clearly in search of Prometheus’s friends. So far as the dark oppressors were concerned, Prometheus was a threat to society. He was seen with other rebels 25

protesting against the cloning of society. Prometheus had to be exterminated with his friends for peace and order to be accumulated into society. One of the dark oppressors removed her head gear and breathed in the cool air.

“No sign of them here. I’m sure they have retreated back to their homes. Why would they desert their families and hide like cowards,” the dark oppressor lady said with a warning tone in her voice.

It was clear she wanted them to return to their own abode. Another dark oppressor removed his head gear and looked at the dark oppressor lady fiercely. It was clear he wanted to retaliate to what she said but 26

something held him back. He smiled in a rather diabolic manner at the dark oppressor lady.

“You win Bethea. We shall return to my brother Stopher’s kingdom and decide as to what is to be done with Prometheus,” the man said in a dark tone.

After a few seconds, the small team of dark oppressors had vanished from the cliffs.

Karlos, Kristan and Marlo quickly pulled themselves out of the caved ditches they were hiding in. Heavy gasps came from all three friends, fighting to take in the air they had been longing to breathe.

Just a couple of seconds under the caved ditches was torture it was deadly.


“Never again! Never again am I going to hide under a caved ditch again. I want to go home and rest. I want to wake up and know that everything that just happened is all a nightmare!” Marlo gasped out gladly. Kristan and Karlos nodded their heads in agreement. They had to get home, but without any hindrances. The three friends sat on the ground away from the caved ditches, as they slowly begun to recover from the ordeal they had just faced. Karlos glanced anxiously at his exhausted friends.

“We must find a way home – a way!” Karlos exclaimed suddenly.

“I think I know a secret pathway from here that 28

can get us to our homes even quicker. Let me try and recollect the way home,” Marlo replied faintly. He suddenly felt extremely drowsy. Karlos and Kristan nodded their heads slowly. They were also beginning to feel a bit drowsy.

“Oh no. I think I’m about to fall into a deep sleep. There must be a chemical or agent within those caved ditches that causes drowsiness,” Karlos muttered out while half yawning.

Sadly, it was too late for the three friends to try to find a solution to their drowsy state. They had all fallen into a deep sleep within seconds. What was to become of their families might soon be beyond their 29


It was not till nightfall when the three friends awoke in devastation. They knew all they could do was hope that their families were still safe and well hidden from the dark oppressors. Marlo insisted they moved as silently as possible towards the secret pathway he knew of. He assured them that the moon’s light would be suffice enough for them to find their way through the dark.

Within a few minutes, Marlo had ensured his friends had reached his home which was not very far from their homes – the sight that met their eyes was shocking. Marlo’s home had been brought down to 30

shambles. The only thing remaining was his girlfriend Cathy, hiding behind a tree not far from the destroyed house. Marlo noticed her the moment he heard the sound of her tears. Cathy had clearly been hit by a few of the electric pins. She appeared to be badly injured but remained stable behind the tree.

Marlo and his friends quickly moved towards the distraught and injured young woman. They were stopped from getting any closer at the sight of a halt sign that came from Cathy. Irrespective of the pain that she was in, she had forced herself to raise her right arm as a sign to stop Marlo and his friends from getting any closer to her.


“Don’t come any nearer. If you do, the electric in my body will electrify you all. I don’t know why I’m still alive but I know I will soon be gone,” Cathy whispered out loudly while sobbing uncontrollably.

“What happened here and where are my parents?” Marlo questioned anxiously. He was already feeling very angered and upset as to what was happening and what might have happened.

“They’ve taken everyone. They are not going to be cloned at all. I heard one of the dark oppressors mention something of them being a waste of space.

They are all going to be shipped to another planet. It is clear they don’t need any more clones, but I don’t 32

know why they didn’t kill them. There must be a reason for them to want to ship them to another planet. My family run and hid behind bushes before they could get to them but I was a fool. I assumed you were at home and thought I should come and find you. Then all of a sudden some electric pins started flying through the air. That’s how I got injured. I hid right up this tree and the dark oppressors did not even see me but I saw everything. I watched as they dragged your family out of their home and crushed the house down to pieces. I waited till nightfall and when I thought the dark oppressors were completely gone, I climbed down this tree and sat behind it. I 33

didn’t even realize how badly injured I was, until now. I can feel the electricity running through my veins. I wish you had been here with me,” Cathy cried out. Marlo stood back and shook his head in great distress.

“Why? Why would they want to ship my family to another planet?” Marlo practically yelled out.

“Maybe for a contest,” Cathy whispered out loudly. Marlo shook his head again, this time clearly perplexed. He took a deep breath in and looked into the sparkling gray eyes of his girlfriend and bit hard on his lip in pain – she had to be saved. What she was saying wasn’t making sense, perhaps she had 34

become delusional. Marlo took a deep breath in.

“What contest? Cathy, what contest?” Marlo cried out, but at that very moment Cathy’s body fell to the ground and was suddenly electrified. She was dead and gone. Marlo clenched his fist in rage as to the loss of the only person he had ever fallen in love with. He had to find a way to find his family and one of his closest friends, Prometheus. If they were still alive then they had to be found.

“Do you think what she was saying was true? A contest being held at another planet sounds absurd.

What kind of person would think up such a thing?”

Karlos said worriedly.


“I don’t know Karlos, I don’t know. Believing what Cathy said is pointless. We need to find other survivors and if there are any we must fight for what is right!” Marlo replied vengefully.



A strong gale blew through the gates of the kingdom 37

of the leader of dark oppressors. There was silence amongst the guards appointed within the dark kingdom, as an argument commenced between the leader of dark oppressors and his one and only brother.

Stopher spat out venom and rage towards his brother Brutus. Brutus had insisted his wife be put to death for allegedly misguiding other dark oppressors away from rebels in contempt and in hiding. Stopher felt annoyed that his brother had such a heartless reaction towards his one and only wife. He feared as to the next woman his brother might take as a wife.

Bethea was strong headed and a silent dark oppressor.


She knew when to attack and how to defend, she did not let her guard down. To kill Bethea would be a terrible shame. Stopher looked coldly at his brother that appeared to be suddenly quite pensive.

“Perhaps Bethea should be cloned before facing death. Just in case you later regret having her executed for misguiding others,” Stopher finally suggested in a reasonable fashion. Brutus still appeared to be deep in thought and ignored what his brother said for a while.

“Fine Stopher. You may clone her if you feel the need to but I already have another woman in mind to take her place,” Brutus replied in a rather dry tone.


“Who is this new woman?” Stopher asked his brother, quietly.

“Her name is Sadinya. She is already a dark oppressor. I believe you might already know her,”

Brutus said with a slight hesitancy in his voice.

Stopher felt as if his whole world was about to come crashing down. Sadinya was his secret love that he had kept from his brother. How could he tell his brother that he was making the greatest mistake.

Stopher decided to be silent.

It was crucial he found a way to escape to another planet and if possible plan an escape with Sadinya before his brother attempted to wed her. He 40

quickly turned away from his brother to continue thinking up a plan to rescue his secret love from his stubborn brother.

As Stopher continued to be engrossed within his own thoughts, Brutus quickly disappeared from the luxurious courtroom. He was heading straight for another part of the kingdom at which his home was located. Hopefully he would see his wife and inform her of the brutal end to come of their marriage. They had no children after all. Their relationship was a failure. They didn’t even share the same room.

Bethea had insisted they slept in separate rooms which had brought some stagnancy into their 41


Brutus finally got inside his home. He caught a glimpse of a shadow of his wife moving gracefully down a flight of crystal stairs.

Bethea looked as glamorous as always with a shimmering glow all over her face.

“What is the matter, Brutus?” Bethea anxiously questioned her agitated looking husband.

“Look at you. When we first met, you looked dreadful and seemed rather poor. I pitied you and fought for you. I turned you into a diamond,” Brutus spoke out cruelly.

“I still look the same. You haven’t made me look 42

any better. If anything you have broken my spirit.

The number of people that are tortured because of your brother’s vain laws is despicable. What else can I do but join in the maltreatment because I am the sister in law of a dark oppressor,” Bethea cried out bitterly.

“Hold your tears Bethea. It will not be long when I shall relieve you from my brother’s vile ways.

Tomorrow morning you shall be cloned and then executed for misguiding other dark oppressors. Every dark oppressor shall watch your execution and know of your deceit beforehand. You are a traitor to my brother’s laws. We needed to find Prometheus’s 43

friends to put a stop to any planned uprising and you deliberately made sure we stopped the search,”

Brutus scolded his wife with such vehemence in his manner of speaking.

“I was happier before I met you. You have brought nothing but misery into my life and now you want me executed. You are the most wicked person in the world! I am innocent. I have not betrayed your brother,” Bethea pleaded anxiously. She quickly fell down to her knees and held on to her husband’s feet for pardon.

“My mind is made up. Your execution will be held tomorrow. Hopefully it would also be a warning 44

to any traitor amongst us. I shall be taking a new wife after your death. Sadinya shall be made into a diamond. All that I gave you shall be given to Sadinya. You shall no longer be the diamond that I made you, but a peasant traitor to be executed before all. Begging will not save you,” Brutus bellowed out with rage. Bethea rose to her feet and spat in the face of the man that she had thought was her loyal friend and caring husband.

“You have given me nothing! My soul is forlorn but it is not destroyed. You have done nothing but steal my joy all these years that we have been together. You Brutus have destroyed your own soul 45

and you will pay a heavy price one day for this. If I must be executed then I shall be executed in my old clothes. I befriended you with dignity and I shall leave you with dignity,” Bethea cried out sorrowfully.

Brutus bit hard onto his lip and called for guards to cease Bethea and take her to be cloned before imprisoning her.

“This isn’t fair. I like Bethea, she is one of us.

What is her crime?” One guard questioned. He was clearly in shock as to what was going on.

“No Alistair. She has been nothing but a traitor.

She has misled us all without us realizing. She has 46

caused the friends of the rebel Prometheus to escape,” Brutus said cruelly.

The guard Alistair shook his head in discontent.

It would soon be dawn and he had no other choice but to carry on with the instructions he had been given. Just the thought of Bethea being a traitor was hard to believe or to accept. He had to find out her side of the story. Bethea was not just a mate to him but a caring person. She was a true dark oppressor so far as Alistair was concerned. It was hard to believe that Bethea had been aiding the friends of a rebel.

After a few minutes, Alistair had reached the Silver room inside the kingdom of dark oppressors.


The Silver room was a private room in which pet animals within the kingdom were usually cloned. The humans that had to be cloned were usually sent to a massive laboratory to be cloned. In this case Brutus urgently wanted his wife to be cloned and then immediately executed. There was no time to get her to the main laboratory. Bethea found a seat and made herself comfortable within the Silver room.

“Tell me the truth,” Alistair uttered out quietly.

Bethea’s face remained frozen and she appeared unwilling to respond.

“I can not save you from persecution if you do not tell me the truth,” Alistair insisted. Bethea’s face 48

suddenly unfroze and the tears began to stream from her sunken eyes.

“I am innocent. I had no idea I had aided friends of a rebel. I was so tired after hunting for the rebel and his friends that I insisted we retreat back home. I assumed Stopher would be pleased that we had caught the rebel and ceased many families in relation to the rebel. Brutus just concocted this story so he can take Sadinya as his new wife. He knows it is now against the law to divorce your wife and marry another. The new law states that a man or woman can only have one spouse. The only way out for him is to have me killed. If you can save me from the 49

execution, do it now before it’s too late,” Bethea cried out, almost yelling. Alistair quickly signaled to her to be silent.

“There is only one way for you. You shall be cloned twice but you will not be executed. Your clone will take your place. It will be hard to convince them that your clone is really you, not unless I collect a few follicles of your hair and implant it into one of the clones' heads. Your long dark brown hair will have to be changed to a different color in order for your escape to commence. I suggest you have no other choice but to join the friends of the rebel after all. Hold still while I collect a sample of your 50

character and traits to input into the first clone.

Remember it will have to seem exactly like you,”

Alistair said in an assuring manner.

Within seconds the cloning had begun. Bethea sat back trying to decide which color to change her hair to. After a few minutes her clone images had been formulated. She quickly had to undress for her clothing to be placed onto one of the clones.

Alistair was swift in his actions. He quickly found and brought Bethea a set of dark oppressor’s clothing gear to wear. After putting on the gear, Bethea allowed Alistair to turn her dark hair into a bright blue color.


“Wait… I forgot something. Your clones don’t have that slight distinct hump you have on your nose.

Let me fix that on the one that is meant to be actually you. After that you are free to escape from your bad fate,” Alistair faithfully instructed.

After a few seconds Alistair had cleared the differences between the real Bethea and her cloned selves. He looked sadly at Bethea. Maybe it was best he ensured she had gotten as far away as possible from the kingdom of dark oppressors. He quickly motioned to Bethea to put on a head gear in order for her disguise to be complete.

“I can’t believe Brutus picked Sadinya over 52

you,” Alistair whispered out sadly.

“Sadinya is perfect. She hasn’t got any flaws. I have many flaws that have brought me to an execution. To make matters worse I have that slight hump on my nose which makes me look like a traitor,” Bethea replied sulkily.

“No Bethea, your imperfections do not make you look like a traitor. Brutus is a loser. He has no idea as to the angel that he had by his side all along. That slight hump on your nose makes you look different in a beautiful way. It makes you who you are. It makes you look distinctively attractive,” Alistair said in such a caring and understanding manner. He quickly 53

reached out to give Bethea a hug and wished her luck on her journey to freedom. He suddenly realized it would be impossible to accompany Bethea out of the dark kingdom. Brutus might request to see him. He quickly instructed her as to a secret passageway she could take which would lead her out to a main road not far from a small town. From there she could find a few rebels and plead with them to spare her life and help her to go into hiding. It was crucial she stayed in contact with him by using a different name and picking secure places for them to meet. Within seconds Bethea had sped away from the Silver room, on her way to liberty.


Shortly after the labeled traitor had fled for her life, Brutus suddenly stormed into the Silver room.

He wanted to see the result of the cloning and to bid Bethea farewell. Alistair was very anxious but tried his best to hide his nervousness.

“I have brought the old clothes that you requested for,” Brutus said towards Bethea’s clone.

He had noticed the difference between the nose of the first clone dressed in Bethea’s clothes from the other clone.

“Thanks,” Bethea’s clone said with a slight smile. Brutus jumped back for a second at the reaction. Bethea seemed more cheerful to him than 55

the last few couple of minutes that he had spent with her. The only possible assumption for Brutus was that she was glowing because she was so happy to see her old clothes. He had assumed Bethea might break down in tears at the sight of her old clothing.

Brutus nodded his head as a signal towards Alistair to prepare Bethea for execution. A sudden rush of excitement suddenly filled Brutus’s heart. It was the very thought of seeing Sadinya was what made him insist on the quick preparation of Bethea’s execution.

Without thinking twice or any further hesitation, Brutus left the Silver room to find Sadinya. He 56

wanted to express his love for Sadinya by informing her of Bethea’s treachery and making sure Sadinya was formally invited to witness Bethea’s execution.

There was a dead silence within the Silver room, the moment Brutus had left. Alistair let out a sigh of relief. The clones appeared to look world’s apart. The one with the nose that resembled Bethea the most had convinced Brutus easily, without allowing him to feel any reluctance towards the execution plan. The cloning had been a complete success. Alistair sat back pensively, whiles gazing at Bethea’s clones. He wondered how far the real Bethea had gotten by now and hoped she would soon be free and safe from 57

Brutus and Stopher’s laws.

For the time being, Alistair realized that he had no other choice but to prepare Bethea’s clone for execution. The real Bethea would have wanted to be executed in her old clothes meaning her clone would have to be put into the old clothes.

It was clearly daybreak by now. An idea suddenly dawned on Alistair. Brutus would want all dark oppressors to be present to witness the execution. Brutus was indeed a truly selfish and callous man that just followed his own necessities in life or what he thought suited him best. Right now, getting rid of his wife that he regarded as a traitor and 58

taking on a new loyal wife was what he thought was best.

A huge wave of exhaustion suddenly overcame Alistair and before sleep could befall him, he put the clones away in cubicles for further evaluation. He then locked the Silver room and began to study Bethea’s clones carefully.

In no time, Alistair had fallen into a deep sleep.

By the time he awoke it was almost midday and there was a heavy thumping on the door to the room in which he was in. It was clear that it was execution time and Brutus was highly anxious to get it over and done with.


Alistair quickly released one clone wearing Bethea's old clothes from a cubicle and injected it with a disintegration chemical which would cause the clone to diminish after a few minutes. Killing a clone was quite impossible. Certain chemicals had to be used to diminish it.

Alistair then hurriedly rushed to the door within the Silver room to unbolt it. He opened the door carefully and slowly. What met his eyes was not what he had expected. Instead of having to face an angry Brutus, his eyes met the cool and calm face of Stopher.

Stopher nodded his head towards Alistair as a 60

sign of greeting. He insisted Alistair hurried to bring the traitor out for all dark oppressors to observe.

Without any further delay and hurriedly but swiftly, Alistair headed straight for a massive town centre right outside the kingdom of dark oppressors with Bethea’s clone. He made himself comfortable on a huge platform at the town centre, right after tying Bethea’s clone onto a chair placed on the platform.

There were a few dark oppressors at the town centre jeering angrily in disappointment. To them Bethea was one of them and not a traitor or one to be persecuted in public.

Brutus arrived shortly along with his new love 61

Sadinya and his brother Stopher. They had special seats placed right before the platform to view Bethea’s execution. Brutus was sure to make a quick speech before the execution. He made his way quickly to the huge platform and stood tensely before the many dark oppressors at the town centre.

“As you all know, you have all been assembled here to witness the execution of this traitor. The traitor that was once my wife and once a member of our legion and a trusted friend. Instead of finding the friends of the rebel Prometheus, she misguided us all into allowing them to escape. How she did so I am not entirely sure, but after this day I hope it will be a 62

lesson for you all never to attempt betrayal within this progressive legion,” Brutus bellowed out cheerfully trying to sound as significant as possible.

Many dark oppressors there cheered and applauded at Brutus’s daring speech. A few oppressors jeered in annoyance.

After making his speech, Brutus quickly descended from the huge platform and returned to his well positioned seat right next to his soon to be wife.

Stopher sat back quietly all the while with his lips pursed. Brutus raised his left hand high in the air as a sign for Bethea to be executed.

One of Brutus’s guards headed straight for the 63

huge platform holding an object that resembled an axe. Alistair quickly insisted to the guard that he would do the honors. The guard handed the axe-looking object to Alistair and retreated to stand amongst the many dark oppressors present at the event.

Without any hesitation Alistair quickly performed the execution without any hindrances.

Loud cheers and applause came from many dark oppressors and a slight cackle from Brutus. Alistair quickly cleared Bethea’s clone’s supposedly diminished body away from the platform, before anyone could realize any odd dissimilarities it 64

possessed from a real human body. Brutus rushed back to the platform to make another vile speech, which many dark oppressors seemed eager to hear.

“She was imperfect not just by character but by her looks as well. Never again shall I marry such a dreadful creature. Fellow dark oppressors, I would now like to introduce my new wife to be, Sadinya.

Sadinya please come and join me up here so that everyone can see you,” Brutus yelled out ecstatically in vain. Sadinya got up to quietly join her new spouse to be, who was standing on the platform.

There were loud cheers of approval from the many dark oppressors present. Only one person 65

seated amongst the many dark oppressors felt reluctant and unwilling to greet the new couple with applause.

Stopher looked on in silence as his brother grasped hold of the hand of the woman that was now his one and only true love. He clenched his fist gently to conceal the anger and pain wrenching through his injured heart. It was Stopher’s way of appearing calm, cool and collected.




The sounds of applause from a distance got Bethea’s heart racing even faster than ever. It was crucial she got as further away as possible from the world of dark oppressors. She begun to run as fast as she could through an unknown dense forest. Her whole body was trembling in fear of being caught and slaughtered like an animal or like the invalid that Brutus had labeled her to be. For a second she assumed she was about to have a breakdown. At the speed in which she was running, her heart could eventually start palpitating.

There was a sudden sound of an owl hooting and 68

the swaying of many trees as the wind blew fervently.

A leaf blew right past her as she continued to run for her life. Within seconds she had almost gotten to the end of the forest when a feather suddenly flew across her nose. This made Bethea sneeze as she was dreadfully allergic to feathers. She felt inclined to stop running for a second to catch her breath when suddenly she felt another foot from behind her catching her left foot to trip her. In less than a second Bethea had fallen face down to the ground.

It was almost midnight and it was impossible to see through the darkness of the night. Bethea had made it all the way by the light of the moon until she 69

had reached the forests. She had used her gumptions to run through the secluded forest all the while.

Bethea quickly got up while struggling to see. Her assailant whip-lashed her body again with a swing of its hands and a sharp kick. This caused her to tumble down again for the second time. Before she could rise back to her feet, she could hear the sound of a weapon being drawn out.

Bethea swallowed hard on her own saliva. She was not going to allow herself to be killed in the middle of nowhere. Escaping from the kingdom of dark oppressors was a huge step for her to have made. Bethea’s hope had been to start a new life, not 70

to be slain by an oppressor in the late hours of the night. It was now or never. She had to save herself.

“Wait! Who are you? Why are you trying to kill me? I am not your enemy!” Bethea cried out to her assailant. Her assailant appeared not to have heard her husky voice crying out in the dark. A sharp weapon was suddenly aimed at the woman in contempt. Bethea quickly threw her body away from the weapon about to demolish her. She swallowed hard on her own saliva again, realizing her assailant might not have heard her at all. Somehow it was crucial she reached out to her assailant in order to survive and live the new life she hoped for.


“Wait! I am not your enemy. Please listen to me.

I am not your enemy!” Bethea pleaded once again, this time yelling her words out with all her might.

The assailant suddenly drew back the weapon. There was a sudden sound of a young man clearing his throat, who was clearly the assailant.

“Why should I believe you? We have had enough dark oppressors attacking us!” The young man yelled out in fury.

It was Marlo. He had not known how to grieve the loss of his girlfriend. The only way he knew was to run through the forests and that is exactly what he had done. He had even climbed up a few trees but 72

suddenly came to a halt when he had heard the sound of perhaps an intruder also running through that very forest. He had not known as to whom the intruder was, so he had decisively launched out an attack as a form of defense.

Marlo quickly pulled out a torch to see exactly who the intruder was. The intruder sounded rather feminine which had come as a great surprise to him.

As he shone the light on the intruder he noticed she was dressed exactly like a dark oppressor. The only difference between the intruder and other dark oppressors he had seen, was the fear in her tormented looking eyes. It looked as if the intruder had been 73

running from something or perhaps was being hunted down by something or someone. It was impossible to see the rest of the intruder’s face as it was covered with a head gear and a face mask. Marlo looked deeply into the eyes of the intruder and knew she was no enemy.

“Remove your mask! I need to be sure if I can really trust you,” Marlo demanded from the intruder.

The intruder quickly removed her headgear and face mask. Marlo was startled as to the face staring directly at him – it was not a beautiful face. Her eyes captured the beauty of landscapes but her face showed the harshness of reality. There was some 74

hardness about her face that seemed rather unrefined.

The intruder’s features almost appeared to be more masculine than feminine and to add to her dramatic appearance, she had an unusual color hair that seemed quite disturbing to Marlo. He attempted to clear his throat again.

“Blue hair!” Marlo practically yelled out. He quickly decided to whistle at her unusual hair color to show how impressed he was, when in actual fact he was really disturbed. To his surprise his intruder whistled back at him with a sudden flushed face.

They both laughed at that instance. The intruder’s face suddenly lit up and seemed to have suddenly 75

warmed up to him. The intruder cleared her throat to speak – she had to introduce herself. She quickly informed the young man standing before her that her name was Bethea. The young man seemed a bit perplexed for a second and then smiled an extremely charming smile. His smile was like a gateway to another world being opened. It was clear Marlo had already taken a liking to Bethea. He scratched his head for a second and then decided it was crucial he found out what or who had driven Bethea to reach the forest at such a time of the night.

“Bethea? What an unusual name. It is perfect for an unusual looking woman. What may I ask are you 76

exactly running from?” Marlo demanded to know.

“An execution. We cannot speak here. Quickly take me to the safest place you know. I need to be as far away as possible from the kingdom of dark oppressors. There must be a hiding place you know of,” Bethea suddenly replied anxiously. Marlo shook his head sadly at Bethea. She was not going to like what he was about to tell her.

“The only perfect hiding place I know of is right under quicksand,” Marlo replied in a joking tone.

“Oh goodness no,” Bethea practically cried out but was relieved by the sound of Marlo’s laughter. It was clear he was not serious about the quicksand 77

being the most perfect hiding place.

Bethea was glad she had found herself some company and was intrigued by the young man’s modesty. She hoped she would finally get the new life that she craved for. The young man quickly introduced himself to Bethea as Marlo and quickly turned his torch off. Bethea shuddered at the very moment the torch light had gone off. The young man that had introduced himself to her as Marlo seemed rather rugged looking and barely attractive with his long facial hairs that covered practically his whole face. Marlo grabbed her hand in the dark and whispered to her to be prepared to run to safety.


“How do we run through the dark? It would be easier to reach our destination by walking quickly with a little light,” Bethea said smugly to Marlo.

“Don’t worry. I have my reasons for turning that light off. We shall flee for our lives in the dark. Keep hold of my hand and have no fear. I know my way very well through these forests. We don’t need any light shining for our enemies to discover us. Get ready to run,” Marlo practically yelled out.

Within seconds Bethea and Marlo had run through the pitch black forests and reached a secure area miles away from the kingdom of dark oppressors. They were right at the home of Karlos, 79

who was undeniably one of Marlo’s closest friends.

Bethea was searched on arrival and then given a guest room to rest in. She was clearly very exhausted by the time they had gotten to Karlos’s home and so was Marlo.

It was not till late afternoon when Marlo and Bethea awoke. There were many people already sat in a huge drawing room, within Karlos’s secret family home. Many beverages and various types of meals were set out in front of the handful of guests that had clearly just arrived there. Many of the newcomers appeared rather distraught and forlorn.

A new era had already begun in their world, in 80

which it would be impossible for them to survive. In the near future the majority of the people thriving within society and the economy would be mostly clones – the thought of this frightened the guests present at Karlos’s home.

There was not just a fear of the near future but the fear of being discovered at that very moment by their dominant and suppressive enemies. Marlo and Bethea made themselves comfortable in one of the comfy seats within the elaborately designed, welcoming drawing room. There were symbols of hope and strength all over the room. This gave a few people a slight smile on their bitter lips.


Bethea closed her eyes suddenly. The sight of the brokenhearted looking people within the room made her feel ashamed and guilty. So many of the people sitting there may have lost loved ones already and their homes. Marlo patted Bethea on the back. He had immediately sensed that she might have been feeling partly responsible and guilty, for the loss the innocent people within the room might be enduring.

“Be strong. It is not your fault. Don’t forget the dark oppressors were going to execute you,” Marlo whispered out quietly towards Bethea.

Bethea opened her eyes in a flash. She suddenly realized she had forgotten to explain to Marlo the 82

truth as to the reason why an execution had been planned for her. Bethea took a deep breath in and quickly filled Marlo in as to the reason why the dark oppressors were so keen on getting rid of her. Marlo shook his head in disgust when he heard as to how Bethea’s spouse had been so eager to replace her with another woman. It was clear that Brutus was a very hard hearted person and would do anything to get his own way.

To call your own partner a traitor in order to diminish them was a cruel and harsh approach. They were clearly delving with very callous individuals that had labeled themselves as dark oppressors.


There was a sudden silence within the room as Karlos and one man that appeared to be a stranger to Marlo moved to stand before everyone sat within the drawing room. It was clear they were about to make some sort of speech or inform them all of an issue unknown to them.

Karlos cleared his throat but did not speak, instead he pointed at the man standing by his side to introduce himself. With partially gray hair and a few blond stubbles on his chin, the man standing by Karlos’s side looked more in his late forties or early fifties. He had rather sharp features with rather piercing eyes that looked as if they could cut right 84

through any person’s soul. The man with the piercing eyes smiled at them all cunningly before attempting to speak.

“Hello everyone. My name is Dolan and I am a survivor just like each and every one of you sitting inside this room. We are all able to run and hide from the dark oppressors but what we have forgotten is one major problem. Where would we be running to next if at this very moment our enemies found us? We cannot hide under quicksand and expect to survive forever that way. I have decided there is only one way out for all of us – we are all going to have to escape to a different planet,” Dolan informed them all 85

with a slight hesitation in his voice. He knew that most people would object to his absurd proposal.

There were loud gasps and sounds of anguish and despair causing a slight commotion within the room.

Marlo quickly got up to support his good friend Karlos and Dolan that he had never met before. He cleared his throat before attempting to speak.

“We are all going to die one day but remaining here would mean we could be demolished even quicker than expected. The situation in which we are in now is severe. We have no other choice but to take a risk to survive elsewhere. We must make an effort to get to a place where we might not be persecuted by 86

selfish and sadistic humans. We must escape such incoherent humans that think and feel that they are doing their best to polish society. In this case they have picked the wrong type of polish to polish the world in which we have had to abide and struggle to survive in for all these years,” Marlo sniggered out in the most convincing manner as he could. He knew that the notion of trying to escape to a different planet was also a huge risk for anyone to take.

Marlo also knew that where there was no hope there was no other choice but to take a risk.

There were a few cheers in the room from some of the people there. Most of the people in the room 87

still seemed quite reluctant. Marlo looked clearly speechless. He turned his head towards the people seated at the room.

“We all have to work together on this. Dolan, what exactly is the plan?” Marlo questioned, feeling slightly anxious. Dolan let out a cheesy grin before deciding to speak.

“We are going to have to steal a space jet.

Believe me I have already done my research and if we want to reach the specific planet that I think might be ideal and safe for our species to survive, then we are going to have to steal a space jet known as the Titan,” Dolan informed them all coolly. There were 88

more sighs coming from the people in the room.

“If we succeed in stealing that space jet, what is the name of the planet we shall be heading for?”

Marlo questioned again with a slight doubt raised in his voice. Dolan let out a cheesy grin for the second time.

“Nine X! Planet Nine X! This is a rather unusual planet. I heard that this particular planet is very similar to the one in which we are in, only the atmosphere there is slightly more dense than this world. We should be able to respire there without any problems. Any more questions? If not then let us move on to the plan as to how we are going to steal 89

the Titan,” Dolan said with a twinkle in his left eye.

Marlo still appeared to be a bit doubtful as to Dolan’s plan – it seemed impossible. How were they exactly going to steal the Titan and get everyone safely on board without any hindrances? The plan had to be constructed carefully and not to forget there were others that needed saving before they even tried to escape. Marlo thought it best to come up with a rescue plan for his family and good friend Prometheus. Dolan continued to draw out nonsensical plans for them to steal the Titan. There was silence in the room as the now hopeful people listened carefully to plans that were almost misleading. Marlo made his 90

way back to his seat by Bethea. Bethea looked deeply into Marlo’s eyes and hopefully.

“I can help you steal the Titan. I have a secret friend amongst the oppressors. It is the same secret friend that helped me to escape from execution!”

Bethea muttered out as loud as she could, only for Marlo to hear.

“I don’t trust you. I’m sorry but I fear that you might betray us all, eventually. I have a family that I need to rescue and a good friend that I hope to save before embarking on a journey to a different planet,”

Marlo replied sternly towards Bethea. Bethea shook her head in a dissentingly manner.


“None of you will survive or even make it to another world if you don’t allow me to get you the help you really need. You know Dolan’s plans are almost impossible. How does he expect to get past security to steal the Titan? He is basically encouraging you all to jump into quicksand and die.

You are better off taking the risk in getting me to get my secret friend to help out,” Bethea suggested firmly.

“Who is this secret friend? Is it more of a friend to you than you are saying?” Marlo asked anxiously.

“He actually used to be my devoted servant and bodyguard when I was living within the kingdom of 92

dark oppressors,” Bethea replied. She suddenly sounded rather tired. Marlo patted Bethea on her right palm twice and smiled enthusiastically.

“You win. Dolan’s plans could get us all killed sooner than expected. I just hope your most trusted servant and friend does not betray us all at the last minute,” Marlo said sternly and icily towards Bethea.

“He will not be a traitor. I have known him for quite a while. Is there anything else required for your escape plan?” Bethea questioned Marlo nervously but in a calm and collected manner.

“My family has been captured by the oppressors.

I need to rescue them and a good friend of mine by 93

the name of Prometheus,” Marlo insisted.

“Prometheus,” Bethea whispered out quietly to herself and not to Marlo. She suddenly seemed a bit distant and made a quick excuse that she had to leave the drawing room to contact her secret friend. The escape plan had to be initiated as soon as possible. In a few seconds, Bethea had disappeared from the drawing room and so had all of the guests. The only people remaining in the drawing room were Marlo, Kristan, Dolan, Karlos and his family. Dolan looked sheepishly at Marlo and his two closest friends.

“Did you know that Karlos is such a good pal of mine? I thought I would do something special for him 94

and his closest friends,” Dolan suddenly said in a conniving manner. Karlos laughed in response and patted Dolan on the back.

“You are a genius, Dolan. Whatever you do or say I know I can depend on you. What is it?” Karlos asked curiously.

Dolan quickly pulled out a small case from under a table nearby in the room. His hands were suddenly trembling uncontrollably. He seemed dreadfully excited as he opened the small case. There were three small devices lying within the case. Dolan quickly handed a device to Karlos, Kristan and Marlo. He smiled ecstatically towards the three young men.


“These devices that I just handed to you are extremely powerful devices. They are the most advanced technology I have ever created besides your secret home,” Dolan acknowledged them. He was still trembling uncontrollably.

“You know how to create devices?” Marlo asked, slightly perplexed.

“Actually yes. I used to be a scientist before the cloning system began. Tap on the left corner of the devices twice and you will see what will happen,”

Dolan instructed ecstatically.

At Dolan’s command the three young men quickly tapped on the devices and the devices 96

automatically turned into long powerful whips.

Karlos let out an impressive whistle.

“You are the man! You are a genius. Is this to help us steal the Titan?” Karlos questioned Dolan in wonder.

“No! These are gifts. I just wanted to give something to you and your friends to show how much I appreciate being amongst you all. You can actually hide these devices at the back of your ear. Just tap on the end of the whip twice and it will revert back to its device format. Be careful with these gifts and use it wisely,” Dolan said while winking dubiously at the three young men. The three young men looked at 97

each other in awe and at the gifts they had just been handed.

“I want us to test these gifts later this evening.

There is no harm in going for a quick jog and finding out exactly how they work and what use they can really be of,” Marlo insisted while tapping at the end of the whip for it to return to its device form. Karlos and Kristan did likewise.

At that very moment Bethea appeared back in the drawing room with a drowned look on her face.

She appeared completely drained and at her lowest ebb. She looked directly at Marlo and clenched her teeth before attempting to speak.


“Stopher has decided to ship all invalids out of this planet before dawn by tomorrow. The invalids shall be thrown into outer space to perish. They will not be put on another planet to survive. Marlo, your family and your friend Prometheus will be put amongst those invalids. I don’t think there shall be enough time to rescue them and steal the Titan, to escape. My secret friend has promised to go ahead with the escape plan, if you want to take the risk. The Magdalene is the name of the jet that will be leaving with the so-called invalids,” Bethea informed them all bitterly.

“Why have my family and Prometheus been 99

labeled as invalids?” Marlo asked almost in rage.

“Invalids are those that cannot be cloned. It means that there is something wrong with their metabolism which may cause their clones to be frail and useless to society. Don’t worry Marlo. My secret friend is already working on stealing the Titan. His plan is to get the jet to the forests not too far from here. The moment that is done he shall send me a signal. You will all have to rush to the forests to get onboard. I will also get the directions to where your family exactly are before dawn to rescue them and not to forget your friend Prometheus,” Bethea notified them all in a panicky tone.


Marlo shook his head in an opposing manner. He was not quite sure as to what Bethea was trying to say.

“Your plan is not legit. We need to move in teams. I say Karlos and Kristan form a team to reach the Titan, at the moment it gets to the forest. The team will inspect the Titan before our friends and family board the jet. Dolan, you and I can move with Bethea as the second team. We shall go with Bethea to rescue my family and Prometheus. Once this is done we shall quickly return with them to board the Titan,” Marlo quickly suggested. Dolan nodded his head in disagreement and in confusion as to Marlo’s 101

abrupt plans.

“I don’t even know you and you want us to pair up as a team? Karlos, can I trust your friend?” Dolan questioned jokingly.

“Not with your life but with the devices you make,” Karlos replied almost seriously. There was a strange silence in the room for a second then at the exact same time they all burst out into fits of laughter.

Karlos laughed so hard that a tear rolled down his left cheek.

“Oh heck! Dolan, you can trust any friend of mine. We need to inform everyone of the new escape plan. It is best if we all start packing right now in 102

order to wake up way before dawn tomorrow. It will soon be dusk and I suggest we three go out by then to practice how to use our special gifts before it gets late,” Karlos quickly added impatiently.

“Good idea Karlos. Let’s test them now. Bethea you go and ensure your secret friend delivers the Titan to us and the directions to where my family and Prometheus are. Dolan maybe it’s best you round everyone up to get them all packing. We three can start packing later. I personally don’t really have anything to pack. If only Cathy was still alive…I would,” Marlo began but got interrupted by Karlos immediately.


“Don’t Marlo. Forget about Cathy – she was delusional before she died. You need to move on.

Let’s get going,” Karlos insisted. Bethea and Dolan looked on at Marlo quietly, appearing to be slightly perplexed as to who Cathy was or might have been to Marlo. Marlo chose to ignore the two and followed his closest friends, Karlos and Kristan out of the drawing room.

Within seconds they had reached the forests. It would soon be evening and all three friends were moving in speed. The race was on as to who could use the device in the most skilled way possible.

Kristan was clearly very swift in his movements 104

as he used the whip to clear broken branches away from his path. Karlos was also quite swift in action.

Like Marlo he used the whip to jump from tree to tree with such great speed, it was hard for Kristan to compete with his two very skilled friends.

It was drawing closer to evening and the three friends had to return as soon as possible to start packing. By the time they had reached Karlos’s secret home, Bethea was already gone. She had left a message with Dolan that she would send instructions for when they should meet at the forest area. She was determined for her plan to rescue Marlo’s family and friend Prometheus to work out without any 105


Marlo hoped Bethea’s plan would succeed and wished she had waited for him before attempting to leave. Dolan had done quite a good job so far. Most people had already packed up including Karlos’s family. Dolan looked at the nervous people sitting before him within the large drawing room. There was one more thing they had to do before even thinking of leaving the secret house. Marlo and Karlos suddenly realized what it was and both got up from their warm seats to stand before the few survivors and labeled outlaws seated in the room.

“We have all been living in hiding and in fear for 106

so long that we forgot all about our facial appearances. Most of us men sitting here have never even bothered to think of shaving any of the hairs on our chin. We have neglected ourselves in fear but from now on we must approach life in a different way. The plan is to escape and if we really want to escape to a different world, we must escape from certain aspects of ourselves. Dolan bring out the cutters and the clippers. We men are escaping this world clean shaven with low cut hair or shaved off hair. Ladies please try to assist if you can,” Marlo practically yelled out.

After a few minutes, all the men seated at the 107

drawing room finally had all their facial hairs shaved off and practically all the hairs on their heads shaved off. Karlos now had short blond locks on his head with no facial hairs. Kristan had deliberately insisted on all of his hair shaved off, to be rid of the dreadlocks. He was also suddenly free of all his facial hair. The last but not least that stood quite sullen and clean shaven with all his long black hair shaved off, was Marlo. He let out a forced smile at the hopeful looking people seated in the room. It suddenly occurred to him that the only woman he had ever loved was gone.

Dolan warned the people in the room that they 108

only had a few hours to sleep before waking up to embark on a journey to a different world.

Marlo insisted on going out for one last time, before getting some rest and a few hours of sleep in Karlos’s secret home. He wanted to breathe in the cool air and wish one last farewell to the only woman he had ever loved. He had managed to clip off a lock of Cathy’s hair before burying her. He did not want to forget that part of her he cherished so close to his heart. A tear rolled down Marlo’s left eye as his friends Kristan and Karlos stood by his side to support him.

“Good-bye Cathy. I wish you had survived the 109

attacks of the dark oppressors. I wish I were leaving this forsaken world with you,” Marlo whispered softly to himself as a gentle breeze hovered around him and his friends.

They would hopefully soon be embarking on a journey to another world. It would hopefully be a journey to freedom and a new life. Marlo, Karlos and Kristan quickly headed back to Karlos’s secret home.

They all fell into a deep sleep and woke up a few hours later. There was a message sent from Bethea, which had caused a beeping on Marlo’s phone. The beeping sound had awoken them all.

Deep within the secluded forests something 110

bizarre had commenced to happen. Someone or something had started a fire within the forests.

Bethea had sent Marlo a message to rush to the forests. Her secret friend had managed to get the space jet named as the Titan, to a hidden part of the forests. Marlo quickly teamed up with Kristan, Karlos and Dolan to inspect the jet before allowing anyone else to get onboard.

It didn’t take long for them to reach the dense forests. Bethea’s instructions as to where the jet had been left was precise. There was a rather large case right next to the jet with the keys and other essential equipment needed to the jet.


Karlos and Dolan went round the jet to make sure there were no faults with it. They also checked the engine before attempting to board the jet. After almost an hour Marlo, Karlos, Kristan and Dolan boarded the jet to inspect the rest of the jet. Dolan was an expert when it came to flying and had taught Karlos how to fly before.

“This must be a brand new jet. We have to be careful when flying this. It could be possible that it might need a few alterations but we don’t have time for that. We can only hope and pray that we make it out of here safely and reach planet Nine X without any hindrances. I have a few items that might be 112

helpful when we reach planet Nine X, in time. Let’s start getting everyone else onboard right now, along with all our belongings. I hope there is enough food that’s been packed. It will take less than a day and a half to reach planet Nine X,” Dolan informed the three friends.

Karlos motioned to Dolan with a wave of his hand for them to leave. They had to go and get their families, guests and all essential baggage needed for their escape. Marlo shook his head sadly, the moment Karlos had left with Dolan to get the others. He wondered when Bethea was going to turn up with his family and his close friend Prometheus. He picked up 113

a pair of binoculars to get a view of anything or anyone coming from a distance. He wanted to know his family were already on their way to the jet. He also wanted to get out of planet Earth as soon as possible.

Earth had become corrupt and full of horrific clones. As Marlo searched for what was coming from a distance, his eyes caught a glimpse of a fire moving rapidly from a certain distance. Marlo dropped the binoculars in disbelief for a second and then he picked them up again to get a clearer view of the fires that he had believed he might have caught a glimpse of.


It was real. There was a fire coming straight for them. Marlo put the binoculars down gently. He looked at Kristan icily.

“Kristan! Kristan there is a fire coming straight for us. We need to rush everyone to get onboard now.

I don’t think there will even be enough time to wait for my family to get here. Where is Bethea and why is she taking so long,” Marlo cried out in despair.




Panic and cold sweat dripped down Bethea’s neck as she roamed through the dark kingdom of dark 115

oppressors with her one and only secret friend Alistair, who was also once her loyal servant and bodyguard. It was clear they would never be able to rescue Prometheus. He was being heavily guarded.

Alistair filled Bethea in with a secret passageway they could take, right after getting Marlo’s family out of the prisons they had been put in. They also had to make sure that Marlo’s family had not been cloned irrespective of them being labeled as invalids. All Bethea had was a photo of Marlo’s family, to identify them.

After a few minutes Alistair and Bethea had reached the prisons within the dark kingdom. They 116

both pretended to be on night watch and out to inspect any irregularities. In their dark oppressor gear they moved from one prison to another until they found a family identical to the people in the photo that Bethea had with her. Bethea took a deep breath in.

“I think that’s them. They look a lot like the people in the photo. I will just test if they really know who Marlo is. He gave me a clue that might alert them,” Bethea told Alistair in a hopeful tone. Before Alistair could even ask to know what the clue was, Bethea had taken out a bag of sand from a pocket in a jacket she was wearing. She begun to play with the 117

sand in her hands. The family in the prison suddenly all rose to their feet hopefully but nervously. They could see Bethea playing with the sand in her hands.

“Get them out of there. That is Marlo’s family.

He told me he used to play with sand as a child and even at his present age he would at times leave sand on the kitchen floor at home,” Bethea whispered out victoriously to her secret friend Alistair.

“Okay, but I don’t want to be caught and executed as a traitor. The minute I let them out of there, you are on your own. You need to get to the forests as quickly as you can. If you want to rescue Prometheus, you will have to find another way.


Perhaps join the crew that will be flying him out of this world by dawn. Are you ready?” Alistair asked feeling slightly anxious. Bethea nodded her head as a sign that she was ready to flee with Marlo’s family from the dark kingdom of oppressors.

Alistair quickly reminded her of the secret passageway out of the dark kingdom. He then quickly opened the prison bars that the family had been locked behind. He nodded towards them as a greeting and told them it was Marlo that had sent them.

Bethea hugged Marlo’s mother who was practically in tears.

“You have to be quiet. We need to rush to the 119

forests where Marlo is waiting for you all. Take a deep breath in, all of you. We have to run towards a secret passageway at the count of three,” Bethea whispered out loudly towards Marlo’s immediate family.

Bethea began to count from the number one as Alistair began to walk away as quickly as he could from the prisons, before he got caught by other dark oppressor guards. Before Bethea could even reach the number three, she thought she heard many footsteps heading for the prisons.

“Run! Run!” Bethea cried out to Marlo’s family as she quickly rushed to the secret passageway.


Marlo’s mother seemed to have a problem with her knee and almost collapsed halfway to the secret passageway. She was clearly overweight but did not stop running to get to the freedom she truly deserved.

Within seconds they had all managed to get as far away as possible from the kingdom of dark oppressors through the secret passageway. They would soon be reaching the dark and dense forests.

The first sight that met Marlo’s family’s eyes and Bethea’s eyes was smoke, erupting from the secluded forest. Marlo’s family members shook their heads in fear. Bethea tried her best to be reassuring and understanding.


“Don’t worry, Marlo is somewhere here. He is still alive. We will find him soon enough,” Bethea assured Marlo’s family. Within seconds she had managed to spot a few people getting into the jet named the Titan. Bethea rushed with Marlo’s family to get closer to the jet. Dolan was standing outside holding a list of names and accessories. He looked up at Bethea and the people she was with. He had a bright gleam in his eyes. It was clear he had already guessed the people Bethea had come with.

“You made it. Marlo should be relieved. What happened to Prometheus?” Dolan asked as Karlos and Marlo suddenly rushed out of the jet to welcome 122

the newcomers to get them onboard.

“There was no way in or out to rescue Prometheus. There were too many guards watching him. The only way out is if I join the crew that will be flying him out of this planet by dawn. There are a few mini jets inside the spaceship they will be leaving in. The ship is called the Magdalene and it will be carrying invalids to deport them from this world. There is only one problem with trying to get Prometheus out of the Magdalene to the Titan. I don’t know how to fly a jet,” Bethea warned Marlo and Karlos.

Marlo looked at Karlos in an annoyed manner.


He could not think of anyone else that could fly a jet besides Karlos and Dolan.

“I will stay behind with Bethea,” Karlos suddenly said.

“No Karlos. Your mother will not like the idea of you being amongst dark oppressors. You know what?

Your father can fly a jet. You stay with your family and fly the Titan with your father. I will stay behind with Bethea and try to rescue Prometheus from the dark oppressors. Good luck in flying the Titan. Now hurry up before that fire draws even closer and destroys us all. Bethea and I better get going before we turn into roast meat,” Dolan said almost jokingly 124

but seriously.

Karlos nodded his head sadly and patted Dolan on the back. He had a feeling that he might not be seeing Dolan ever again but he thought it best to keep a positive mind. Hopefully Dolan would succeed with Bethea in rescuing Prometheus from their dark enemies.

Bethea suddenly turned her head away from Dolan and keenly gazed into Marlo’s eyes. There was something a bit different about him. Then it suddenly clicked to her that Marlo and Karlos had actually shaved and had all their long hair cut off. They actually looked like real men without their long hairs 125

on their heads. Karlos appeared to be quite stunning with his short blond hair and sea blue eyes. Marlo also appeared to be strikingly handsome with his practically shaved off black hair and his shimmering gray eyes.

“You two look different. You both had a hair cut?” Bethea questioned with interest. Marlo and Karlos laughed at her reaction.

The fire had spread rapidly and had almost reached the Titan by now. Dolan signaled to Marlo and Karlos to quickly board the huge jet before the fire reached it. Marlo and Karlos rushed into the jet to ensure all their passengers had boarded it. Marlo ’s 126

family were already inside the jet and panicking as to the fire drawing nearer. Karlos’s father was already getting ready to speed off. The jet was closed and all the passengers inside, quickly buckled up into their seats.

Marlo joined Karlos and his father at the front deck of the space jet. He was clearly exhausted. He dropped onto a seat and got ready to lift off. Marlo had never really flown a jet before in his life but he had learnt a bit about operating jets. It should not be too difficult lifting off. He watched as Bethea sped off from the forest fires with Dolan. Marlo wished them both luck in rescuing Prometheus at the back of 127

his mind.

The fire was drawing even closer and any minute or second, they would all be fried if they did not move the jet straight away.

Karlos’s father took a deep breath in. Before the fire could blow them all away he had lifted the jet away with speed from the raging fires within the dense forests.

All the passengers inside the jet let out a loud cheer as they took off from the raging fires. Kristan started doing a little dance in his seat amongst the passengers.

“We are going to a new world. We are going to a 128

new world,” Kristan kept singing in excitement.

They were speeding away from a world that would soon be no longer their home. At the front deck of the jet, cold sweat trickled down Karlos’s father’s neck as they headed straight for outer space.

Karlos was also aiding his father in flying the jet but not a sweat trickled down his neck.