Priya Echo's Adventure - Book 4 - Transcendence by David Gold - HTML preview

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Second Age, Echo Realm

Linden felt a zephyr of morning coffee enter his lungs as he stepped towards his muse, “Even when I close my eyes, I cannot see beyond the ascension. Do you think these are our last days?”. “Perhaps, but that is unknown” Melina replied. “Then we may not survive to see earth become a tumbleweed spinning across a lonely desert road” he bemoaned. Raising an eyebrow at his spurious grief, she crossed her arms in recognition of the ploy, “Are you trying to flirt with me?”. “Wel , time is on our side today” he answered modestly. “Are you afraid of time, Linden?

I’m the only one you should be afraid of” Melina assured him. “As always, my love” he complied, seeing a glimmer of recognition of his suggestion alter the other’s features. Melina reached towards his face, to the circular lenses he wore, doing away with them first, “Then let us retreat into the embrace of fate … Let me take off those glasses”. Then she turned into a dining room table set with platters and silverware and glasses upon a white tablecloth. Linden took hold of the tablecloth and pulled it swiftly, so that the articles remained as they were. Then Melina transformed back, and disrobed, she was naked. And they began to make love. Then he turned his article into a pencil and she turned into a grocery list, and he checked it off, one by one.

Then they both returned to normal, and she reached into his chest, pulling out his heart, and turned it into a marshmallow, then summoned a microwave, and watched as the white puff expanded until it exploded. Then he transformed into a chocolate chip cookie and over him descended a UFO that she had changed into, and from it came a tractor beam that extracted the chocolate chips one by one into the body of the vessel. Then she turned yet again into a wooden table and he took off his article and transformed it into a glass of water with ice-cubes, and threw the coasters off of the table, instead placing the glass forcefully against the wood, rotating it until it made a drink ring, and the table moaned as he did. Then they summoned a bus stop and became two red foxes in raincoats that discovered one another and begin kissing.

Then they summoned an apartment as a family struggled to fit a sofa through the doorway, and she was the doorway and he was the sofa. Then he became a ladder leaning against a wall on the side of building, and from the ground moss began to climb up the ladder, until it was all covered in moss that she had become. Then they both returned to normal, and he lay beneath a piñata which she set alight with a flamethrower, and the candy boiled within, then came bursting out, dripping onto his chest like hot wax. Then she became a red devil with horns and wings and a tail, and he took a bottle of whipped cream and licked it off of her body. Then she became a radio and he fixed her with a screwdriver. Then he became an atom and bonded to her molecule, and afterwards pimped out their electrons to other molecules. Then she became a galaxy and he a grill-chef and transformed his article into slices of bacon and placed them on

the surface of the galaxy like a grill, watching it sizzle, then transformed again and became a moray eel beneath the plane of the disk, and it tipped ever so slightly, allowing the celestial grease to fall down in a single stream into the mouth of the moray eel, and it was not hot but cool and refreshing. Then she became a woman in a rural village at a stand selling wicker baskets. The road was silent that day, and she became very lonely. Holding one of the wicker baskets, it wove itself into the form of a man and seduced her. Melina opened her eyes and she was a student at a desk in a classroom taking a pop quiz, and it was really tricky, so she started chewing on her pencil that he had transformed. Then she became a wishing fountain in a park and people came from all around and tossed coins into it, and he was the coins. Then he became a pilot in a fighter jet cruising through the sky below a beautiful white cloud, and pushed a button ejecting, and he shot straight upwards through the cloud that she had transformed into, and it moaned in pleasure. Then a chemistry class full of students appeared, and they all disintegrated, turning into molecules that fell against the whiteboard and turning into chemical symbols and formulas against it, and she was the whiteboard. Then a homeless man in an alley awoke from a drunken stupor, reaching for an empty bottle that rolled away from him, and as he turned, he saw the top of a manhole move, and from it rose a woman’s hand, the finger pointing to him and asking him to come over. Then he stood there as a naked woman holding onto the ladder lifted herself up and he kneeled down to kiss her. Then they both returned to normal and stood still across from each-other doing nothing, and both Linden and Melina manipulated the logic so doing nothing was making love. Then a conga line of robots bent backwards in order to cross a limbo pole as they celebrated on a tropical island, and he was the conga line and she was the limbo pole. Then their appeared a very big wedding cake, and he became a frog hopping from one level to the next like stairs, until arriving at the top where there was his frog wife in a wedding dress, along with the attendants of the ceremony, figures of people, and he hopped over to her and kissed her. Then from the ground in a meadow a white flower bloomed, and as it unfolded both of them were within, and so he pushed Melina against the surface of a petal, then went to the pistil and took it, and turned it into a bottle of white out, and took out the brush and painted her body with the liquid, and as he did she become camouflaged into the white background until merging with the petal. Then he became a scuba diver deep below the sea exploring a shipwreck. Swimming over to a safe, he cracks it open and an octopus comes out and wraps its tentacles around him, and it began to transform, becoming a woman. Then a house in a suburb appeared, and within it there was a window with its blinds drawn. Besides the blinds there are two draw-strings, and they wrap around each other until their ends click. Then in an old western saloon a cowboy is thrown through a window back onto the dirt road. He turns around to lay on his back and sees how the shards of glass reorganize into a woman that crawls over to him and kisses his lips. Then an alligator was pushed by those behind him, and rushed headlong down a slide in a waterpark, and he was the alligator and she was the slide. Then they were both train conductors, and as they embraced the train continued on its journey around a figure eight hovering in the sky. Then he became a hummingbird feeding at a birdfeeder, and within it the seed collected and became a woman, and the hummingbird began to transform into that of a hybrid of a man, and they made love. Then there appeared a karate studio, and the sensei ran to the supermarket and bought a stick of butter and returned it to the dojo and used it as a chopping block for a karate chop, although this wasn’t sexual and they just did it for their enjoyment. Then he became an ice cube tray, and into it was poured a liquid. When the cubes settled, they leaped out of their compartments and were cubes of gelatin that bounded upwards and then back down, fitting into the compartments again, but it was not easy as they wiggled around incessantly. “There is no turning back now” she whispered in his ear. Then there appeared a man holding an umbrella, and it was raining because above the umbrella was a colander filled with broccoli, and above it was a raincloud that fell into it. Melina became the broccoli and called to him, and he heard her and folded the umbrella, looking upward to the colander raindrops as they fell upon his lips, kissing him. Then both Linden and Melina were

naked beneath the colander as it rained down on them. Then they were within the colander above a bed of broccoli. Both of them returned to normal human form and were almost at the end, sweating in each other’s arms, panting. Just at that time there alighted on the edge of Coffee Island a messenger. “Patrons, Jack Bronze and Crytania have escaped!” Falzar shouted as she ran to them. A telegram rested in hand, notifying her the Couple were out of contact. A wave of shock crashed into her as she saw the two in the natural state, panting from the completion of their task. So surprised, Falzar bent over and vomited her lunch onto the supple brown earth of the island, then fell down, fainting.