Priya Echo's Adventure by David Gold - HTML preview

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“Priya would kick your butt one million times over !!!” Timecurrent championed at the top of her lungs while slapping his knee. Telenon was starting to get amused at the constant impotence of his opponents. He leant his head back and gave out a half-hearted snicker, “That’s a laugh, Time. I could destroy her in any way I wanted. It wouldn’t last a day”. Time gasped at the thought of it. The world conquered by this beast … she would have to change her wardrobe, get new photo ID’s and smile for the camera when they say cheese and everything. “You wouldn’t dare!” she challenged, hands collapsed together in frantic petition. “It’s absolutely hopeless Time. I’m the leader of the Voices of Reason. I have powers even beyond your belief”

he sighed, his mind beaming with the thought of their acquiescence. The day after. The things he could do. And their boundless optimist crushed to dust. Time sat there for a moment, thinking intently until she came up with a productive idea. From her kneeling position on the ground, she sprung up and landed on his lap. “Well buddy … How about this? You spare my friends and let Priya go, and I will do something for you” she began, piercing him with sharp, academic eyes.

“And what is that?” Telenon sought, feeling the weight of the patron upon him. For a diligent whisper, she leant in close to his ear, “I can use my time lapse powers to make things go really slow …. if you know what i mean”. Those cyborg lips and baby blue hair. They were coming in fast. His heart beat quickly like a jet pilot spiraling down and about to eject. Telenon gawked at the wall for a moment since the pedestrian stone was becoming increasingly more interesting. A bit of drool fell from his lip. Time sat in patient silence, waiting for an answer. But just as that was about to happen, a new portal revealed itself in front of them. “Why now? At the very hour of my triumph” Telenon wondered aloud. It was a novel planet somewhere in the galaxy. Attired with fertile intercontinental bridges. Dense with aquatic globules. A speciality of the planet.

Cities shrouded in individual hills of wispy cloudstuff. And revolutions that wouldn’t cease.

Time looked up from the placid surface. A group of vessels were assembled in orbit. Their hulls were savage and blustery with turrets. There was a synergy amongst them. All together for the action against Telenon. Myriad forces. Enough to face their Nemesis. “Who are these guys?” she thought aloud, while sliding back to the hard custody of the floor. “Another world that finds fault with my rule. Just a distraction to be sure. The Haiphians won’t steal this moment from me”

Telenon vowed. He leant forward over Time in his chair. Now salivating with barbarian pleasure. The raw hedonism of violence flared in his eyes. Awakened by the sound of an instrument, the tails of the assembly flicked on with ruby red cones. They headed to the edge of their solar system. “I will give you what you seek. Pure destruction!” Telenon screeched mockingly. He hurled his right arm towards the portal and its view. To match the glory of that fleet, another sent by the Temple drew near. The escaping fleet could not leave the confines of its sandbox. They had been caught. Big bowling balls zoomed forward, each of which with three big

holes. From them thick serpents emerged, hissing wrathfully. Time watched as the ships were bitten into, their hulls gored with a predatory strike. Riveting cascades of flame leapt from the wounds. The vessels exploded in kind. Lasers tried as they could to pierce the black spheres and their energy shields. Soon enough, the snake pit from galactic hell had cleared the floor. The beasts approached the planet. As they reached formation, their eyes lit up with a stunning blue flame. “What?” Time gasped. Telenon leaned down and pressed a hand tightly against her shoulder. Pristine wrinkles accelerated through another dimension, jolting everything at once. A blue transparent flame like the most subtle star ignited upon her body. Telenon felt the heat of it as it flickered. “Aaaaah!!!” she screamed. Carefully, the world below began to spin. The timelapse upon its surface quickened. With insurmountable force the channel was established.

Telenon pumped more energy into it. Time felt her spirit refracted like white light through a prism. Years of social movement passed before her eyes. The populace slowly aging and degrading into the finest atoms. The days rushing by like a horizontal waterfall. As the ball spun a hundred times a second, Time observed the gradual emptiness. The shrill hiss of the serpents in orbit, looking down with ocular excitement. Blue infernos in their eyes. And then they were alone. The portal shrunk to nil, and it was over. Telenon and Time regained their composure in unison. With poignant convulsions. An army march of sweat glided down her neck onto her chest. In reply, she leant her back onto the throne and its rough comfort. Few words were needed to describe what had occurred. Guttural grunts did the trick. Atop the chair, the man was inspired. “From now on … no more interruptions” he breathed, happy with the aftermath of things.