Psuedo Alchemy by Kurt Burnum - HTML preview

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The fate of our galaxies were left to a new race of star people. Star people who must also find a way to transcend the worlds of matter. After all is said and done the powerhouse of the physical world once combined through the ability to control the collision of one galaxy upon another by creating even larger and more numerous clusters of stars in close proximity to each other. One being prevented from being tossed together and bringing all that is into a circular crustacean expanding into infinity both creating and destroying the living word of God which is a byproduct of its magnificence. As the galaxies began to collide so was the possibility of the sheer destruction of the atom that which laid the foundation for the existence of matter. Without matter there would be nothing but endless time and endless space. A continuous vacuum with no beginning and no ending full of absolutely nothing.

Once the transcendence of vast distances of space a small worm hole could be created between the two distances by the creation of one of the crystal perpetual energy globes big enough to fit in one’s hand feeding the center of the central with a light source and reversing the energy beams with the refection of its own atomic force creating all at once a star no bigger than a pin head which would immediately consume all of its atomic energy in a millisecond expanding to the size of a grapefruit and then suddenly collapsing upon itself creating a ripple in the space time continuum where if located along a line of energy that in space if you follow the diagram laid out by the angels to create the Center Top Box by studying the stars in the first place then and only then could a worm hole be created between the distances of space.

Never venturing off superhighways of the universes, any place in the galaxy could be reached breaching a single line of a worm whole and switching directions at the intersections of power that outline the makeup called a star map or a directional affirmation. First of all, each end of the super highway in the sky had to be accessed at both ends by closing the distance between them spanning the endless void that separates the two points of origin. First, sacrifices had to be made, and planetary colonies had to be formed on planets that may not exist. The power of creation still lies in the hands of God. No amount of energy can change or create this love current flowing outwardly by the living species big or small. The creation of more life is as it is with the stars. What there is of it is all there is of it. Neither can be created in more abundance but with the super massive black hole all time space and energy would drift and eventually together destroying the two but creating something similar just on a larger scale. Every star must have the ability to live in a physica