Psuedo Alchemy by Kurt Burnum - HTML preview

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Vigilance and destiny had bought the two together but the children of the stars were now ready to return to Earth and through the blending of the races of man Filigree had brought the masses together. This would give each race the chance to come together surprisingly, the four races of man came to resemble the likeness of the ancient races of man before the fall of Babylon, and the rising of the Gray into an olive colored race resembling that of all walks of man. No civilization had become more aware, but once again everybody had to eventually have to have the chance to live and to die leaving us with the opportunity to move on but how does our world effect those that have risen above?

Transcended into all that is? The Grays still had all of their mineral supplies that they needed to continue to build and maintain their space crafts. Silica crystals were easy produced back on earth where the beaches of the oceans washed up onto the shore of the land masses and continents of the Earthly sphere were in abundance. However, they had exhausted throughout their history the natural ability to create something other than a clone. Many, many years had passed since the production of the temples of the Gray, and their need for raw materials to create the fluids that they needed to form more hosts, and also for that of the ability to build bigger and more elaborate space traveling vehicles. Meanwhile back on Earth, the occupancy of the human race was draining its natural resources at an alarming rate with the gift of a star ship had still not been conceived. The alien species wanted gold and lacking the ability to function as warriors they could not conquer the human race who was much farther advanced in the ways of weaponry.

In fact, that is the reason why they keep themselves at a distance from the masses of the human race. They come here and draw crop circles in an attempt to follow the directions of another craft who was far away out of telepathic communication. Their thoughts and ideas could only be expressed through a knowing like that of the dolphin or whale back on Earth. They still have to be within earshot of one another and when separated by the distances of space, these messages were the only way to communicate with each other over long distances. Only the human children of the stars could locate through the laws of attraction that exists throughout all of time and space the whereabouts of the Chinese crystals that were hidden in the Forbidden City