Psuedo Alchemy by Kurt Burnum - HTML preview

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Rebecca had become a fully-fledged member of The Chesapeake Indian Nation after her return from the deepest outermost stars in the far side of The Galaxy which just happens to be directly behind us on the other side of The Black Hole at the center of the Galaxy. There would be no way of spotting it with a telescope due to distortion. Astrophysicists use other objects and how they rotate in a gravametric environment they can use the wobble of that body to determine if there is in fact, another moon or even another planet out there for that matter.

This planet however, even though it’s three times the circumference of Uranus in our own solar system, or universe with a set of three moons circling around its atmosphere which are actually very close to the planet itself. One moon called Themescrisks, plus the planet called Europea are both covered in continents surrounded by life giving water and every type of living creature that you would expect to find somewhere out here in the outer reaches of space.

It is much farther from its sun. A sun that is twice as hot as our own and about three times in relation to the distance that The Earth rotates in relation to our sun. Here in our universe or planetary system that we live in. I say this because as a matter of conjecture, the life that exists on the planet was created out of a giant storm created in our sun. Its solar flare was huge! So monstrous that it couldve only been deflected by the moon that rotates around The World which was bombarded with chunks of rock from a meteorite belt that had been located in between Mercury and Venus that was blown into tiny bits and hurtled them at our planet. Devoting the landscape of the lunar surface and rotating The Earth onto its majestic slant and causing an oval type of rotation in accordance with the sun. All because of our Moon. This is the reason why we can only see one side of the moon ever. Due to its lack of rotation, the question about how the craters on the moon were formed on it and how they were facing towards us all of this time was answered. It also answered the question: Who put the man on the moon? And if anyone asks, its not because of Kennedy either.

It was because of a solar flare that sent life giving enzy