Psuedo Alchemy by Kurt Burnum - HTML preview

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The entire galaxy contains billions of stars. Not just one or two, and they were found to exist in spherical clusters never moving in relation to the Earth, but the Earth always moving in relation to stars. Then, they found out later that the stars rotated around the center of a galaxy in an outward spiral motion. While at the center of the galaxy, it was occupied by a super massive black hole insatiable in appetite for stars, or basically anything else that got in the way. Even light couldn’t escape this event!

So regardless of what happened to the stars they were all destined to be destroyed in the end. Never making it up to the true God like worlds that lie above this one. In any case, they were to provide assistance to the human race. This was a job that was bestowed upon humans of angelic, and godlike form. They would possess no physical power here on this plane but only manifest themselves through the thoughts and emotions of the living.

Stars on the other hand were all powerful in their own state of existence. All of their energy are what make life possible here on Earth. Without the light of stars nothing would exist here at all as far as any form a life was concerned. All there Is, would be an empty broken shell. When looking around on the other hand, they were working in harmony with the fabric of all space in time. All of which is combined into one. People as a whole do not stand up to the grandeur of a living star. Not at all. They are found out to be microscopic specs. Never even noticeable when compared to the existence of a living star.

The magnificence of a human body is completely and utterly insignificant in nature to its all powerful spirit and never ending grandeur here in this physical universe. And after being made aware of this by the divine intervention of Gods own hand, and bestowed upon angels from heaven in their true functionality and purpose in a human form. Which is just being here in the physical realm, and the purpose of the human species and all of the life on earth would now be transformed into a heavenly deserved, eternal immortality for the stars. One that is reminiscent of the mighty grandeur that they hold in this physical universe. Then, upon learning of this and having been made capable of doing just that, the stars in the universe had then created a nuclear charged crystal set power box known by the human race only as the interloper. They did this only to become one with space and time, and