Puzzle Master Book 2: Master of None by T.J. McKenna - HTML preview

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Special thanks again go to the ever-patient and meticulous Diane, for all her work in copy editing. Without her, commas would appear at seemingly random intervals, “that” and “which” would be used interchangeably, and hyphens would be an endangered species.

Thanks also go to my three “Pre-readers”, Bob, Tamara and Shannon. All authors have nagging doubts about story tempo, whether characters are staying in character and generally about certain scenes that just don’t feel right. Bob, Tamara and Shannon helped me see various scenes through other eyes and improve them.

Finally, when I released Puzzle Master it didn’t cross my mind that it would be read around the world. Words cannot express the joy I feel when the hand of God guides free copies of my humble works where He wants them to be read. East Africa seems to be where He wanted Puzzle Master to land, particularly Nigeria and Ghana. Thank you to all who reached out by email or even just a “like” on Facebook. It keeps me going.

I can’t wait to see where His hands take Master of None.