Anna Zheng was not going on any mission to the moon. A child of the Green Revolution of the 2020’s, she was wholly committed to one goal, rescuing ecosystems from destruction – on Earth. Anna graduated summa cum laude from the REEL Rangers Institute with a doctorate in Ecology. Within a year after graduation, Anna was promoted to Team Leader, Eco-Systems Intervention. No one questioned her rapid ascension. She simply knew more than anybody else about ecosystems.
At this moment her genie-ware had opened a call via holograph to Dipu Patel, Team Leader, Human Resources.
“Dipu, please help me. Carvallo is trying to send me to the flippin’ moon and I ain’t going. What can you do about this?” she demanded.
“Anna, we’ve been friends since our first year at the Institute. You know I cherish our relationship. No matter what.”
“Dipu you’re starting to babble. I called you for help. What do you know about this mission to the moon?”
“Actually, Carvallo called me this morning for recommendations and...”
“You, you recommended me? How could you do that to me? You know better!”
“I didn’t get much chance to think about it. Right now you’re at the top of everybody’s list. Do you have any idea how many Rangers want to transfer to you team right now? You’re a rising star, Anna. It would have been a dereliction of duty to not offer your name.”
“Damn you Dipu, I’m still not going to the bleepin’ moon.”
“Look Anna, it’s a 10-day mission, tops. Look at it as a sight-seeing tour, like a vacation.”
“Dipu, if you were really here in front of me, and not on holo-view, I’d kick you right in the teeth.”
“Anna, if I hadn’t chosen you, Carvallo or the CEO herself would have. That’s the price of stardom. If it’s any consolation to you, I’m also going on this mission.”
“You? Why you Dipu?”
“Why me? It’s simple. I’m Team Leader, Human Resources. If there's going to be a Lunar Rangers Division, I‘m going to help decide who joins. And I had better be qualified to choose who goes to the moon, based on my own experience. Is there any other way?”