Redemption's Warrior by Jennifer Morse & Wiliam Mortimer - HTML preview

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A half hour before dawn, a damp darkness clinging to his dreams, Christopher wakes in a panic. A voice thunders, “Marcos! Get your ass up and out here now!”

Christopher tumbles to the floor. He gasps at the pain while leaping to his feet. Pushing open the screen door the first thing he sees, Checo’s stormy face. Christopher winces. A double duty grimace encompassing the pain of his ribs and the trouble he’s caused. Ave Bonita adds her own “ACAWK” stalking the tree branch punctuating Checo’s upset.

Hands on his hips Checo bellows. “Do you think you can wander on to the job site when you please? We walk out together and work until 3PM. El Jefe will punish us all because you couldn’t get out of bed on time!”

Christopher nods, making eye contact, “It won’t happen again.”

Checo takes a calming breath. “No one in my crew has been cut by El Jefe’s whip.”

“I understand.”

Checo says, “I don’t ever want to talk about this again.”

His lips sealed Christopher nods.

Ave Bonita puffs her chest filling her feathers with air. She squawks making sure Christopher knows she holds him accountable for Checo’s upset. Walking into the still dark jungle, Christopher can just make out in the shadows Checo’s Jaguar pacing at his side. Dawn approaches with a pale light. Ave Bonita sails ahead in the shadowy growth. The trail moves up a gentle slope.

At the equipment shed Christopher finds duct tape and wraps his torso, immobilizing his ribs. The attendant hands each man a tool. Risking putting a hand on Checo’s arm, he warns, “You’re late. Fat Luis looks for you.”

Checo nods, giving Christopher a hard stare. To the group he announces Checo announces, “Today we swap out the salt pumps.”

Each man carrying supplies follows Checo the trail becomes whiter with salt. The granules crunch under Christopher’s feet as they approach the plateau. The pits are long and narrow. Solid white! Christopher stares in surprise. White as fresh snow.

Several inches of spring water feeds into the designated pits. Pumps pour in water softening the encrusted salt. Christopher immediately understands the problem. Salt dust combined with island humidity and spring water has frozen salt to bolts on the pumps.

He watches the crew struggle to free the bolts. By the time the grip of petrified salt is broken the men are fatigued. Christopher shuffles thru the pile of equipment. Finding a length of pipe he slips it over his wrench handle. The added length gives him more torque and he easily frees the bolt. Soon every man on the crew has extended the length of their wrench.

Checo slaps Christopher on the back. “Explain this to me.”

“Argghhh. Ouch. My ribs! Don’t touch me again and I’ll explain it to you.” Christopher leans into the pipe, “Extending the length of the wrench provides torque.”

Checo laughs. “I was a professional athlete, amigo. I don’t know this mechanical word. Explain ‘torque’?”

Raising his eyebrows Christopher replies “Torque. Umm. Torque creates twisting power.”

Amused, Checo slaps him on the back again. Christopher moans. Checo’s several steps into his stride. Christopher shakes his head and calls out. “Wait. Why didn’t anyone add length and torque before?”

Checo grins. “I told you amigo. These guys are criminals. They know how to play cards, steal, distill agave making tequila, grow marijuana and beat the crap out of you.”

Christopher shrugs. “You mean instead of acquiring skills that translate into work these guys planned their slash and grab robberies.”

Checo smiles revealing a tooth framed in gold, “Yes. Now you understand my problems.”

Mid-morning Fat Luis comes by to inspect the work. Checo pulls a reluctant Luis out of the jeep for a demonstration of torque. He twists a frozen bolt with the extended wrench. “Observe my invention! Lengthening the wrench gives me power. ‘Torque.’“

Hearing Checo’s explanation Christopher smiles, amused.

Fat Luis grumbles, “El Jefe will be pleased.” Lumbering back to the jeep the effort creates a line of sweat down the back of Luis’s uniform.

As the heat of the day builds Christopher’s body is lost in the work. In the muggy glare, sweat pouring he understands why these men are emaciated. His mind wanders. Martial arts tells me I have the resources to master each day, each problem. Just like adding length to the wrench handle… If I can perform daily tasks in new ways…… maybe an escape plan will evolve.

Master Jojo’s voice echo down the corridors of time, “Christopher, strength is an element of mastery. The totality of mastery is morphological field formed by truth, acts of power, the alignment of your words and actions. Your congruency ignites positive possibilities and magnetizes beneficial circumstances.” He stomps the practice staff on the floor adding, “The mastery of martial arts.”

Leaning his weight into the extended wrench handle Christopher thinks I need to heal, gain strength and figure out what Master Jojo meant. Prison schedule ends at 3PM. We are free to walk the island. Yesterday I saw banana and coconut trees. There may be more food to find. Looking around he sees hunger on all their faces. Even Checo, a leader, looks hungry.

• • •

He has found wild chickens! He spends Sunday, always a free day on the island, fashioning his hen house. Arranging rooster’s visits evolves into a thriving egg farm. He’s started a garden. Additionally several times a week he harvests bananas, papayas and mangos. Sundays he prepares fruit salad and scrambled eggs. He shares the brunch with Checo.

Selling eggs, saving the pesos, will fund his escape. But each morning he finds himself chasing off inmates hungry for food. Working manual labor sucks up calories. Prison food consists of rice and beans and more rice and beans. Inmates are half starved.

They might pick fruit off a tree if it’s handy. Most spend free time drinking, smoking, playing cards, or distilling the pina of the agave to produce tequila. Growing and distributing marijuana, the group culture dictates these behaviors. As the gringo Christopher is exempt.

Before the sun comes up Christopher is standing by his chicken coop. It doesn’t take much to fight off men scrawny with hangovers. A sweeping kick, a thrust of his palm connecting with a nose, stomping on a foot; eventually inmates take the easier route and buy the eggs.

Christopher says, “I’ll set up a rotating system. Everyone will have opportunities to purchase eggs on a schedule.” Sunday as he and Checo shovel in eggs and fruit he’s inspired. “Hey amigo, if I pay you twenty-five percent of my profits for your protection will you put the word out? I could use another deterrent keeping the inmates from stealing my eggs and vegetables.”

Checo grins. His gold tooth flashes. He whistles for Ave Bonita to join him. A blur of green and blue she lands on his shoulder. He hands her a chunk of banana. Cocking his head eye to he whispers, “What do you think Sweet Bird shall we help the gringo?”

Fluffing her chest feathers Ave Bonita sings, “Sweet Bird, Sweet Bird.”

Checo looks at Christopher. “Si amigo, we’ll help you.” He waves his finger, “On one condition.”

Christopher stiffens, his momentary joy leached from him in the blink of an eye. “The condition?”

Checo slaps his shoulder. “Eggs, hombre, I want two or three eggs a day.”

Christopher smiles and extends his hand. “Deal.”

As a final discouragement to thefts Checo announces, “Anyone stealing eggs will never again be eligible to purchase eggs, barbeque chicken or garden items.”

Watching the routine, putting the pieces of prison life together, it’s not a leap of imagination to conclude there is a short expiration date etched on his life. Watching Daniel’s beating he promised himself to fly under the radar. He will not draw attention to himself with fights or drinking. And Checo takes the kudos for any invention or creative solution he designs. It brings a smile to his face watching Checo hog the glory.

The only gringo on the island, this status alone makes him stand out. Beaten and kidnapped, by the police! His car hijacked. Brought to the island on charges never filed and without a foundation in reality, he is a messy problem for the prison bureaucracy. Eventually they will kill him. Problem solved.

Betrayals, deceit, beatings: The circumstances leading to his incarceration replay over and over. He cannot find the pause or stop button. First a burning sensation in his gut and he grits his teeth, tightly shut. Nothing stops momentum of fire pouring through him. Outrage singes muscles. It burns through veins and arteries. Countless times a day he is singed by his outrage. He does not know how in the world to contain or release his violence.

After work he takes to the trails running. He channels anger that will not be denied.  Other inmates babysit bootleg stills transforming the agave plant into a rough version of tequila or harvest marijuana farms deep in the island foliage. Christopher runs the trails. He hunts food to fuel his strength. Running teaches him the topography of La Luna. The gift of running; anger spills from him in sprays of sweat that disappear instantly in the semi-arid atmosphere.

While he has found an abundance of food he has not been able to find Daniel. The prison population located and stationed across the island. Inmates harvest agave on the northern side of the island. They are located near the dense growing areas. Prisoners harvesting the salt, west of the town and dock, are stationed near the salt pits. At every location supplied with dormitories, mess tents, and supplies Christopher inquires after Daniel. Paths connecting the groups are interspersed throughout the island. Daniel has vanished.

Recalling Daniel’s soft voice his warning haunts him. “No status or role can keep you safe on Islas Tres Marias.

Evenings, just before twilight, Christopher practices martial arts. His anger spent, muscles heated, in the soft sand, in slow motion, he defines each stance. Warming up, one posture flies into the next, creating a sequence. The chain of movement brings him to the razors edge of his ability, the place where his power meets with a deeper inexplicable power. Draped in the colors of the twilight he sets each movement ablaze with intricate precision and bold strength. Enveloped in the posture of the looming crane, power sheds itself, morphing into a giant crab, leaping into the mythical stag. In the setting sun he loses all self- consciousness. Leaping, turning, spinning, kicking and punching he spars with his partner, Mother Nature.

Sometimes he feels eyes watching from the darkening jungle. When I’m stronger I’ll offer lessons, for a small fee… Another way to save for my escape.