Requiscant In Pace by Annemarie Musawale - HTML preview

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Pick up the Child of Destiny Series at and read the next installment in the series. Here is an excerpt below:

Leo drove up to her house, coming to an abrupt halt at her gate. Was that spell still active? He wasn’t about to risk having his head split open again so he hooted and waited for her to come out. Before she’d attacked him with her magic, he would have thought she’d summoned him here for another taste of Leo – ‘girls did seem to be entirely forgiving of anything he did to them after all, no matter how callous he was’- but now, he wasn’t so sure...unless she was into some sort of dominatrix shit. Hmmm... He wasn’t exactly averse. In fact, the evidence that she had a spine kind of piqued his interest. He’d gotten used to thinking of her as Charlotte’s doormat- but apparently there was some spunk to her. No pun intended…

She came down the stairs in a woolly sweater (in this heat?) that was kind of ragged around the edges. Her leopard print (really? so five years ago) dress was faded in places and reached like, her ankles. It did however; hug her figure in all the right places so he wasn’t complaining too much. Maybe it was the best she had – but the sweater would have to go.

She came up to the gate and unlatched it. He leaned out of the window of the jeep to speak to her.

“Hi” he smiled in greeting

“Hi.” She replied expression quite blank, and definitely no answering smile.

“Err, so is it safe?” he asked, smile flickering a bit.

“Safe?” she asked brow furrowing in puzzlement.

“For me to come in... you know, the spell?” he reminded her.

“Oh!” she said, furrow clearing, “Right” she raised her right hand, forefinger pointed upwards like she was about to flag off a race, she flicked it downwards and whispered something that sounded like, ‘Finit’.

He raised his brow in inquiry as to whether he was cleared to come in, and she gestured a welcome with her hand. He parked the car and alighted, wondering how Emily Post would recommend they conduct themselves in this situation. He stood still and waited to take his cue from her. She walked past him and into the house, and after a moment’s hesitation he followed.