Requiscant In Pace by Annemarie Musawale - HTML preview

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When I’m writing, I simply let go and let my hands do the work. It’s a straight line from my ‘story brain’ to my fingers completely bypassing my normal thinking brain. This means that sometimes I find that I’ve written about a character I had no idea about before I began writing. Bulitia was one of those. He just appeared in Between Death and Heaven like…”Hi. How you doing?”

Well…that’s exactly how Phil and Lillian appeared in the as yet unpublished Child of Destiny – Marcus Devereux and made me go back and write a book about them. Its all very convoluted this universe. I go back and forth, being flung this way and that depending on the story. Its direction is not a collaboration with me, it’s a dictatorship. It says go here; and I go.

This story wouldn’t have been written though if it wasn’t for the East African Friday Feature which are Friday stories written to a prompt by five Kenyan authors. Yes, the Bulitia story was written as a prompt and then people really loved it. One person on Google plus even compared the writing to Anne Rice…one thing led to another and here we are. So enjoy the story.