Roses of the Dreamer by Benjamin Granger - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

The day was bright and sunny as always and Jake awoke to the refreshment of some orange juice, some bacon and a few eggs and toast. While he was eating breakfast he got another phone call. This time it was from Claire and she was an assistant as the place where he worked. She told him he missed the nightshift and although they were proud of him for accomplishing so much he still needed to be at last night’s meeting and couldn’t be there.

Jake even though a little tired of work decided to make up a story to help her understand why he couldn’t make it. Kyle didn’t really get why he didn’t get to work either since they called once last night, asking why he wasn’t there. The day went on with Jake going to work and trying to explain the whole story without delving into anything about the time capsule.

The day continued with Jake secretly attempting to figure out in his mind how to take the time capsule back to the museum without getting caught. When he left the machine it apparently didn’t land inside the rightful place within the museum.

He then remembered when he read about Da Vinci’s theories; he realized that since it was traveling through hyperspace there was no boundaries. But the space velocity and the continuum that he had to journey through was still limited by the law of quantum physics which believe it or not Da Vinci knew little about.

He actually didn’t need it since he already had the picture in his mind how to build it as if he was psychic, but he really was not. He was brilliant, but even he didn’t consider himself a genius or someone that could predict the future.

The controversy that surrounded his belief the people could fly and swim without the use of their body was only a dream that actually very few ever imagined.

When Jake had read on through now perceived to be as more of a diary than an actual of account of the perceptions that were a part of his genius, he realized that none of the things that he thought of were immoral just simply ahead of their time.

The church still condemned him because of belief that he actually had real ESP, but that was later disproved by real evidence about him. He tracked down any clues about a Dana Da Vinci while online and actually came up with no leads. He found many Da Vinci’s in the phonebook, online, and he was even mentioned a few times in those textbooks that he had for school.

He almost ended going into a daydream while studying at his desk. He noticed not a single trace of the notes that he complied on the desk, and he then turned his head and they were right next to him.

He accidentally dropped a few notes and there was a small clipboard that he knocked to the floor as well. Then after he picked everything up he stood up and a girl was standing almost right in front of him.

Even though she just helped him out she also noticed a little something in his notes that he didn’t take notice of. It was a piece of paper that read the pieces of time, and it’s author although not Da Vinci when he looked at the time strikes some similarities with the diary that he found that started it all. They were actually so similar in nature he wondered if the author may have been related.

He quickly started to type in some new information on the computer database, and he came up with some interesting results, but nowhere near a conclusion yet. The similarities between the Pieces of Time, and the Da Vinci Diary almost seemed as they were really related somehow.

Although when he spoke with Dana back in time she never remembered anything about time travel and she was always enthusiastic about keeping the legacy of his scientific progress alive, but it would also remain in secrecy within that book.

Then he looked up the name of the author and he developed a real conclusion with some of the ideas explained in the diary, but they were still from that time period, and the book he was reading about remained a scientific journal and a diary, and Pieces of Time was only a book on some scientific principles, but nothing new.

Then the internet search came with only a few more new and interesting results for him, but Jake quietly sifted through the diary facts and the information online, and was soon shocked by the results. His daughter was the actual writer of the diary not Da Vinci, and his descendents including Dana carried on the legacy.

How he found out was from the fact that the book was still in an ink jotted form with Matthews knew early on when he looked over the age of the writing through a special technique. When he read the inside of the book he noticed her name was written at the very back of the book. Most of all the age was only dated from the early fifty’s, nineteen fifty three to nineteen fifty four to be exact. He was on to something, but he still didn’t have clue how the symbolic writings ended up under the book, and neither did Matthews. The search for answers only continued with Jake still not drawing a valid conclusion.

He was a little exhausted from all the misleading and also bland information, but he came across a very strong link between the two books and although the author didn’t live in the community, he did actually find the agent’s phone number who represented him and kept it for reference.

Meanwhile, Kyle and a few friends are having a office party with a some drinks and snacks and he suddenly get a call from Jake telling him the stunning news about the connection between the two books.

Even though Kyle didn’t want much to do with the diary since he thought it was crazy, and he still decided to listen in. Wait that sounds great, but really gets your mind off the diary and just relax, said Kyle. Jake thought that it was a good idea, but even though he thought about some quiet relaxation the truth about capsule was waiting.

The search for the truth about the time capsule started with him actually calling the professor about the link with and diary and how it could really solve the case. Even thought Matthews knew the whole story was really the basis for the discoveries that started the whole thing, he couldn’t help but wonder if he was really right for thinking that time travel was a reality not just a possibility.

The search team lead by some SWAT members, a few police officers, and some other members of the community went out deep into the woods that day to conduct a search mission for the missing time capsule. Although the mission was in full swing as the crew searched around with flashlights, weapons, and ammunition they were feeling that the machine was somewhere inside the woods, and he contraption would be handed to government authorities forever one it was found.

The team of investigators and the whole search party were moving in the same direction through the wooded path around the museum. Jake was busy at work still attempting decipher more of the hidden codes that was deeply hidden inside the diary in Professor Matthews lab.

The research that was conducted using the computer and the machine that he used to read the hidden information actually presented some stunning results, but they also knew time was running out, and the authorities could be after the machine.

The codes were so intriguing to professor Matthews that he actually left the room to catch his breath. While Jake was hard at work deciphering the codes someone actually bumped into Matthews while he caught his breath. The man looked up at him in a black suit and decided to get him of the way.

The officer quickly pushed Matthews out of the way, but the door was locked so he couldn’t interfere with Jake’s ongoing research. He attempted to get the door open by kicking it down, and while Jake was still conducting the research he heard the sound of someone attempting to knock down the door.

The door soon came inside open and the officers including a few others behind him came in like a storm and knocked over equipment while getting Jake out of his seat. The computers were all a mess and they escorted both Jake and Matthews out of the room. Even though they thought their hope of retrieving the capsule, and solving the mystery of the Da Vinci Diary would soon be over, a woman suddenly came into the picture out of the shadows. To Jake’s surprise she looked just like the woman he met in the library, and he starts a fight with the guys taking guys taking them away.

Without any weapons she disarms all the men in the room, and Jake and Matthews leave the premise to the outside. They escaped and were outside the building, and they knew the authorities were after the capsule and it wouldn’t be long before they actually found it.

The search team was already halfway into the woods near the museum, and they all moved their flashlights and radar’s around looking for the object. The woods were cumbersome, but they felt that they were getting close.

Jake and Matthews were running out to a safe hiding place to stay away from the authorities who were on the lookout for the two men. Jake didn’t know who the girl was who saved them, but she looked awfully familiar, and was the one that helped them find that clue during his research.

Hey, I got a plan, said Jake. What’s the plan, said Matthews. We storm into the nearby complex right across from where the museum is, and we lock ourselves inside then when the coast is clear we go out the other end, and into the woods, said Jake.

Good plan, but the authorities are going to find us no matter what we do, said Matthews. I know, but if we don’t take the chance the capsule will be lost forever, said Jake. Your right, and we have to do it quickly or else the whole is over, said Matthews.

They both agreed that they needed to get going or the capsule would be gone forever. We have to search for an opening, said Matthews. The opening should be near the front gate across from the left. When we make it across, we climb the fence and go inside. When the coast is clear we go out the other end at all costs, said Matthews.

As they both made a quick walk across the grassy field between the college and the museum complex they noticed that security was intensifying around the perimeter. Don’t go yet, until I give the signal, said Matthews as the lead Jake around the area without getting seen.

The capsule was in the mean time still hidden far into the woods, but the search party was getting one step closer to the machine. They indentified something moving on the radar, but it didn’t lead to the capsule just yet.

Matthews held Jake’s hand as the whole field was becoming increasingly dangerous. The complex was near the vicinity of the museum. The route to it seemed easy, but getting there without being caught seemed harder. Matthews was attempting to left Jake has they reached the gate.

He pulled and lifted Jake over the gate without being seen by security. They were rushing into the door as they story cuts back to the agents still searching through the woods for the capsule. They came across the lake that was near the place where Jake left the machine, and it was also the spot where he met Dana in person.

They only cared about one thing, and that was retrieving the capsule. They were near the sand that went across the shore of the lake.

They searched for new clues, and found what looked like human footsteps which would lead them ever closer to what they thought was the capsule. They were actually Jake’s footsteps from the other night when he searched through the woods to find his home. They followed the trail, and they were almost to the jackpot.

The crew was on their way to the capsule while Jake and Matthews were still inside the small storage complex still hoping he could save the capsule. They both reasoned out that if he they took the wooded path they might get lost and they would end up not getting there on time.

Jake quickly came up with a different plan in his head to find a way to the machine without getting caught and wasting time. I have an idea, said Jake. What is it this time? , said Matthews.

We can go through the underground tunnel that leads out into the bay where the water treatment facility is, said Jake. No, we can’t make it, said Matthews. Yes we can, and if we take the elevator that will lead to the ground. Still they will get it, and we’ll have to say goodbye, said Matthews.

Jake refused to believe that he could not make it, and he also knew that it would be a few minutes before they could get the capsule off the ground or so he thought.

The ground layer is where the capsule is, and it’s not far from the water treatment facility, said Jake. We can stop them by actually getting through the water tunnel, said Jake.

You mean take a ride? , said Matthews. Yeah, it’s scary, and dangerous, but it’s the only option we have that will work. That water could be nasty, said Matthews. The two agreed that it was the best plan of action, and they set off for the tunnel.

The tunnel was close by, and they climbed down a ladder to get there. They both climbed all the way down the ladder hoping to get a glimpse of the entranceway to the tunnel.

They finally make it down after climbing down about two hundred feet, and the tunnel is filled with flowing water going through the tunnel very rapidly. They quickly attempted to climb down the next ladder so they can jump in without getting hurt.

They both hold on to the ladder as they watch the huge mass of flowing water travel through the tunnel far below them. They both were ready to jump, and Jake held his breath to build some courage for the jump. Matthews was first to actually make the jump, and then after closing his and holding his breath, Jake jumped soon after. They were both in the tunnel safely as the water splashed in their face.

The water flowed so rapidly as Jake and Matthews were attempting to swim that their bodies turned backward. They were going so fast through the rapidly flowing water in the tunnel they could not hardly see the whole tunnel.

Jake felt a little confused and in a daze almost as if he was in water park only with a lot more rapidly flowing water and considerably less safety. Matthews was still ok, but could not see Jake as water pushed him further down the tunnel.

The water was flowing so rapidly that they already were almost halfway through the tunnel. They didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and it already had been five minutes since they jumped into the water. After about fifteen minutes they were more than halfway through the tunnel narrowly avoiding small pipes, and also other small grounded stone that were near the water.

The tunnel was almost over as they could see specks of light coming through the holes above the pipe. The pipe that water came through actually turned narrower, and some water resided through a few smaller pipes.

They were almost near the end of the tunnel, and the water slowed down quite rapidly as he approached the end and the water dumped out into the nearby lake.

They were ready for the drop, and when they both opened their eyes they fell about five hundred feet into the deep water of the lake.

They made a huge splash in the lake that the search team couldn’t quite hear, but they noticed a few birds flying out of their location. They swam across the other side of the lake, and stayed hidden in the background while the team searched.

They watched from far distance as the search team followed the footsteps to the capsule. They didn’t see it yet, but the footsteps continued and they were one step closer.

The duo of Jake and Matthews tries to cross the other side of the lake to make it to the capsule before the search party gets there. While they swim to the other side a team of searching people is about to find the jackpot.

They quickly reach the shore, and they are exhausted and out of breath from the tunnel and from also not having a chance to catch their breath while moving through the tunnel. They could not move any further until they knew the coast was clear, and they realized that they didn’t see them yet, so they rapidly pushed through the woods hoping to make it to the capsule.

They crossed through leaves, branches, woods, and even some rabbits as they were near the capsule. Meanwhile the search party was almost there too, and they had only a limited amount of time before Matthews and Jake reached the capsule.

They all saw the glimpse of something in the distance that looked like the time capsule, but they had to get closer to see it better. Jake and Matthews were finally near the small wooded lot where the capsule was, and they as fast as they could to get inside.

Hurry up, said Jake as he told Matthews too move. They both entered the capsule when the party crossed over the last few trees and bushes. While they were inside, the search party was watching them inside the capsule, and they all ran out threatening to shoot if they didn’t get out. They refused to leave, but the weapons were pointed right at the capsule.

The capsule rapidly started to float in the air and they still pointed their guns as both Matthews and Jake were floating away. They were told to hold their fire when the capsule suddenly disappeared.

They watched in shock and awe as the capsule rapidly disappeared right before their eyes. They didn’t know what to say or what to think as it disappeared, and after a moment of contemplating the whole crew started to leave the area.

Meanwhile, Jake and Matthews were inside the time capsule, and since Jake knew more about how to control it than Matthews did he flew the capsule, and Matthews was watching in amazement as they were actually entering another dimension, another world, a time less known, a time less traveled.