Roses of the Dreamer by Benjamin Granger - HTML preview

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Chapter 4

As the time passed, and the museum would open for an early viewing that day, he quickly moved through the vent without making a sound. The guards heard some slight noises from above, but discarded it since he was moving so stealthy.

Then as he approached another vent, he came near what to what seemed to be the room where the time machine exhibit was kept. He moved his eyes over to the exhibit that was under a cover, and even though he didn’t see anyone there yet he wasn’t sure if it was safe.

Then just when he thought it was safe to get out he heard some footsteps, and watched the door slowly open. Some people came in, and they looked like delivery men who took the machine out of the suspension brackets and moved it out of the room. He tried to watch where it was going by looking through other vents.

He moved from vent to vent looking for a nearby one to watch where the machine was being taken. Then as they finally put it in place near a small holding area with shatterproof glass it was finally suspended with new brackets and it would be unveiled later that day for everyone to see.

He didn’t know how to actually get out of the vent since they seemed to be locked, but he found one nearby was near the small heating furnace and laundry mat downstairs, and he kicked open the vent and then got out and exited up the nearby stairs.

He opened the door, and walked to a nearby balcony where the people could view the nearby exhibits. He walked down the nearby stairs, and he went under the cover unnoticed by two security guards.

The video cameras in the nearby hallway and the museum exhibit center were turned on by a guard in a secret room. Jake was under the cover safe from getting caught at least until the exhibit show which would happen in less than an hour.

He watched under the covers as some early visitors to the museum where asked to be seated, and the patrons grew slowly in numbers. Jake was still hiding under the covers and then he quickly and stealthy moved him one cover to the next hoping to find that one that hid the time machine.

Then he moved to large nearby cover that he thought hid the machine, and was inside while more patrons continued to flow in. The patrons were all seated by the time Jake noticed it was almost show time.

Jake was under the covers as a nearby orator was explaining the exhibits and the show that would occur in a matter of minutes. Jake was inside of the machine, and started to check the buttons and started to check the buttons and switches. He was skeptical that he would actually take him out of this world, but as he switched on the nearby power switch which was clearly labeled he noticed a single red light came on and he thought it was just a signal that it was on.

Then he fooled with a few more switches and some green lights came on. Then the nearby employees were already setting up the room for the show. He kept on touching all the buttons until the red one that was under a plastic case. He didn’t know what that button did, but he was afraid to touch it. He quickly pushed the button after he saw lights on the nearby cover from the show.

The button was pushed and doors suddenly closed, and some nearby gas started to come out in fumes. Some patrons noticed a little smoke coming from exhibit E which was the time machine. The sequence on the computer suddenly appeared in green lights on the interface and was really excited that it might work, but only as a simulation.

The patrons stopped seeing smoke so the security guards were not alerted yet. The machine was apparently fully operational and he pushed a nearby button on the control panel on the seat. Then the belts then came down and automatically buckled him in. The machine was ready to takeoff, and then he would have to leave soon, he thought to himself. But the computer interface looked so real, and was even starting to give actual commands. The machine was apparently giving out a signal for him to type something in.

He was quite thankful to god that he could get this far, but he thought it was only going to be a simulation, and what he would have to face in real life would not be. But the machine was still operational after five minutes, and it was still giving out a signal for him to punch in a command.

Even though he started to type something in, he noticed that some large red infrared dots of lights possibly coming up as warning signal. The patrons were inside almost like a movie theatre and the orator after explaining the last few details about the museum pulls the curtain off the first exhibit. It was basically a lion’s cage with a real lion inside. They all clapped at the exotic beast inside, and people were asked not to come near the cage although they could watch the lion for a few minutes. Then the next exhibit was shown, and Jake was running out of time.

The next exhibit was shown, and then a few more exhibits mostly exotic animals and lots of paintings. The stage was at least set for the unveiling of probably the most awesome exhibit of the day, the time machine.

Jake was still inside although he could hear the sound of a crowd approaching the machine. He quickly attempted to turn of the machine and even though it seemed like a simulation it wouldn’t turn off just yet.

Then the computer system suddenly turned bluish and white appearing after a minute, and suddenly he was feeling a slight push and tug as if he was going somewhere and then the machine stopped for a moment, but as he closed his eyes hoping it would let him go the background that was around him turned pitch black and then he opened his eyes and looked around for the button to get out but was still trapped.