Saycha and the Undderworld of Drayne Sectis by John T Buckley - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

The Evare and the Mos

On Hevely hill Saycha Mospet was ascending to the top in the hopes of finding a Fandy bush. The Fandy bush is 4 feet tall on average, and has glowing green flowers on every branch.

Its bark is black and you typically smelled it before you saw it, and it smelled terrible. It literally smelled of week old remains of a departed soul.

Saycha Mospet is not much taller than the Fandy bush himself, only a hand or so. He has long curly blonde hair with silver stars braided into the tips. He also has a long red goatee with an emerald stone fashioned at the bottom. The stone pulses every other second and inside it is a blinking blue light. He has on gold rim, lightly tinted red sunglasses with a fist on either side holding the lenses in place. On each one of his eyelids there is the tattoo of an eagle grasping a pheasant.

His eyes are green in color and he is very handsome to look at. His mouth appeared to always be slightly smiling and he has a clef chin. He has broad shoulders, large hands, and feet even for a man much taller. His finger nails are each painted with a different moment of happiness that he had experienced in his life. Around each wrist there is a hand sewn bracelet that was made for him by his brother Jamce and sister Dorama. He is wearing his Palant hide jacket.

The Palant is an animal similar to a wooly mammoth but it has two heads and a face like a lion. They are golden in color and are extremely wise. They are loved by the Beba people like Saycha, but have to be hunted to keep their population under control.

As is Beba fashion he has a jacket with two hand pockets and the crest of Lord Beba (the ruler of the Evare Province). The crest has two Palants and three swords superimposed over the silhouette of Lord Beba and the Torme River. He has on black trousers with thin red stripes and a pair of black leather shoes with red laces.

Hevely hill is a gently sloping hill that is covered with green grass and flowers. It is also dotted with trees, bushes, and a few granite boulders. It is on the outskirts of the Evare province, and is much too far from town for many people to use it for much of anything.

Saycha climbed its slopes and scanned around for a Fandy bush. He wanted the Fandy bush not for its flowers, but for its roots. The roots are extremely delicious to eat and have many medicinal purposes. Saycha wants one because he is tired of potato and pickle soup (which his sister Dorama had taken a liking to making for 4 months straight).

After several hours of climbing and searching Saycha decides to sit and rest under an Amst tree. Amst trees are chalk white and filled with knots. The knots are invariably filled with Onols (which are a squirrel like creature with red fur and white faces). He sat under the Amst tree and took in a breath.

Suddenly he saw a door-which had been covered in grass-swing open and a green skinned man with giant bulging eyes poke his head out and shout,” Get in here, Get in here Now!”

Saycha was shocked at the man’s appearance and didn’t know what to do. The man waved a shiny silver blade in front of his teeth and said sternly,” Either you’re comin’ in or I’m comin’

out. And if I come out you’re getting the blade.”

“Ok ok I’m coming in,” said Saycha as he hurried over to the door in the ground. Saycha stood at the door and looked in unsure. The man grabbed him by the feet and pulled him in violently. “Wait,” said Saycha as he struggled in vain.

Inside it was dark with only a single candle lighting the room. There were piles of books and several large chests, as well as a small bed and stove. There was also a dark hallway that ended in blackness.

“Listen to me and listen good!” snarled Mos as he played with his blade. “My name is Mos Harde and I found something down here not too long ago and it’s not of this world! I need you to take it to Fert Anvey, listen! He’ll know what to do with it, take this!” said Mos as he handed Saycha a medallion.

The medallion is blood red and inside of it there is a man running and shouting angrily.

Saycha didn’t dare touch it, but when he looked at Mos he knew he had no choice. He grabbed it and felt a jolt go through his system and then his thoughts started to race. He knew something was wrong, but he also knew it made him feel good, strong and powerful. He looked at Mos, then the medallion and put it around his neck.

“How do I find Fert Anvey, where I mean?”

“I don’t care how you find him, but get the bells out of here,” said Mos as he pushed Saycha out of the door then said,” Fert can help you, I can’t. Last I saw of him it was in Marbou, but don’t ever come back here with that or it’s the blade!” said Mos as he slammed the door.

Saycha stood there on Hevely hill and was beside himself. He looked down at the medallion and was terrified at the screaming man inside. He looked away quickly and covered it with his coat. He started running back to his village of Consey. He flew down Hevely hill and tripped and fell on his face at the bottom.

He wasn’t hurt, only a scratch on his knee. He jumped up and started sprinting for Consey.

He ran faster than he ever had. His knees were pumping like a steam engine, fueled by terror he ran. He scurried across Luvame Bridge and into the center of Consey. It was midday and there was a flurry of activity. Consey was a humble village with a hundred small dark wood huts with grass roofs. There is also a two story town hall also made of dark wood, with four half moon windows, 1 per side. It also has a pair of 4 foot wide square brown doors with the crest of Lord Beba on each.

There are forty or so chickens running wild in the streets, as well as thirty Moso cats. The Moso have the face of a wild boar and the furry body of a cat and are orange and black stripped.

They have no depth perception and are constantly running into things. They also have the tendency to yawn and make a sound which could only be described as giggling.

The streets in Consey are cobblestone that has been rounded flat and each hut has a cobblestone path leading up to it. The grass and wild flowers went unattended and the streets and paths intersected the tall and ever growing hand of nature. Consey is filled with the smell of nature and baked goods. You’ll find a bubble fountain where small children can dive in and be carried up several feet on a cushion of bubbles. The bubbles pop and they would fall to pool of water below or into the long thick grass beside the fountain.

There are also Palant drawn wagons, some of which are 3 stories high and have entire homes inside them. You can fit 30 Beba comfortably inside with all the amenities of home. They have bedrooms, bathrooms, kitchens and even a dancehall in some. The Beba love to dance and sing and they take every opportunity to do so, especially when they travel.

Saycha ran up the path to his home and quickly went inside and yelled,” Jamce, Dorama, Come Quick!”

Jamce came into the room from the kitchen with Dorama right behind. Jamce is half a hand taller than Saycha and has short curly red hair. His eyes are ocean blue and serious looking. His eyebrows are red, thick and curly like his hair. He wears diamond studded earrings in the shape of a hammer in one ear and an open book in the other. This signifies that he believes firmly in hard work and self enrichment. He is clean shaven and has 9 small tattoo’s of Palant’s doing tasks like pulling wagons, all along his jaw line. Around his neck is a leather necklace with the Beba credo,” We’ll help you when pride won’t let you ask, because this is our task to break bread with the hurt and lonely.” On each of his hands are black leather fingerless workman gloves, worn in around the palm. He has on a white button up shirt and a skinny yellow corduroy vest and brown corduroy pants. He also has on black crushed leather shoes with little red bows on the tips.

Dorama is slightly shorter then Saycha and has long wavy strawberry blonde hair with a braided crown on top and a widows peak. She is strikingly average with classic features, large cherry red lips and dark blue eyes. She has a kind face and thoughtful eyes with a nose like a kitten that turned up slightly at the end. Dangling from each of her ears are 2 white orbs with tiny black centers that carried current. She has a very ample bosom and full figure. She also has petite hands and feet. Around her neck is a necklace with four equidistant blood red hearts and glimmering gold and silver hands in between. She is wearing a frilly white lace dress and black slippers and has on a red diamond ring (a gift from her late father).

“What is it, Saycha, are you alright?” asked Jamce as he set down a silver flask.

“I don’t know, I was given this medallion and told to go to Marbou and find this Fert Anvey and ask him about it. But I don’t know where Marbou is or how to get there and I feel a little sick,” said Saycha quickly as he paced back and forth.

“Wait, Wait, slow down what medallion?” asked Dorama.

Saycha stopped pacing and pulled the medallion up from under his shirt and as he did he felt another shock and lost his balance. He fell helplessly onto Dorama.

“Whoa easy, let’s have a look at this thing,” said Jamce as he took the medallion in his hand.

Jamce said nervously,” I don’t know what or who that is but it’s trouble. We need to find this Fert Anvey and see if he can help us, but I think you should definitely not be wearing it for the time being.”

Saycha started to remove the medallion and felt a horrible pain all over his body causing him to shriek in pain.

“Maybe I have to do it, give it here,” said Dorama as she grabbed the medallion and as she did Saycha screamed in agony.

“It’s not working just leave it be, Please! Wow that really hurt!” said Saycha loudly as he doubled over in pain.

Jamce and Dorama looked at each other in disbelief. Then Jamce said,” That settles it, we’re going to Marbou and we’re going now. There is no telling how long you can wear that medallion before it’s too late.”

“I’ll pack our things and, Jamce, grab as much food as you can,” said Dorama as she hurried into the bedroom.

“Hold on, Saycha, everything will be fine I promise,” said Jamce warmly as he hugged Saycha and then started packing their belongings.

Saycha’s pain had stopped, but not his worry. He feared the medallion would kill him. He looked at the shouting man and felt uneasy. Who is this man and what was he angry about, he wondered.

“Alright we’re off. The wagon and the Palant should be fresh and ready to go I haven’t used them in a week. I’ve heard of this Marbou, it’s a 4 day ride from here, but we can make it in 3!

Saycha don’t worry I’ll get you there,” said Jamce as he put his hands on Saycha’s shoulders.

“I know it, Brother, you won’t let me down,” said Saycha as he embraced Jamce.

Dorama gave Saycha a hug and kissed him on the cheek.

The three of them piled into the wagon and set out for Marbou. It was nearing night fall and the road was lit with fire filled light posts every hundred feet. There was a fog moving in and the way was not clear. Jamce was driving the wagon while Dorama and Saycha were inside alternating paintbrush strokes on a new painting. Dorama thought this might put Saycha at ease and take his mind off the medallion. Unfortunately Saycha couldn’t forget it for more than a second of two and then he was back to worrying.

Jamce was busy worrying as well. He loved his brother and couldn’t bear the thought of losing him, (not after losing both of their parents the previous year to a Canto attack).

Canto looked like wolves only twice the size and had prickly fur like a porcupine. Their teeth are long, jagged, and they are vicious attackers of the Beba out at night.

Their parents had been eaten alive by a pair of Canto as they were returning from the annual Wayhey Arts and Crafts Festival. They had pulled their wagon over to the side of the road because of an amorous urge they both had. And as they were making love the two Canto burst through the door and pounced on them before their father Rodgee could draw his sword.

Maryartha tried to run for the kitchen to grab her dagger and whip, but the Canto leapt onto her back just as she reached for the dagger and all was lost.

Jamce replayed that tragic night over and over in his mind as his Palant guided them through the darkness. He looked up at the 6 green Teame moons and he felt uneasy. His eyes darted into

the woods beside the wagon and something was moving rapidly beside them. He reached for his crossbow and as he did a Canto leapt onto the wagon. Jamce was face to face with it, he squeezed the trigger and the arrow caught the Canto in the shoulder. The Canto was stunned, but it lunged at Jamce. He pulled his dagger and sliced into the Canto’s throat just as the Canto sunk its teeth into his forearm. Then Jamce sunk his blade into its eye and the Canto fell over. Jamce kicked the Canto’s body off the side of the wagon. He coughed and said boldly,” Not tonight, not any night Vile Vermin!”

Jamce went inside the wagon and kept pressure on his wound. He wrapped it in a bandage and grabbed a needle and thread and stitched up the wound himself. After he had he peeked in on Dorama and Saycha and saw that they were fast asleep, he decided not to wake them instead he grabbed a Liple and ate it. Liples are purple in color and square in shape and taste like cinnamon, apples, and blueberries combined. They grew on every other tree in Consey. Jamce decided to grab a few winks himself. The battle with the Canto had worn him out. He wasn’t worried about the Palant they would walk endlessly until commanded to stop. They never deviated from the road. Jamce locked all the doors and windows and sat down gingerly in his bed. His forearm was still throbbing in Pain, but soon he was fast asleep.

When he awoke in the morning he felt something was different. He realized that the wagon had stopped. He jumped out of his bed and unlocked the door, grabbed his dagger and went outside. He was shocked to see that there was a roadblock and a group of men checking every wagon. Dorama and Saycha were awoken by the commotion and came outside as well.