Saydin Mak Doom (The Pentarchy of Solarian: Book #1) by W.D.Worth - HTML preview

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Aelyth Faynir—Also known as ‘Healers’. In the ancient tongue of the Jossians, meaning, ‘Those who help without thought of reward.’

Aether—The fount of universal energy, available to its fullest extent only to those possessed of the Gift of the Swordkind.

Agariel—One of the Magi.

Argus—Lord Marshal of the Gardai.

Arkadies Venn—Born Woden Halfinger, Jain of the Pentarchial Guilds.

Artisans—Guild dealing with all matters pertaining to the arts.

Ashara—Rianna (princess) of Faerwyn-Joss.

Athame—Academy of Swords, situated on Triton, adopted homeworld of the D’ia Mor.

Autolect—teaching aid invented by the Guild of Techniks.

Balthazar—One of the Magi, also acknowledged as the deputy of Fortunatus.

Ben Rishel—Also known as the ‘Spire of Brynn-Jago’. The holy mountain of Faerwyn-Joss.

Blue Cords—Guild dealing with all matters pertaining to foodstuffs.

Bol'ArseInhabitant of the planet Edy, noted for its ugliness by human standards.

Brynn-Jago—One of the Royal Houses of Faerwyn-Joss.

Brynn-Jurish—Also known as ‘Gate of the Heavens’. Sacred burial ground of the Royal Houses of Faerwyn-Joss.

Broodmaster—Title given to the ruler of the Grimman-Seth.

Burin—Giant earth burrowers native to the planet Reamur.

Burin-gita—Flower grown only on the planet Reamur. The sap, when distilled, produces the aphrodisiac known as ‘The Tincture’.

Cachique—Title given to the ruler of the Fifth Wen of Earth.

Cordellyn—Title given to the ruler of the Scantlings.

Crofters—Guild dealing with all matters pertaining to potential indenture contractees.

Croll—Edwin Croll, Deputy Lord Marshal of the Gardai.

Crystals—Better known as Radian Crystals or Power Stones. They are the power source behind much of the technology of the Pentarchy.

Culinar—A word in the Common tongue of the Pentarchy, denoting an individual skilled in the preparation of food.

Dao 'In—An Initiate (wearer of the White Robe of the Swordkind).

Dao N´AthairSword Thane (wearer of the Red Robe).

D'ia Mor—One of the Five Ruling Races of the Pentarchy. They are Swordkind and the original bearers of the Twin Metals.

Daedalus Falken—Genetic Engineer and discoverer of Zurd.

Deemus—Adept of the First Rank. First disciple of the Pat’Riark, and consort of the Lady Niobe.

Dipsoman—A nickname given to the Guild Jain.

Dolf—Top Blade of the Myrmidon.

Drak—Fenton Drak, Proctor of the Rubican Guild.

Dreamsleep—A state most often ascribed to the Zurd, in which they ‘ride the Aether’.

Dream Weaving—A gift attributed to the Dreaming Pair, the only Zurd with the ability to transform dreams into reality.

Dreen—Title of the common soldier of the Grimman-Seth.

Duniel—One of the Magi.

Eldon—One of the Magi.

Ellryn—A lake of surpassing beauty, situated high in the mountains of the Third Earth Wen.

Emnet—One of the Magi.

Empath—More commonly referred to as Healer, or Aelyth Faynir.

Enn—A Trine of the D’ia Mor.

Everlar—A metal of great strength and durability, used in the construction of ships of the Pentarchial Fleet.

F'Arundel—Chieftain of the Guild of Artisans.

Faer-Alon—The Sacred Isle of Earth: Home to the Korda, the Tower of Light, and the Hall of Swords.

Faerwyn-Joss—The Earth Twin. Home to the Royal House of Sid, and one of the five ruling planets of the Pentarchy.

Fano Tuck—Top Blade of the Myrmidon.

Flamen—Name given to the unnatural flame that rests in the Tower of Light, guarded by the Magi.

Fleshdabbler—a derogatory nickname given to Daedalus Falken by the Grimman-Seth.

Fortunatus—Pat’Riark of Swords and leader of the Magi.

Frayle—Member of the Rudd High Council, called the Zuma. Leader of the Caste of Teachers.

Galen—Genetic Engineer whose death remains a matter of legend and mystery. A brilliant former pupil of Daedalus..

Gardai—The guardians of the Pentarchy of Solarian, composed almost entirely of the Swordkind.

Gehenna—Prison planet of the Pentarchy. Also one of the greatest known depositories of Crystals.

Grimman-Seth—Also known as the bird kind. One of the Five Ruling Races of the Pentarchy.

Grimoire—The arcane tome containing the creed of the Magi.

Guild Jain— Title given to Arkadies Venn, the leader of the Pentarchial Guilds.

Gundring—The blade of self-immolation, worn only by the Swordkind. Also called ‘the life-taker’, used by one who has foresworn the oath of the Code.

Gwyllynnhoving—Home hearth of the Scantlings.

Heds—A gang composed of former myrmidon and Guildsmen, who come to power in Ravel after the capture of Earth.

Holomen—The news gatherers of the empire.

Huna—An earth-class planet under the dominion of the Rudd.

Hurn—Better known as the ‘Hurn Cluster’, a spiral galaxy traversing the Null.

Hite—Title given to the former ruler of Reamur, now deposed by the Grimman-Seth.

ILF—Integrated Life Form: living human brain tissue, sensi-linked to electro-mechanical and nanotek systems, and retaining the power of independent thought.

Jarrod Morpath—Procurer of House Mondragon.

Jedron Speer—Commander of the Rim Fleet, and Fifth in the House of Sid.

Jordane—Guardian Adept of the Scrolls.

Judicata—The Judiciary branch of the Pentarchy.

Kiltring—Ways that are ‘strange’, ‘otherworldly’, ‘beyond the norm’.

Kirlin—The Sword Metal.

Kor—Hite of Reamur

Korda—The great edifice lying upon the Sacred Isle of Faer-Alon. Every five cycles, it is home to the Great Moot, the contest in which senior Adepts of the Swordkind vie for the title of Riark of Swords.

Kronus of Tsark—Sentinel of the Scrolls, Lord Warden of the Great Seal, and First Chronicler of the Pentarchy of Solarian.

Kryll—The unique blend of the Metals, Kirlin and Ryl, worn only by the Pat’Riark.

Kulhane—Crystal planet. Home to the Rudakine.

Kundas Jaff—Brother to the Broodmaster of the Grimman-Seth. Appointed Tyrone of Reamur.

Kurdis—Founder of the line of Sid, Royal House of Faerwyn-Joss.

Kholite—Rudd metal used in the construction of their Fortresses of Power.

Landri—One of the High Council of Tsark, and a member of the Septar of Scribes.

Lek Ellryn—The ancestral home of the Clan Brynn-Jago.

Ling Umbrog—In the language of the D’ia Mor, meaning ‘The tongue of the Serpent’.

Luff—A nautical term, describing a sailing vessel that points so close to the wind that her sails begin to flutter.

Malaki—Brother of Landri of Tsark. Also of the Septar of Scribes.

Mendas Jaff—Broodmaster of the Grimman-Seth.

Mendiko—Prince of Faerwyn-Joss. Fourth in the Royal House of Sid.

Michael—One of the Magi.

Minniken  A’Shinn—Bride of Wyndym Bowbedrift, Cordellyn of the Scantlings.

Morne—Translated freely, meaning ‘Mountain’.

Myr—Member of the Rudd Zuma. Keeper of the Roll of the Sacred Lineage.

Myrmidon—Name given to the rank and file of the Gardai, i.e. those not of the Swordkind.

Manicou—A large, fruit-eating rodent, native to Faer-Alon.

Niobe—Sister to the Archduke of Brigantia. Also one of the Magi, and Domina of the Aelyth Faynir.

Null—Name given to the circular neutral zone intersecting all five pentarchial realms.

Nylren—A spire sitting upon the solitary landmass of Rudan.

Odrim Sid—Rigan of Faerwyn-Joss and Pentarch of the empire.

Owen's Fountain—Lying at the center of the Hub in Ravel, the fountain stands as the tribute to Archduke Owen Mondragon, father of Victor, who died in the Battle of Hurin, fought during the Great War against the Grimman-Seth.

Pat'Riark—Title given to Fortunatus, first and greatest of the Swordkind.

Pentarchy—The Pentarchy of Solarian. The empire consisting of the five realms: The humans of Earth and Faerwyn-Joss; the human kind known as the D’ia Mor, inhabiting the planet Triton; the bird kind of Aurora; and the water-breathers of Rudan.

Praad—The secret ruling council of the D’ia Mor. Composed of the most sacred number of 3*3.

Pentarch—Title given to those leaders of the five pentarchial realms maintaining political structures with absolute rulers by decree.

Pentarcha—The female equivalent of Pentarch.

Pentark—Salariat slang, meaning ‘one who possesses the equivalent of five hundred tarks’.

Pent—Solarian currency, equivalent to one hundred quints.

Permasol—Life fluid used to house the brain matter of an ILF.

Quint—The lowest denomination of Solarian Currency.

Reamur—The desert planet under the dominion of the Grimman-Seth. Home of both the burin and the burin-gita.

Reed Brynn-Jago—Prince of Faerwyn-Joss. Related to the ruling Clan of Sid.

Rem—One of the Magi.

Renar—Guardian Adept of the Genetic Engineer, Daedalus Falken.

Rian—Prince of Faerwyn-Joss. Title given to the son of the Rigan.

Rianna—Princess of Faerwyn-Joss. Title given to the daughter of the Rigan.

Riark—Title given to the current victor of the Korda.

Rik—One of the D’ia Mor Trines.

Rim—Name given to the area shunned by Zurd, and therefore all ships of the Pentarchy.

Rodoken—Rudd symbol denoting the legendary creature of fire.

Rohan—One of the Magi.

Romanus Fern—Deputy Commander of the Radian Fleet

Rubican—The most important and powerful of the Guilds. Entrusted with all commerce relating to precious stones and gems—including the Radian Crystals.

Rudan—Homeworld of the Rudd.

Rudakine—Kindred race to the Rudd.

Ruderai—Warrior caste of the Rudd.

Ryl—The Shield Metal.

Rigan—Title of the ruler of Faerwyn-Joss.

Riganna—Title given to either the wife of the Rigan, or the female ruler in her own right.

Salariat—Name given to common citizens of the Pentarchy as a whole.

Saydin Mak D´hum—According to the creed of the Magi, the name meaning ‘the Chosen One’ or ‘the one who shall be reborn’.

Scantlings—Inhabitants of the Zurd dream-heaven, Shi’Merah.

Senach—Also called ‘Nomads’. Actually the descendants of the lost Space Fleet of pre-Cloister.

Septar—Tsarkin word denoting a particular caste, as in the ‘Septar of Scribes’.

Shaan—Shaan of Sid: Rian (crown prince) of Faerwyn-Joss. Brother of Ashara and son of Odrim.

Shabin—Slang, denoting a person other than Zurd who is lacking in skin pigmentation.

Shagtusk—Giant, elephant-like creature native to the planet Rain.

Shaleen—Princess of Reamur. Daughter of the Hite and consort of Mendiko of Sid.

Sharn—Site lying upon the slopes of Thunderfell. Home of the great falls, sometimes known as ‘The Well of Sharn’.

Sherlyn Faer-Van—Ancestral home of the Sids.

Shida Khan—Lord of the Second Earth Wen.

Shiul Mha D´In—In the tongue of the D’ia Mor, meaning ‘Adept of the Swordkind’.

Sleef—Water retentive suit worn by the Rudd. Also known as, ‘lave’.

Stunty A’Shinn—Dream-seeker of the Scantlings.

Swordkind—Name given to all those possessing the Gift, and bearing the Twin Metals, Kirlin and Ryl.

Tark—Highest denomination of Solarian currency, equivalent to a thousand pents.

Technik—The second most powerful of the Guilds, dealing with all machinery and equipment of a technological nature, as well as the materials used for their construction.

Teklume—Lighting material. One of the many inventions of the Technik’s Guild.

Telfiber—Connective material used in constructing receptors and transmitters. Most commonly associated with ILF technology.

Telluria—Also known as ‘Rain’.

Tharfi—The last of the dog kind, and one of the few surviving species of pre-Cloister.

Thorgrim Halfinger—Brother of Woden, and Baron of the Third Earth Wen.

Thraxe—Essentially a Robin, transposed from Earth but known by this name on Faerwyn-Joss.

Tiswin—A highly intoxicating beverage with aphrodisiac properties. A less potent derivative of the burin-gita plant than the Tincture.

Tsark—One of the countless planets in the Pentarchy, yet one noted for its caste of Scribes.

Tyrone—Title given by the Grimman-Seth to the commander of the occupying forces on the conquered planet of Reamur.

Ulric Germanicus—Adept of the First Rank and former Commander of the Radian Fleet. Appointed Lord Warden of Gehenna.

Ursus—One of the Magi.

Volnar—One of the Magi.

Vull—First Talon of the Grimman-Seth Clan of the High Halcyon.

Wen—Name given to each of the five domains of Earth, reconfigured as fiefdoms after the coming of the Norn.

Wenlord—Title given to the ruler of one of the Earth Wens.

Woden Halfinger—(See Arkadies Venn or Guild Jain).

Wyndym Bowbedrift—Cordellyn (ruler) of the Scantlings.

Y'Lys-yn—Beings of the True Fire…the only true Elementals spawned of the four Earth Elements.

Zawl—The ancient fighting blade of the Sleet mercenaries.

Zel—Zel Mondragon, son of Archduke Victor and heir apparent to the Mondragon line.

Zuma—The High Council of the Rudd.

Zurd—Drinkers of blood and the cornerstone of the empire. With their ability to leap unimaginable distances in the blink of an eye, they link all the innumerable planets of the Pentarchy into a cohesive unit.